Oh goodness me ! Let's not have another bun fight over a few posters ! Don't forget I am supposed to be Marple's working class hero
. As someone kindly pointed out on this very forum lol
Its not a bun fight MM. I was only pointing out that you can not blame the yes people for removing posters. There are MANY people who are fed up of seeing posters dotted around everywhere Yes and No ones and are removing them.
Any evidence for these "many people"?
Also, I know that the chances of it being anyone affiliated with the "Yes" campagian, however, it does seem convienent that A. only "no" posters were removed and B. they were removed around the time of the interview.
I also aggree with MM here, we shouldn't get in a "heated discussion" about these signs/posters. all its going to lead to is people going away with there tail between there legs.
I also don't find a problem with Martyn's post, hes not attacking anyone, infact, he's calling those people who do own there house "lucky"!