Here is the official council policy towards the Hibbert Lane site passed onto me this evening by Cllr. Andrew Bispham. It is really a consolidation of what Paul Lawrence said during the Area Committee in the Park session:
Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College Site at Marple
Briefing to Marple members: Paul Lawrence, Service Director, Place Development
We are aware that Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College is looking to fund campus improvements, and one option is to sell its Hibbert Lane site.
We understand that the College has carried out some market testing to establish the potential value of the land.
This site is not specifically allocated for residential development, but it is within a predominantly residential area. The playing field areas are allocated as Local Open Space.
We have informed the College of the appropriate uses of the site. These include: residential, educational and community uses, and some leisure limited to existing levels of provision. Current policy states that existing levels of open space should be maintained. Local retail development (less than 200 sq. metres in area), may be acceptable, should the developer be able to demonstrate that there were no alternative and suitable sites within or closer to the centre.
We consider that in planning policy terms, larger scale retail development on this site, above 200 sq. metres, is not acceptable. Any retail schemes in Stockport, outside existing shopping areas, need to show that there are no possible alternative sites within or closer to the centre. In addition, an `impact assessment` would need to be carried out, to determine whether or not the development would affect the vitality and viability of existing centres.
There have been no direct discussions between the Council and retail developers about the site, nor have there been any discussions about existing or new leisure provision.
We understand that any covenant on the land would not prevent its future development.
Briefing Note given to Marple Councillors at meeting on Friday 22/7/2011 @ 12:00