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Author Topic: Jolly Sailor  (Read 42652 times)

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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2002, 09:36:16 AM »
I re-read the letter I got from the planning department in Stockport and apparently my objections already voiced in the letter have been passed on to Bristol so unless I have further points to make then I don't need to do anything else.  Interesting about the bungalow.  I somehow knew that it wasn't your common or garden bungalow.


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2002, 05:42:03 PM »
In reply to Denise's query, I would say that the only way to be sure your objections get to the right place is to send them to the address identified by Scott.

Don't forget to quote the reference and Scott's handout also says to send 3 copies, although he hasn't mentioned it below.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #39 on: June 19, 2002, 05:32:17 PM »
I think AlisonJ is referring to Jack Turnbull's excellent history of local pubs, 'Last Orders Please'.

That book tells us that there was a bowling green where the car park is, from about 1870. Next to the green was built a Billiard Pavilion in 1877 under the instruction of Martha Shirley, owner of the Jolly Sailor and the lady after whom Shirley Avenue is named.

In 1910 the pavilion was granted a Singing & Dancing license and for a number of years was used for dancing, as a Scout Hut and for roller skating.

The building was converted into a house in 1972.


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2002, 03:38:35 PM »
Some people may be interested to know that there is some information on the history of the Jolly Sailor and the bungalow next to it in Marple library (upstairs, look for a small book on the history of Marple's pubs).  I seem to remember (from browsing through the book - not from first hand memory - I'm not that old) that the car park area was a bowling green or possibly a skating rink or something similar and the bungalow was built as part of that development.  Anyway its all in the library book if anyone gets a chance to search it out.


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2002, 11:47:25 AM »
Do I need to send my objections again to the Bristol address or will my original object be passed on?  Can anyone tell me.  I am quite willing to object again if necessary.  I like that little bungalow at the side of the car park - another building with character - looks like it has a history - always been curious about it.  Suppose they would want to knock that down as well.  Why do they never want to knock ugly, characterless buildings down?


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #36 on: June 18, 2002, 04:14:41 PM »
Hi all, Sorry for not telling u that the last meeting was taking place in the Jolly sailor carpark!  I shall be more carfull next time - was not ment to be a secret!

About 45 people truned up, which was a great responce considering we could only post 200 flyers to people living near the site.

It seems that almost everyone would love to see the Jolly put to good use as either a community centre or a heritage centre - both are great ideas.

what was clear though is that the residents of Marple do not want to see the Jolly left as it is, the carpark is a mess, there are piles of junk outside and the grills over the windows look unsightly.

For these reason we would like to propose a community clear up project 4 the area, i have at least 3 or 4 volunteers and prberbly alot more then that.  We can remove the rubbish and perhaps even paint the unsightly brown grills over the windows.  Somthing artfull would be nice but even if they where the same colour as the building im sure it would look better....what does everyone think?

25th of june is the final day for objections to the proposed development (41 shelterd flats for the elderly).

My objections are as follows :-

Only 11 parking spaces are planned as part of the development (leaving that part of Marple with no parking except on the streets - bad for the shops there).

No provision for low cost housing (younger residents of marple are forced out of Marple due to house prices)

Unbalences population of Marple (not healthy for a community - im not saying we have too many people form the older generations but we do need balence)

Historical building - The oldest in that part of marple (trying to get it listed - but will be difficult - can u help?)

The site of the jolly could be the only land available in marple for generations - the communitys needs should be served - not those of money making developers!

Access to site is insufficient (reason why permission was refused the first time - they are appealing and trying to buy the bungalow cottage on station rd)

will bring more traffic into marple - do we need anymore?
Tell everyone!
send you objections to -

The Planning Inspectorate, 3/26 Hawk Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 Square Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6NP. Quote reference - APP/C4235/A/02/1089957 by 25th of june.

we are currently looking for a place to hold a meeting of people interesting in saving the Jolly and generally getting more involved in the community and its wellbeing.  Any ideas for a venue?


