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Author Topic: Traffic  (Read 8198 times)

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Re: Traffic
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2011, 06:42:28 PM »
people in council houses dont have cars!  what planet are u on
Not ours obviously!Beam me up Scottie.Is Duke not aware of the high number of social housing estates in Marple?I know of seven.Thats a lot of cars. ::) ::)


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 06:05:59 PM »
Let’s be realistic here. If, a new supermarket opened how much NEW traffic would this create from people in Marple Bridge, High Lane, Offerton, Romiley, Strines. Don’t forget we currently have a one lane canal bridge in hawk green and up 4 junctions at the other end in Marple. Even if you don’t live directly around Hibbert Lane this will affect you if it goes ahead. Think about current journey times in rush hour traffic and then add  hundred’s of new car’s, trucks, articulated lorries a day. The idea is insane. Act now, don’t complain later.

 if houses were to be built on the Hibert lane site how many extra cars do you think that would generate .how many  houses would they  .get on that site 

If they were council houses, they wouldn't be able to afford cars.

A quick tour of the local council estates would soon put that myth to bed.


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2011, 05:54:47 PM »
people in council houses dont have cars!  what planet are u on


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2011, 09:45:57 PM »
Re traffic - I have to cross Hibbert Lane at the mini-roundabout at 5-ish bringing the kids from after-school club. Sometimes this is by car (on my way home from work - not a special journey!) sometimes on foot. Frequently traffic is backed up a fair way up Church Lane and even further down Hibbert Lane (from the college) as the junction at Hibbert La/Stockport Rd can't cope with the traffic. Some drivers helpfully keep the roundabout clear so you can still cross from Church Lane, some don't.

I can only see this getting much worse with supermarket traffic from customers and deliveries - in fact it will be a nightmare, with more drivers using residential roads as rat-runs. I agree with mrhooper - insane idea.  >:(

But if council houses were built - at least the cars would be nice new ones, with low emissions.

Duke Fame

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Re: Traffic
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2011, 09:43:06 PM »
Let’s be realistic here. If, a new supermarket opened how much NEW traffic would this create from people in Marple Bridge, High Lane, Offerton, Romiley, Strines. Don’t forget we currently have a one lane canal bridge in hawk green and up 4 junctions at the other end in Marple. Even if you don’t live directly around Hibbert Lane this will affect you if it goes ahead. Think about current journey times in rush hour traffic and then add  hundred’s of new car’s, trucks, articulated lorries a day. The idea is insane. Act now, don’t complain later.

 if houses were to be built on the Hibert lane site how many extra cars do you think that would generate .how many  houses would they  .get on that site 

If they were council houses, they wouldn't be able to afford cars.


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2011, 09:33:16 PM »
Let’s be realistic here. If, a new supermarket opened how much NEW traffic would this create from people in Marple Bridge, High Lane, Offerton, Romiley, Strines. Don’t forget we currently have a one lane canal bridge in hawk green and up 4 junctions at the other end in Marple. Even if you don’t live directly around Hibbert Lane this will affect you if it goes ahead. Think about current journey times in rush hour traffic and then add  hundred’s of new car’s, trucks, articulated lorries a day. The idea is insane. Act now, don’t complain later.

 if houses were to be built on the Hibert lane site how many extra cars do you think that would generate .how many  houses would they  .get on that site  

I'm guessing they'd get around 15/20 houses on the site, which would generate anywhere from 30 to 40 cars at 2 cars a house. Now, compare that to the possible thousands of cars that could potentually be generated throughout the day. No competition.

Do you think these would be footballer's mansions?

They've built 99 homes on the Klondike site, and that's smaller.
pardon my ingnorance, but where is the "Klondike site"?
Also, there is no way in heck that 99 houses could fit on that site, not with gardens, an access road, driveways, and a parking area.
the fact that the houses in marple are generally rather large, and, as with any modern development (like the one near peacefield school) the houses are generally huge (some of the houses there bulding have something rediculous like 5 bedrooms!!!) remember that they can't touch the playing field, as its included in the "open spaces" afair (sorry, that name might not be right).

Google is your friend.

The Klondike site is the former Park & Patterson Foundry site off Cross Lane.

See http://interactive.stockport.gov.uk/edrms/onlinemvm/getimage.asp?DocumentNumber=20519 for the original planning document.

BTW there is nothing ridiculous about a 5 bedroom house if 5 or more people are living in it. And not all houses in Marple are large. Look what they built on the old Bowling Green site.


