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Author Topic: if asda are refused  (Read 8915 times)

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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2011, 01:42:21 PM »
Yes the reason why the Co-op in Hazel Grove is now an ASDA is basically because the company had to sell some sites when it bought out Somerfield. The competition authorities demanded that the company sell off some sites which it did.

The Co-op in Marple is not up for sale. It is the companies flagship store, much money has been invested into this site and it will not be sold off to any other supermarket anytime soon as far as I know.

That's quite a hefty invesment, I wonder what their position is on this issue......does anyone know?

Duke Fame

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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2011, 11:42:14 PM »
Yes the reason why the Co-op in Hazel Grove is now an ASDA is basically because the company had to sell some sites when it bought out Somerfield. The competition authorities demanded that the company sell off some sites which it did.

The Co-op in Marple is not up for sale. It is the companies flagship store, much money has been invested into this site and it will not be sold off to any other supermarket anytime soon as far as I know.

Certainly it's very unlikely to sell it's store in Marple but it doesn't get over the valid point that there is a demand for another supermarket


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2011, 09:35:43 PM »
Yes the reason why the Co-op in Hazel Grove is now an ASDA is basically because the company had to sell some sites when it bought out Somerfield. The competition authorities demanded that the company sell off some sites which it did.

The Co-op in Marple is not up for sale. It is the companies flagship store, much money has been invested into this site and it will not be sold off to any other supermarket anytime soon as far as I know.


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2011, 09:07:05 PM »
When the coop merged with Somerfield they were forced to get rid of a certain amount of stores, I suspect that the Hazel Grove one was one of them. I cannot claim to be completely disinterested, but if you look at the breadth of stuff the Cooperative group does, over and above 'selling fair trade', and has been doing for years, I think that scores them a good few points over your Wallmarts and Tescos.

Oh and they have blummin nice wine


Duke Fame

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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2011, 10:47:28 AM »

I think very few people care what colour or brand a supermarket is, just not to have one on that site away from the centre of the town.

I personally think people would still object even if the development was in town centre. The arguments have been things like, 'we don't need more shops,' so this would apply even if an ASDA etc. was right in the centre. It would still kill off local shops probably.

I recently visited a Welsh town that reminded me a little of Marple, except they have more of a tourist industry. There was a TESCO built in the last few years, just slightly out of the centre-perhaps a similar distance to Hibbert Lane from Marple precient. I had a quick google about the effects of this development and it did put the local Co-op out of business. But the local centre still seemed to be thriving with it's independant-and quite expensive- shops. The traffic was quite bad though but that could be due to the aforementioned fact that it was a tourist town in August.

I suspect the college & potential supermarket will argue quite rightly that there is a demand for another supermarket in Marple. Looking on this forum, many people admit to a 'BIG SHOP' in either Sainsbury, Asda Moggy's or Tesco. Personally, I've never understood a 'BIG SHOP' andbut nevertheless, that is the demand. IF the Coop sell their site, that would be their business, I suspect they wouldn't want to as the shop is no doubt profitable.


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2011, 05:34:09 PM »

I think very few people care what colour or brand a supermarket is, just not to have one on that site away from the centre of the town.

I personally think people would still object even if the development was in town centre. The arguments have been things like, 'we don't need more shops,' so this would apply even if an ASDA etc. was right in the centre. It would still kill off local shops probably.

I recently visited a Welsh town that reminded me a little of Marple, except they have more of a tourist industry. There was a TESCO built in the last few years, just slightly out of the centre-perhaps a simelar distance to Hibbert Lane from Marple precient. I had a quick google about the effects of this development and it did put the local Co-op out of business. But the local centre still seemed to be thriving with it's independant-and quite expensive- shops. The traffic was quite bad though but that could be due to the aforementioned fact that it was a tourist town in August.


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2011, 03:43:20 PM »
I don't think the Co-op will sell as, like RWW said, it is a strong store for them and they have such a stronghold here.
              Money talks .

Granted, thats normally how the world works, but not with the Co-op, Otherwise why would they go to the effort of selling fair trade products that give them less profit?

Because it looks good for the customers

Duke Fame

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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2011, 11:26:52 AM »
I don't think the Co-op will sell as, like RWW said, it is a strong store for them and they have such a stronghold here.
              Money talks .

Quite, the Co-op would look at the offer, take on board their current income streams and do a bit of NPV analysis. If that exceeds the offer, they will not sell, if it does they may do.

I think very few people care what colour or brand a supermarket is, just not to have one on that site away from the centre of the town.


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2011, 11:29:46 PM »
I don't think the Co-op will sell as, like RWW said, it is a strong store for them and they have such a stronghold here.
              Money talks .

Granted, thats normally how the world works, but not with the Co-op, Otherwise why would they go to the effort of selling fair trade products that give them less profit?


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2011, 09:37:39 PM »
I don't think the Co-op will sell as, like RWW said, it is a strong store for them and they have such a stronghold here.
              Money talks .


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2011, 04:21:35 PM »
I'd prefer a Sainsbury's instead of the Co-op!  ;) But.....am happy enough to go to the Hazel Grove one and use the Co-op for "bits and pieces".


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2011, 11:07:52 PM »
I don't think the Co-op will sell as, like RWW said, it is a strong store for them and they have such a stronghold here.


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 09:00:32 PM »
if asda are refused if it is asda but then take over the coop like hazel grove what then .

Marple then gets an average-sized supermarket at the very heart of the town centre. 

Instead of a large supermarket set apart from the town centre, with residential buildings on four sides.

What's not to like?

It will be in the town centre, it is not exactly Hawk Green.


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2011, 08:34:08 PM »
That'll almost certainly never happen because the Co-op consider Marple one of its flagship stores...
..but to answer the question if the Co-op became an Asda that wouldn't change anything for me personally. It would still be my nearest convenience store

If it became a Tesco on the other hand I would walk past it on principle ;)


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Re: if asda are refused
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 08:31:06 PM »
if asda are refused if it is asda but then take over the coop like hazel grove what then .

Marple then gets an average-sized supermarket at the very heart of the town centre. 

Instead of a large supermarket set apart from the town centre, with residential buildings on four sides.

What's not to like?