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2002, 03:31:03 PM »
oh...by the way, thought people might be interested to know that the Jolly is not too badly damaged from the two fires...could be worse anyway!

We where told by a Marple fireman that the building is still structurally sound....stairs, floors ect...


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2002, 03:13:52 PM »
My apologys for not posting this infomation sooner.

 - Mccarthy and Stone are appealing against the decision of stockport council, they have opted for a public enquiry.  The date for objections to be submitted is 25th of June.  I dont have the address with me now....will post soon

- Me and a friend have posted 200 leaflets around the jolly area about froming a group to put together a strong objectors case and investigate the idea of the Jolly (or some such other site - any ideas?) as a community space of some discription.  We are holding an informal meeting at 7pm wednesday 12th (today!'<img'>

Sorry again bout the lack of notice
youll hear from me soon


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2002, 09:09:46 AM »
For what its worth.

The Unique Pub Company, which own approximately 970 managed pubs in the UK, is owned by Angel Street Holdings, who in turn are owned by Nomura International, a Japanese bank. The EU has just (8th May) approved the acquisition of Angel Street Holdings by Cinven Group Limited, a venture capital business.

Note:  Angel Street Holdings also controls The Voyager Pub Group, who own some 3250 leased pubs located in the UK.


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2002, 09:03:05 PM »
Unfortunate news....the jolly has suffered from two fires.  Both on different days supposedly.  Sounds familer huh?  No doubt this will play into the hands of who ever wishes to develop the site.  

The most recent planning application (refused on grounds of insufficient access) was made by McCarthy & Stone (devs) limited.  In this application the owners are listed as "Unique Pub Properties".

I do not know much about Unique Pub Properties, but i have heard that they are a part of japanese owned conglomerate who supposedly like to sell of unproductive assets to developers.  oh well....guess thats business for you.

Who knows, McCarthy and stone could be owned by the same people, long shot i guess....but you never know with these things.

The thing that bothers me are the rumours that "Kids" (maybe they mean young adults?), were somehow "given incentive" to start a fire both there and the Bowling Green......guess we'll never really know.

Updates are appriciated....im in manchester studing and have not been unable to see the extent of the damage myself.

Feel free to look into "Unique Pub Properites" only thing i could find on the internet is a court case they where involved in....
wouldnt mind knowing bout mccarth and stone too...


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2002, 11:52:42 PM »
Does anyone have time to research and write an article about the history of the Jolly Sailor? It could be posted here or perhaps the lady with the Irish christian name (I forget which) could get it into her newspaper. All grist to the mill.

(Sorry I haven't time myself. I work 6 days a week, edit a newsletter, and look after a horse and an elderly mother. And that's just in a light week!'<img'>


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2002, 02:12:23 PM »
Well done everyone....I've heard the jolly has been saved.  For now!   You'll hear more from me in little over a week when I finally regain my freedom from the oppression of a chemistry degree!


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2002, 08:33:46 PM »
Here's an interesting document available on the SMBC web site. The Jolly is actually mentioned on page 17 in the gaps and improvements section under "Challenge 1 - Putting People First"

Follow the link below to take a look, but you'll need adobe acrobat reader installed on your PC.

Marple Community Strategy
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2002, 02:30:07 PM »
Thanks to both Denice and Norris for your support....im still too bogged down with uni work to air any of our proposals for the Jolly site, but watch this space!

We are currently getting together a list of names of people who are interested in finding out more the possibility of the creation of community centre of some discription and maybe even helping out.  To achive this ambitious goal we'll need to work to gether as a community and share our skills.
.....please feel free to email us at..... A_few_of_the_many@hotmail.com
(underscores between each word) or Scottlighten@hotmail.com


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Jolly Sailor
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2002, 01:08:29 PM »
I've written to the council with my objections to the proposal to demolish the building and asked that they look at the other proposals being put forward.