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Author Topic: Say 'No' Awareness Signs  (Read 41215 times)

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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #58 on: September 26, 2011, 02:30:25 PM »
Marple_syrup, that is one sweet post  ;D
In all seriousness though, That post has to be one of the best i've seen!
I aggree that BOTH sides need to "lighten up" a little, and need to stop jumping to conclusions!
MIA need to stop posting things that haven't been confirmed, and the "yes" campaigners need to make sure that they post facts, and try their damn hardest to "take things on ths chin". I also feel the "yes" campaigners need to stop posting half sentences on their facebook, which only give a snippet of what has actually been said.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #57 on: September 26, 2011, 01:10:47 PM »
What a fantastic and thought provoking post.I feel for you and your family and would suspect this post is a true representation of many MIA supporters.I do not know where you live,but I feel so sorry for the home owners especially around the four sides of the college site who could possibly find their selves in negative equity.Add this to the increased conjestion and the possible demise of the local shops then Marple will not be the attractive place you thought you were buying into.I am not surprised that some people get nasty and overheated.They are fighting for their future!So if protecting yourself and your family causes so much outrage to the Yes people so be it.I just wish more people had a social conscience ::)
oops! double post due to spelling correction.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #56 on: September 26, 2011, 12:52:57 PM »
What a fantastic and thought provoking post.I feel for you and you're family and would suspect this post is a true representation of many MIA supporters.I do not know where you live,but I feel so sorry for the home owners especially around the four sides of the college site who could possibly find their selves in negative equity.Add this to the increased conjestion and the possible demise of the local shops then Marple will not be the attractive place you thought you were buying into.I am not surprised that some people get nasty and overheated.They are fighting for their future!So if protecting yourself and your family causes so much outrage to the Yes people so be it.I just wish more people had a social conscience ::)


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #55 on: September 26, 2011, 11:34:29 AM »
The point I was trying to make, Tina, was that we all need to appreciate that th 'extremist' types act on their own behalf on both sides, as opposed to representing their campaigns. Nobody said it was you, and I certainly didn't call you 'thick' or say you couldn't read.

Often individuals' opinions are quoted on here as being representative of MIA, and time and again it has to be pointed out that individual opinions on the forum are just that.
On the flip side, when signs are stolen and the culprits are called scallies, it is treated as outrageous that this could be related to the opposing campaign.  If the post related to a faction of the group being scallies, there is no need for you to take personal umbrage.  I am in support of MIA, but if one on here expresses a personal opinion which you respond to, I don't take that as a personal sleight.

Everybody needs to stop with the sweeping generalisations, it is clear that some people act purely under their own steam and it is unfortunate that These people support either group.

In general, I think all - but particularly the 'yes' campaigners I have read, need to be less touchy.
When an opinion is expressed it is very easy for you to dismiss this as a class issue, inconsiderate snobbery.  This is unfair, as if people having money have no right to have an opinion.  
I have a young family, can't afford childare and between me, my wife and family members manage this.  I work most nights and go a day without sleep once a fortnight to ensure we can provide.
But I oppose a large scale supermarket on Hibbert Lane.
I work hard to live in a nice area, and I think whatever spin is put on it, a large supermarket would detract from this in terms of dominating the town centre, havinga detrimental effect on traffic and the infrastructure of the area being changed to accommodate this.  
I could easily work slightly less and try to save money, and to this end no doubt a supermarket would help... But don't insult me by trying to turn it into a class war and saying that your views are representative of working families.  They are not.  Nobody has an ingrained right to live anywhere, but my home is my sanctuary and I work extremely hard to have that.  My opinion is as much valid as anyone else's, and I am unhappy to hear some areas of the yes campaign acting as though they represent 'the unspoken majority'.

  In fact, it appears to me as a relative observer as I speak little, that most (but not all) MIA members are at least considered.  They at least do appear to be trying to get facts.  It appears to be a nmber of the yes campaign who simply do not listen to valid arguments raised within the no campaign, and too often dismiss information as speculation and conjecture without even considering the logic behind it or the efforts used to obtain it.

  As I understand it MIA supports a supermarket, but not a big one on Hibbert Lane.  Yes have made it clear that they want a supermarket, but when issues of infrastructure and devaluation relating to the large Hibbert Lane site are raised they are simply dismissed as being scaremongering. I've heard people saying 'the size of the site is just speculation and scaremongering'... Something like the size of the site, given from the planning department, is quite indisputable.  


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #54 on: September 25, 2011, 11:14:59 PM »
Feel free to report him on Facebook but other than that, drop it.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #53 on: September 25, 2011, 11:13:14 PM »
Mm, I am not responsible for writing those offensive things. It wasn't taken from my account, it was taken from my brothers account. As much as I think my brother is an absolute plonka I am not going to delete him from my Facebook because he is my brother.  I don't know if he is in favour of the supermarket, he is nothing to do with the yes group. I cannot help who my brother is


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2011, 11:07:35 PM »

Tina you can also be very rude but you are sadly not as open as other people and prefer to wind people up
on the YES facebook page.  Now I think we should all calm down and get on with the job in hand. I am still
very shocked at what I have just read on this forum from a supporter of the YES campaign and frankly can
not believe that people can get away with putting things like that on Face Book.  There could be a lot of
trouble to come for those people concerned so I would now like to totally distance myself for interaction with
anyone remotely linked to that Face Book page

Why am I rude, please explain. I have been polite and asked for facts to be shown which you said you would do but have chosen not to.
Also that post Martyn made from someones facebook page has nothing to do with the yes group so why does it keep getting mentioned? those post's said 2010... so Martyn must of spent a long time looking through that persons facebook page, to get the responce it is now getting. A person can not be made responsible for another persons post. So leave her alone now its not fair!