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2011, 09:10:29 PM »
Let’s be realistic here. If, a new supermarket opened how much NEW traffic would this create from people in Marple Bridge, High Lane, Offerton, Romiley, Strines. Don’t forget we currently have a one lane canal bridge in hawk green and up 4 junctions at the other end in Marple. Even if you don’t live directly around Hibbert Lane this will affect you if it goes ahead. Think about current journey times in rush hour traffic and then add  hundred’s of new car’s, trucks, articulated lorries a day. The idea is insane. Act now, don’t complain later.

 if houses were to be built on the Hibert lane site how many extra cars do you think that would generate .how many  houses would they  .get on that site  

I'm guessing they'd get around 15/20 houses on the site, which would generate anywhere from 30 to 40 cars at 2 cars a house. Now, compare that to the possible thousands of cars that could potentually be generated throughout the day. No competition.

Do you think these would be footballer's mansions?

They've built 99 homes on the Klondike site, and that's smaller.
pardon my ingnorance, but where is the "Klondike site"?
Also, there is no way in heck that 99 houses could fit on that site, not with gardens, an access road, driveways, and a parking area.
the fact that the houses in marple are generally rather large, and, as with any modern development (like the one near peacefield school) the houses are generally huge (some of the houses there bulding have something rediculous like 5 bedrooms!!!) remember that they can't touch the playing field, as its included in the "open spaces" afair (sorry, that name might not be right).


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2011, 09:06:39 PM »
Let’s be realistic here. If, a new supermarket opened how much NEW traffic would this create from people in Marple Bridge, High Lane, Offerton, Romiley, Strines. Don’t forget we currently have a one lane canal bridge in hawk green and up 4 junctions at the other end in Marple. Even if you don’t live directly around Hibbert Lane this will affect you if it goes ahead. Think about current journey times in rush hour traffic and then add  hundred’s of new car’s, trucks, articulated lorries a day. The idea is insane. Act now, don’t complain later.

 if houses were to be built on the Hibert lane site how many extra cars do you think that would generate .how many  houses would they  .get on that site 

I'm guessing they'd get around 15/20 houses on the site, which would generate anywhere from 30 to 40 cars at 2 cars a house. Now, compare that to the possible thousands of cars that could potentually be generated throughout the day. No competition.

Do you think these would be footballer's mansions?

They've built 99 homes on the Klondike site, and that's smaller.


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2011, 08:48:34 PM »
Let’s be realistic here. If, a new supermarket opened how much NEW traffic would this create from people in Marple Bridge, High Lane, Offerton, Romiley, Strines. Don’t forget we currently have a one lane canal bridge in hawk green and up 4 junctions at the other end in Marple. Even if you don’t live directly around Hibbert Lane this will affect you if it goes ahead. Think about current journey times in rush hour traffic and then add  hundred’s of new car’s, trucks, articulated lorries a day. The idea is insane. Act now, don’t complain later.

 if houses were to be built on the Hibert lane site how many extra cars do you think that would generate .how many  houses would they  .get on that site 

I'm guessing they'd get around 15/20 houses on the site, which would generate anywhere from 30 to 40 cars at 2 cars a house. Now, compare that to the possible thousands of cars that could potentually be generated throughout the day. No competition.


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 08:46:37 PM »
Let’s be realistic here. If, a new supermarket opened how much NEW traffic would this create from people in Marple Bridge, High Lane, Offerton, Romiley, Strines. Don’t forget we currently have a one lane canal bridge in hawk green and up 4 junctions at the other end in Marple. Even if you don’t live directly around Hibbert Lane this will affect you if it goes ahead. Think about current journey times in rush hour traffic and then add  hundred’s of new car’s, trucks, articulated lorries a day. The idea is insane. Act now, don’t complain later.

 if houses were to be built on the Hibert lane site how many extra cars do you think that would generate .how many  houses would they  .get on that site 


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Re: Traffic
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 12:15:47 PM »


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« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 09:36:44 AM »
Let’s be realistic here. If, a new supermarket opened how much NEW traffic would this create from people in Marple Bridge, High Lane, Offerton, Romiley, Strines. Don’t forget we currently have a one lane canal bridge in hawk green and up 4 junctions at the other end in Marple. Even if you don’t live directly around Hibbert Lane this will affect you if it goes ahead. Think about current journey times in rush hour traffic and then add  hundred’s of new car’s, trucks, articulated lorries a day. The idea is insane. Act now, don’t complain later.