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Author Topic: Jolly Sailor  (Read 41604 times)

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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2002, 11:31:00 AM »
Good skills Scott.

Seems that you have some great ideas and a lot of drive and enthusiasm, lets hope that you can use this to get people to support the cause.

I would be willing to help the cause but, unfortunatley, do not live in Marple anymore, however if you need any internet searching doing or anything that could be done from a distance and is not to time consuming, as i myself am trying to complete a PhD at the moment, i would be willing to help out.

Let hope more people are willing to join in the campaign! Not much response so far (i hope that they aren't just all mouth and no action!'<img'>.


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2002, 12:02:04 AM »
You're absolutely right Harry.....there are some issues to do with the building that we need to check out.  Id be happy to work full time to investigate the possibility of us getting a community center, including looking into the feasibility of the Jolly Sailor site......however I am completely bogged down with my final year Uni work until the end of May!  I have other friends on the case....but we need all the help we can get!

I feel that as long as the building is still standing, there is still a chance we may be able to use it for a good cause.....for me its all about vision.....anything is possible as long as enough people set their hearts 'n' minds on it because they really want it to happen.

As for the practicalities, there are many funding opportunities available for some of the ideas we have in mind for the place......for example if we where to do youth work involving arts and music there are several European social fund grants available for such purposes and I could get help applying for them from a place I work in Manchester that does this very successfully - Contact Theatre.

A non-alcoholic bar and internet cafe would probably fund itself once it got going, plus the more volunteer help the better - it would be for a good cause.
We had the idea to use it as a center to promote Marple itself and its local businesses, skill share and promotion of local produce not to mention using it resource center for volunteer based groups in Marple (function room for meetings/internet etc).  Perhaps we could work together in such a way as to inspire the whole of Marple to get behind a fundraising exercise aimed at one day buying the building outright! (or a different building?)....The idea of the Jolly as a community center to me was to bring the community together to achieve great things in unity......the first thing we can do together would be to make this happen.

I don’t think I am being over optimistic to suggest that with collective vision and conviction, a project like this could go ahead in Marple, we are an affluent town and this is the sort initiative our taxes should be going to but do we know we can trust politicians to spend them properly.

Hope to prepare a document soon with all our ideas....but we need yours too (ALL OF YOU!'<img'>....what’s the next step? - Let everyone know about this and we'll get a group together.

Get in touch please!.....Jolly or not Marple needs to get together on this....


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2002, 10:54:30 AM »
A Community Centre is a good idea, but has it been thought through properly.

Who would pay for the building? I did hear that when it was proposed to open an indian restaurant the rent being asked was in the region of £40,000 a year. This is not a trivial amount of money.

Is the building in a state where it could be used again?  It has been empty now for years. The side windows have been broken leaving it open to the elements.  People have been entering the building for whatever reason. The fire brigade has put out at least one fire in there.

Has anybody been in there and inspected the damage. How much would it cost to repair?

Just my initial thoughts. Sorry if they sound negative.


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2002, 07:36:49 AM »
Posted on behalf of Scott Lighten & the Group described below, these are handouts they have recently distributed around the Jolly Sailor area:

Your community needs you!
Do you wish you had a real opportunity to affect your area?
Do you have alternative ideas on how the council/local area should be run? Would you like to see a space in Marple where people can meet to exchange ideas support each other?  Dare we dream of our own space for creative projects, art, music, discussion and community groups?  Dare we dream of a community social centre, owned and run by the people of Marple themselves for the benefit of all?

We dare you to dream with us - Let us discover our vision together!

Do You Wish You Had an Opportunity to Effect Your area?
A Community Social Centre could:
·   Help provide a forum for communication of ideas and issues.
·   Foster awareness of important modern issues/problems.
·   Promote a sustainable future for our children’s children.
·   Provide a platform for personal and community empowerment.
·   Create a centre of focus for service to the community.
·   Provide a cultural venue for music, art and creative projects for people of all ages.


We need your ideas and enthusiasm!  Please contact us at A_FEW_OF_THE_MANY@HOTMAIL.COM and look out for more info soon!

