25 August 2011 - MARPLE IN ACTION AT THE MARPLE AREA COMMITTEETwo representatives from Marple in Action, acting Chair David Hoyle assisted by Diane Jackson spoke to Marple Councillors and the assembled community of Marple at Wednesday's Area Committee Meeting. Marple in Action had been invited by Cllr Ingham to present its aims and objectives to the Councillors during the Open Forum session. [click the link below to see a copy of the presentation notes].
http://www.marple-in-action.org.uk/MIA-area-committee-presentation.pdfDavid Hoyle made it quite clear that the community of Marple must be represented at all meetings that concern the Hibbert Lane site and must be informed and consulted throughout. There must be no more “behind closed doors” discussions.
At the conclusion of the presentation Cllr Sue Ingham, Chair of the Area Committee said an Extraordinary Meeting of the Area Committee would be arranged possibly in October at Stockport Town Hall. As the College intend to sign contracts in October, members of the community felt this was too late and impressed on the Councillors that the meeting needed to be as held soon as possible and in Marple. A suggestion was made that Marple Hall School could be a suitable venue.
Marple in Action considers this to be a major breakthrough, with recognition of the group and the involvement of community opinion in the process - but we need to keep the pressure on as there are a few short weeks to 'D-day' [decision day]. The college must be persuaded to look at other options and consider the Marple community in their plans.
We shall be pressing for an early date for the Extraordinary Meeting, so please watch this space - we need a huge turnout to impress on everyone that the community of Marple do not want this supermarket development.