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Author Topic: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane  (Read 113283 times)

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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #130 on: September 26, 2011, 09:52:58 AM »
the only reason ALL of the 'YES' campaign want a supermarket is so they can get tuppence off a can of beans and you couldn't give a dam about anybody else or how it may affect them...... when you make decisions based purely on self intrest regardless of how they may affect others and the impact it will have on the community as a whole then expect my wrath.

Er, well, not quite SkyGuy.  A key issue for some of us is that if MIA's campaign is successful (which I don't believe it will be, but that's another matter), the effect would be to deprive Marple of £8 million of capital investment in our sub-standard educational facilities.   That is a very long way from being 'based purely on self intrest regardless of how they may affect others and the impact it will have on the community as a whole'. 


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #129 on: September 26, 2011, 09:43:41 AM »
For your information, I do not belong to any group

And another bit of information for you , Tina is a close family member of mine,  she has very different views and opinions to mine over this whole Supermarket debate , I might not agree with her, but I dont disrespect that she has an opinion that differs greatly to mine .

Maybe you should read my post more clearly, I happen to agree and disagree with both arguements for and against,  I clearly stated that it is not in my interest to Join the No group, and it wouldnt take a genius to work out this applies to the Yes group also .

Thats my last post to you, my point was to tell you to stop wasting peoples time, stop inciting arguments, and have respect for the people in the group you support,  but also have a bit of respect for the people in the group you dont support, even if it means rising above the things they say that you dont like  .


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #128 on: September 26, 2011, 09:37:04 AM »
Very clever girls,

I list a whole bunch of points which I feel are valid and you avoid answering them.
Instead you try to discredit me just like you do to any other 'No' supporter rather than entering into informed debate. And the reason why.... You haven't got a clue about what you are talking about because the only reason ALL of the 'YES' campaign want a supermarket is so they can get tuppence off a can of beans and you couldn't give a dam about anybody else or how it may affect them.

I really couldn't give a damm if your rich or poor BUT when you make decisions based purely on self intrest regardless of how they may affect others and the impact it will have on the community as a whole then expect my wrath.

Now my blinding moment of clarity has returned and I will not post ever again regarding the YES campaign because you guys are just not worth my time.


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #127 on: September 26, 2011, 07:51:23 AM »
I do wonder if you speak to people like this in your everyday life. If you vote for Labour and your neighbour votes Liberal do you say rude things to them and shout them down for voting different to you? Do you make them feel bad for wanting something different from you? Do they have to eat the same food as yo, Drive the same car, wear the same clothes? Because to me this is how you are all coming across.
I am fed up of coming on here now and seeing all the disgusting things you are saying about the yes people. I admit I get drawn into it and respond. I don't get any enjoyment out of it infact it puts me in a bad mood because I know I have let myself down by getting drawn in.

You don't want a supermarket I do so lets just agree to disagree! and stop all the bitching!!!
afterall it would be a very boring world if we all did the same and become a sheep!


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #126 on: September 26, 2011, 07:28:41 AM »
Believe me Sky Guy, the only person discrediting any group of late, is yourself.   I work for one of the said Supermarkets, along with my other employment  working within Marple, in a community based employment , it is not in my interest to join the M.I.A group for various reasons ( that does not mean I agree or disagree with their cause) .

Having said that, it is very very clear the hard work and dedication that the M.I.A  take upon themselves , you say so yourself, so do M.I.A a favour, stop the cheap snipes at the Yes group,  stop winding them up, and stop posting remarks to incite an argument , that then Mark ( admin )  has to spend time removing , do you not think he has better things to do, its not fair  .. show some respect for the people you supposively support , you may enjoy winding people up, but dont do it at the expense of other people, people will stop reading the boards because they have been simply "trolled "  .. which means the cause looses valuble supporters because people like you discredit the No group .

I speak as I see, so only my own opinion, but Im sure I cant be the only person who feels like this .


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #125 on: September 26, 2011, 01:51:24 AM »
I have just had an overwhelming moment of clarity.

WHY do we even bother to enter into discussions with the 'YES' campaign.
We in the 'NO' campaign give them far too much credit and I will list my reasons,

1. If it wasn't for MIA the 'YES' campaign would not have even found out about the proposed supermarket on Hibbert Lane. It is only through the tireless work which members of MIA have put into this that the community as a whole has been informed and yet the 'YES' campaign does everything it can to discredit them.

