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Author Topic: Say 'No' Awareness Signs  (Read 41172 times)

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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #103 on: October 06, 2011, 04:56:12 PM »
It's interesting you mention the possibility of the new building being "quite a bit smaller". Buxton lane (where my Geography lesson takes place) Is, if anything, too small! The classroom Isn't being enough to handle the 27+ students in my class, We have to borrow tables and chairs from other rooms, which their isn't room for!
Although I must say, the sooner the college gets this "new building" the better! And I hope it has A/C  ::)

As a offtopicish point, I feel that this bickering between the college, MIA and "yes" (the same bickering I have partaken in) is getting nowhere. Insted, ALL I repeat ALL parties need to sit round the table together, and figure a solution out that works, For everyone. Including the students.

It's healthy and harmless though isn't it ? What else would we be doing ? Drinking, dancing and enjoying ourselves !     I have just taken a bite out of your tree of knowledge  ;D
I don't drink and can't dance to save my life :P FYI, the tree's poisonous, See, theres a good reason why I said not to take a bite from it  ::)

Miss Marple

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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #102 on: October 04, 2011, 06:58:15 PM »
It's interesting you mention the possibility of the new building being "quite a bit smaller". Buxton lane (where my Geography lesson takes place) Is, if anything, too small! The classroom Isn't being enough to handle the 27+ students in my class, We have to borrow tables and chairs from other rooms, which their isn't room for!
Although I must say, the sooner the college gets this "new building" the better! And I hope it has A/C  ::)

As a offtopicish point, I feel that this bickering between the college, MIA and "yes" (the same bickering I have partaken in) is getting nowhere. Insted, ALL I repeat ALL parties need to sit round the table together, and figure a solution out that works, For everyone. Including the students.

It's healthy and harmless though isn't it ? What else would we be doing ? Drinking, dancing and enjoying ourselves !     I have just taken a bite out of your tree of knowledge  ;D


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #101 on: October 03, 2011, 12:20:44 AM »
It's interesting you mention the possibility of the new building being "quite a bit smaller". Buxton lane (where my Geography lesson takes place) Is, if anything, too small! The classroom Isn't being enough to handle the 27+ students in my class, We have to borrow tables and chairs from other rooms, which their isn't room for!
Although I must say, the sooner the college gets this "new building" the better! And I hope it has A/C  ::)

As a offtopicish point, I feel that this bickering between the college, MIA and "yes" (the same bickering I have partaken in) is getting nowhere. Insted, ALL I repeat ALL parties need to sit round the table together, and figure a solution out that works, For everyone. Including the students.
Well said!!
When i was there we had too many people in 1 tiny room...very clostraphobic!! There is no way the no and yes would sit round and 'discuss what is best or both parties' as we all know a rather large heated debate would occur and nothing would g 'settled'
I am a huge beleiver in havin a supermarket, but i also understand some of the no campaigners points.
Neither the yes or no can stop the college selling to a supermarket (afterall they are thehighest bidders) its something we all have to just wait and see.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #100 on: September 30, 2011, 10:28:36 PM »
It's interesting you mention the possibility of the new building being "quite a bit smaller". Buxton lane (where my Geography lesson takes place) Is, if anything, too small! The classroom Isn't being enough to handle the 27+ students in my class, We have to borrow tables and chairs from other rooms, which their isn't room for!
Although I must say, the sooner the college gets this "new building" the better! And I hope it has A/C  ::)

As a offtopicish point, I feel that this bickering between the college, MIA and "yes" (the same bickering I have partaken in) is getting nowhere. Insted, ALL I repeat ALL parties need to sit round the table together, and figure a solution out that works, For everyone. Including the students.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #99 on: September 30, 2011, 07:26:34 PM »
I think you'll find there's ample space at Buxton Lane for the college to build what it needs, without building significantly higher than the present Buxton Lane. Also, it's important to realise that the floor area of a new building will not be as great as what they are replacing at Hibbert Lane. One of the main reasons for getting rid of Hibbert Lane is that is used very inefficiently, because it was built as a secondary school. Consequently, many of the rooms are the wrong size: schools have nice neat classes of 30 kids - 6th form colleges don't: far from it! So the new building, being purpose built, should be quite a bit smaller.