We are a group who believe in compassion and cooperation are the best methods of tackling social issues.  We have been developing our ideas for a community centre to help alleviate problems such as youth crime.  We see the Jolly Sailor as an ideal venue for such a project.  Currently developers want to demolish the Jolly Sailor, one of the oldest buildings in Marple.  This is an impractical money making scheme which is in no way designed to benefit the people of Marple.  The building was sold to the current owners under the pretence that they would renovate the building and retain its social function.  But instead they have done their best to make the property appear run down to encourage you to back their demolition plans.
Please back our objection by writing to the Director of Environment & Economic Development, Hygarth House 103, Wellington Rd South, Stockport SK13TT.
These have to be in by this Friday so if you would like a representative to hand deliver your letter please phone or text 07752562441.
PS sorry for the short notice planning applications are never well publicised!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2002, 01:39:17 PM »
Another quick post - Our email address (below - last post) should have an underscore (_) between each word but for some reason the computer seems intent on drawing a full line under the word.  Get in touch for more info.

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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2002, 01:11:37 PM »
Currently me and friend are investigating the possibility of an "all singing-all dancing" community centre in the jolly.  We really belive that if the people of Marple can collectively form a vision for the place then we can make it happen.  We have loads of ideas will share them as soon as we have time (currently completeing my final year at uni - stress!'<img'>.  As a community anything is possible if we work together and we can stop this development if we voice our concerns and take controll ourselves.  Spred the word.


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2002, 02:36:04 PM »
Who are you talking to? If you are talking to me than nothing as i am not living in Marple at the moment!

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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2002, 01:24:21 PM »
what did u do it with?


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2002, 11:31:41 AM »
I hear that the Jolly has been torched, and is therefore more than likely to be demolished, So isn't the FANTASTIC Non-alcoholic bar idea out of the window, the coucil won't be willing to stump up the cash to re-build a new place now will they?


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2002, 09:31:10 PM »
Sounds like a great idea to me. The kids round here have absolutely nothing to do. The prospective councilors are going round the doorsteps at the moment. Lets all suggest it to them. They may even agree.


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2002, 12:26:40 PM »
I think that a non-alcoholic bar would be great for kids in Marple. I mean where have they got to go to hang around with there friends round here? Yeah you could say the street corners but they only get up to mischief and end up getting in trouble. With a Youth drop in centre they could be supervised rather than roaming the streets looking for things to do. I think the council should fund it with a 6-month trial period from that great company The Pub Co AKA the Demolition Crew! ':angry:' That way we could have a safer place for the kids in Marple and also the Jolly Sailor building would survive to see another day! '<img'>


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2002, 06:53:52 PM »
What a calm and collected response there Steve,

The aims of the NON alcoholic bar was to provide a venue for UNDER 18 yr old people to visit chill out and socialise with there mates and not either

1) TRY illegally to enter drinking establishments
2) Hang around on street corners harrassing old ladies
3) Come onto web sites and upset members of the web board community

OOOps sorry Norris I forgot your over 18 arent you so therefore none of the above really count for you do they.  I understand your viewpoint of a non alcoholic bar being worthless for you (maybe it shouldnt be try not drinking once in a while).  But to the under 18's it would be an absolute benifit and bonus for Marple.

But it aint happening at the minute so dont worry your little head about a bar being non alcoholic in your area!!!

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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2002, 04:42:26 PM »
no, not at all


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2002, 10:46:19 AM »
Non - alcoholic bar, Steve, isn't that a contradiction in terms?! and somewhat pointless?


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2002, 10:51:37 PM »
Hi Denise,

To see council reports:

 Â go to  
 Â from the dropdown list select 'Read Council Minutes & Reports'
 Â select 'Click here to log into the system' (you will not need a user id)
 Â select the 'Continue' button
 Â select a time period from those listed
 Â you can then enter search criteria (eg. Jolly Sailor)
 Â look through the search results

Watch out for spilling mistookes and incorrect names - for example I found that Dale Road, Bowden Lane and the Seven Sisters estate are to have 20 mph limits (its actually Seven Stiles).

Happy searching.