Just sharing an interesting email received today:We’re from Oswestry, a market town on the Shropshire/Wales border.
Like you, we have been battling the might of the big supermarkets. We fought, but unfortunately failed to stop, what turned out to be Tesco gaining planning to build an out-of-town superstore.
But Oswestry is rallying to keep the heart of the town vibrant, relevant and ready for the impact of Tesco when it arrives. Town businesses, the town chamber of commerce and anti-supermarket action group – Os21 – have been promoting the strengths and community value of the town’s trading heart.
In July, we staged a very successful ‘Take 2 the Streets’ trade event, when shops came out to peddle their wares on stalls, creating a colourful and busy street market. We had an exhibition of ideas and feedback on people’s concerns about a big superstore development and how we can safeguard the future of town centre trade.
The day included an open air performance of ‘Supermarket’, an album of 12 ‘protest’ songs by Neil Phillips which has just been released on CD/download and for free listen-to on soundcloud. A bit of local press is attached.
We wanted to link up with other anti-supermarket action groups to exchange notes, ideas and inspiration on how to fight back against and survive the supermarket onslaught.
We would love it if you would take a listen to the songs on soundcloud -
http://soundcloud.com/neilphillips-3/tracks?page=1 – and take a look at the ‘Supermarket’ website -
www.eclectic-music.co.uk/supermarket - where there are excerpts from the tracks, plus lyrics and info. Your town may even be name-checked on track 12 – ‘It’s not over’. Perhaps track 11, ‘Every Little Helps’, could become the anthem of supermarket protest!
By the way, we are currently sourcing films and videos for the songs to be screened during live performances of ‘Supermarket’ and to go on the website. Maybe someone in your circles might be inspired to put something together? Potential contributors can contact us or the project collaborator, Kinokulture, an alternative cinema promoter and film maker. Their contact is Ruth Carter on 0845 2500517 or go to
www.kinokulture.org.ukIf you are within striking distance, the next performance on the Supermarket ‘tour’ is in Oswestry on December 30th. See
www.eclectic-music.co.uk for details.
Perhaps there are people among your community who are writing protest songs, poems and creating art around the subject of supermarket development? Perhaps we could all come together in one big national anti-supermarket event, knees-up, festival, that could take awareness to the next level?
Or if that’s too ambitious at this point, perhaps Neil could come and perform ‘Supermarket’ at one of your future protests or awareness events?
Any way, food for thought – and keep the good work up.
All the best from Oswestry.
Kate Clarke/Neil Phillips
01691 652918
07751 160576
PS: Feel free to forward this message to anyone you think would be interested.
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