Miss Marple

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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #98 on: September 30, 2011, 04:08:09 PM »
But it's more than the building costs ! It's about relocating everything on a  very small plot of land and if Tina's conversation with Ms Cassidy is right , when she was informed that they were not building higher on the Buxton Lane Site, even though MIA have been informed that they are planning to go a few blocks higher, where are they going to relocate all the facilities from Hibbert Lane ?   I was at the very least hoping for a roof top swimming Pool at the Buxton Lane Site ,  if there is going to be a roundabout on the new road  ;). The truth will be out later this month so lets all wait and see


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #97 on: September 30, 2011, 03:49:25 PM »
It's not speculation, Miss M, just as it isn't guessing either!  It's (somewhat ball-park) construction cost estimating, based on actual experience of multi-million pound building projects at a college.  Trust me - I've done it.

Miss Marple

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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #96 on: September 30, 2011, 03:19:37 PM »
Just a thought Dave ! How is it that you can speculate but when anyone else does you class it as rumour or scare mongering  ;D.  Not that I am in the least concerned but a valid point I feel !  Just my opinion !


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #95 on: September 30, 2011, 02:21:25 PM »
One thing is clear, though - with numbers at Cheadle falling so much more than at Marple, it is even less likely that the college will want to divert capital receipts from Hibbert Lane to invest at Cheadle - where the buildings are much better already, anyway.

Here's a perverse thought with no merit to it at all. Maybe the new buildings at Cheadle are turning students off and we should be teaching in the oldest and nastiest buildings possible ;)


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #94 on: September 30, 2011, 01:36:44 PM »
Dave, there are two "worksheets" in the spreadsheet for which you can see the tabs for at the bottom of the windows (if you're using Excel or Open Office. I haven't tested it in Google Docs). One shows the numbers for the Marple campus and the other for the Cheadle campus.

Many thanks Howard - I got there in the end  ::)

Yes, interesting data, isn't it.  The dramatic drop in numbers last year (especially at Cheadle) must be quite a significant issue for them.  It's far from a 'downward spiral' (yet), but if enrolments don't recover this year then they will have some challenges to face. 

One thing is clear, though - with numbers at Cheadle falling so much more than at Marple, it is even less likely that the college will want to divert capital receipts from Hibbert Lane to invest at Cheadle - where the buildings are much better already, anyway. 


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #93 on: September 30, 2011, 01:21:01 PM »
'roughly estimating' what you think is will cost to renovate theBuxton Lane site based on absolutely nothing but your own guessing!

I was certainly not 'guessing', marple_syrup, and I'm sorry if I did not spell that out clearly enough.   I repeat, I was drawing on directly relevant personal experience.  But if you refuse to believe me, then do it the long way and plough through this!   

In that report you will find repeated references to average new build costs between £900 and £1,300 per.sq.m.  Now given that that report is about five years old, updating it for inflation confirms that £1,500 per sq.m. is a realstic figure, possibly even a generous one.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #92 on: September 30, 2011, 12:46:41 PM »
Dave, interesting of you to counter my speculation and rumour with your own proof that they'll have enough money and the funds will be reinvested into Marple by 'roughly estimating' what you think is will cost to renovate theBuxton Lane site based on absolutely nothing but your own guessing!

I think what the spreadsheets show is that college numbers are decreasing, and it would be interesting to see this years student intake.  I stand by my belief that the money would not necessarily all be reinvested into Marple, and that the Cheadle site, with it's quite dramatic drop in numbers, would receive some of that benefit.  Like I said, it's what you believe and why.  Again, given Dave you think that the books are sound at the college, i don't believe that the large supermarket on the Hibbert Lane site is in any way the answer to getting the college money it professes to need, given the collateral impact I believe it would have, and your guesstimations as to costs to turn Buxton Lane into this superb facility don't inspire any confidence in me at all.

I'd add that this argument is pretty shaky even if you only consider the college, and don't take any of the extraneous factors into account.  That you are happy to risk the rest of the problems the shop could cause to Marple on this gamble is quite frightening to me.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #91 on: September 30, 2011, 11:07:57 AM »
Hadn't you better add the relatively-newly-opened Stockport Academy to your list of sixth-form providers. Otherwise it looks, from the total number of students in the area in 2010-2011, as if about 1900 of them must have joined the armed forces.


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #90 on: September 30, 2011, 10:25:40 AM »
Thanks sgk.  If I click on the first of your links, I get an exchange of communications between Steve Kay and camsfc.  When I click on the file attached to  Andrew Hubert's letter of 2 September, all I get is one Excel spreadsheet headed 'Cheadle Postcode Analysis', which gives three years figures only.  What am I doing wrong?    ???


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Re: Say 'No' Awareness Signs
« Reply #89 on: September 30, 2011, 10:17:44 AM »
Yes, as pointed out in the earlier posts, all the numbers are from the recent FOI requests. 


Here's a little summary.

(Some empty cells because only Aquinas was able to provide 2011 figures)