Henrietta is correct about the access and planning permission. In a council report dated February this year I noted that a previous application to build 13 mews houses was refused. One of the reasons was '
the proximity of the site access to the Stockport Road/Station Road junction was dangerous and harmful to highway safety'. I can only presume that the prospective developer is to argue that 41 retirement flats will produce less traffic than 13 mews houses.
Interestingly the other reason for refusal, according to this council report, was that '
Area Committee were concerned at the loss of car parking which would arise from the redevelopment of this site'. Surely this is not a public car park, it belongs to whoever owns the pub. I could have understood this argument if it had been brought up in reference to the Bowling Green application. That was a public car park. Looking through previous council reports, this was noted but was not considered an issue. I wonder why?
If anybody wants to look through council reports, covering such things as planning permission, they are available via
www.stockport.gov.uk  They make interesting reading, partly for what isn't there.