Miss Marple

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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #51 on: September 25, 2011, 11:00:26 PM »
Surely though tina, you have to admit that it is A little, "convienient"? that most of the "no" posters, which were being displayed according to law, were removed within 24/48 hours of the "photoshoot" for the yes group.
Now, These "scallies" are most certianly not part of the "yes" campaign, we know that. however, they are showing there support for the "yes" campaign, albet by means that are law breaking.
Long story short these idiots are making life harder for themselves.

Does anyone know when MIA will be issueing replacement signs?
Tina you can also be very rude but you are sadly not as open as other people and prefer to wind people up
on the YES facebook page.  Now I think we should all calm down and get on with the job in hand. I am still
very shocked at what I have just read on this forum from a supporter of the YES campaign and frankly can
not believe that people can get away with putting things like that on Face Book.  There could be a lot of
trouble to come for those people concerned so I would now like to totally distance myself for interaction with
anyone remotely linked to that Face Book page


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #50 on: September 25, 2011, 10:25:35 PM »
Surely though tina, you have to admit that it is A little, "convienient"? that most of the "no" posters, which were being displayed according to law, were removed within 24/48 hours of the "photoshoot" for the yes group.
Now, These "scallies" are most certianly not part of the "yes" campaign, we know that. however, they are showing there support for the "yes" campaign, albet by means that are law breaking.
Long story short these idiots are making life harder for themselves.

Does anyone know when MIA will be issueing replacement signs?

my point was you can't blame the yes group as yes posters have been taken aswell. This pettiness is now really tiresome. It seems to me there are bad on both sides Martyn for one is just rude and how he gets away with posting on this forum is beyond me! along with skyguy who is just as rude!


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #49 on: September 25, 2011, 10:23:36 PM »
We hardly had time to organise the photo's nevermind going out late at night revmoving posters. Most of us are very busy people. I live on Hibbert lane and know for a fact that the people doing this are just drunk chavs, i get woken up to the sound of them doing it as they walk along drunk. The people who did that would be too hungover to be out having their pictures taken. Stop making accusations. If i had a video camera i would catch them at it just to shut you  up.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #48 on: September 25, 2011, 10:14:53 PM »
Surely though tina, you have to admit that it is A little, "convienient"? that most of the "no" posters, which were being displayed according to law, were removed within 24/48 hours of the "photoshoot" for the yes group.
Now, These "scallies" are most certianly not part of the "yes" campaign, we know that. however, they are showing there support for the "yes" campaign, albet by means that are law breaking.
Long story short these idiots are making life harder for themselves.

Does anyone know when MIA will be issueing replacement signs?

Miss Marple

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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #47 on: September 25, 2011, 10:00:30 PM »
I didn't notice the post referring to the 'yes' group removing the posters, it only seemed to say 'dealing with a bunch of scallies', which is open to interpretation.  Don't always assume offence from the 'no' group or this will rumble on into something it needn't be.
Regarding witnessing a sign being removed, please tell me you didn't just drive by a trespasser removing someone's personal property and assume this to be ok? As stated, anyone removing posters of either 'side' from private property is committing an offence. 
If I witness someone in a vehicle removing signs from gardens the Police will be involved, petty as that sounds.  Freedom to express opinion in a non-offensive way is important.
Well said Marple Syrup what a very sensible post  ;D


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #46 on: September 25, 2011, 09:49:20 PM »
I didn't notice the post referring to the 'yes' group removing the posters, it only seemed to say 'dealing with a bunch of scallies', which is open to interpretation.  Don't always assume offence from the 'no' group or this will rumble on into something it needn't be.
Regarding witnessing a sign being removed, please tell me you didn't just drive by a trespasser removing someone's personal property and assume this to be ok? As stated, anyone removing posters of either 'side' from private property is committing an offence. 
If I witness someone in a vehicle removing signs from gardens the Police will be involved, petty as that sounds.  Freedom to express opinion in a non-offensive way is important.

Convenient that 90% of 'NO' signs were removed from gardens on hibbert lane near the college last night ready for their photoshoot , just shows what immature scallys we are dealing with. Radio interview was comical also , scaremongering about house depreciation ....... Lets get one thing straight , if you are lucky enough to own your own house (as some don't and it wouldn't affect them) on Hibbert Lane very near to where the supermarket would be built , depreciation of house value is a certainty.
READY FOR THEIR PHOTOSHOOT to me mean the yes people as it was a photoshoot for the yes group. I'm not thick you know! I can read


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2011, 09:35:02 PM »
I didn't notice the post referring to the 'yes' group removing the posters, it only seemed to say 'dealing with a bunch of scallies', which is open to interpretation.  Don't always assume offence from the 'no' group or this will rumble on into something it needn't be.
Regarding witnessing a sign being removed, please tell me you didn't just drive by a trespasser removing someone's personal property and assume this to be ok? As stated, anyone removing posters of either 'side' from private property is committing an offence. 
If I witness someone in a vehicle removing signs from gardens the Police will be involved, petty as that sounds.  Freedom to express opinion in a non-offensive way is important.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #44 on: September 25, 2011, 08:37:26 PM »
I thought the "yes" posters were only on display in windows?
I have no idea why the "yes" people would remove there only posters, although it could be a distraction technique.... maybe I've been watching to much murder she wrote as of late  ;D