2. Who/What are the 'YES' campaign fighting in order to be successful in achieving it's goals.. We in the 'NO' campaign can vent our anger and frustrations at the College, Governors, Councilors, Planning dept and even our local MP. But these avenues are not available to the 'YES' campaign so we in the 'NO' campaign are drawn into petty arguments just in order raise their profile and in doing so we give them the spotlight that they need in order for their views to be heard.

3. They have very little support regardless of what they say, the proof is in the pudding. Six people at rally in the park then 10 people at yesterday's press shoot outside the college. I find it totally unbelievable that even their own Facebook poll discredits them and that over 100 more people actually don't want a supermarket.

I know that I wind them up and I enjoy doing so BUT I urge you all not to play into their hands and give them the credit and recognition of an organised body that they do not deserve.

Miss Marple

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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #124 on: September 25, 2011, 10:07:58 PM »
You are joking !   I avoided Hibbert Lane this morning on my way to visit family because I thought there maybe a large crowd there blocking the road, so you are saying that I put another half hour travelling time on my journey for nothing, or are you joking ?  ;)

Miss Reddish if you were able to avoid Hibbert Lane so successfully, then could you not just avoid it WHEN the supermarket is built?  Would this not just stop your aggravations and problems?

Nice try lol lol  :-*


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #123 on: September 25, 2011, 08:03:58 PM »
You are joking !   I avoided Hibbert Lane this morning on my way to visit family because I thought there maybe a large crowd there blocking the road, so you are saying that I put another half hour travelling time on my journey for nothing, or are you joking ?  ;)

Miss Reddish if you were able to avoid Hibbert Lane so successfully, then could you not just avoid it WHEN the supermarket is built?  Would this not just stop your aggravations and problems?


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #122 on: September 25, 2011, 03:20:45 PM »

why buy one card in Marple for £3/£4 when you can buy 10 for £1 in Card Factory.

Notice that the Coop have started selling a large box of Thorntons chocolates at a reduced price of £5, surely this is taking trade away from the little Thorntons shop in the precinct.
              OK But .They no to a supermarket keep telling us to shop lo call .All the thousands that have signed against it .coming wont yo use it dont think .
???? don't understand what you are trying to say Amazon?MIA are not telling people to shop local,thats up to the individual,but it is a fact that most small towns lose what shops  they have as they can't compete with the big boys.Lots of people come to  shop in Marple as we still have a thriving town centre.They, sadly have lost theirs.As for Thorntons chocolates being sold cheaply, they are not of the same quality as the originals from a Thorntons shop.Thorntons supply lots of supermarkets with the inferior ones to capture a wider market.But I think it has cheapened the brand name.But Thorntons will be selling a lot more chocolates!

          Have emailed Thorntons will wait there reply .


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #121 on: September 25, 2011, 11:22:04 AM »
6 people from the 'Yes' campaign at the rally in the park and now only 10 people at a photo shoot for the local rag which they organised.
Look on the bright side guys that's a 40% increase in attendance.
Even the 'Yes' campaigns Facebook page shows that people are not in favour of a supermarket according to their online poll.


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #120 on: September 25, 2011, 10:52:50 AM »
As I've said before, in a few years time we could well find that having a decent supermarket turns out to be one of the best things that has happened to Marple, and could revitalise the town as  a retail centre. 

I'm broadly against the idea of a supermarket, and would rather we didn't have one. But as a realist, I think that we've got an uphill battle on our hands. The link you posted shows an example where a supermarket hasn't ruined the town centre. Another example is across in Glossop. The Tesco there is the same distance from the town centre as the hibbert lane campus is, and the local shops and businesses are doing alright. Not great, and there are some empty shops, but they are doing alright. Pretty much similar to the situation in Marple at the moment.


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #119 on: September 25, 2011, 10:09:14 AM »
Interesting link on the 'Latest News' thread.  To save you searching for it, here it is again.

It's about Oakham in Rutland, a town I happen to know.  The population is about 10,000 (i.e. less than half of our population in Marple).  At first glance, the headline clearly takes an anti-supermarket stance.  But read on........

'Oakham's high street has one of the highest proportion of independent shops in the Midlands....... The small number of empty premises are soon snapped up by new retailers......  There are no boarded up shop windows. There's no need.'

And guess what?  They've had a Tesco for the past ten years!     :o    Hasn't done them much harm has it?   

As I've said before, in a few years time we could well find that having a decent supermarket turns out to be one of the best things that has happened to Marple, and could revitalise the town as  a retail centre. 

Well said Dave, I think it would be good for Marple too. There are too many negative maybes being said.
It's nice to read a post where no one is being slagged off or shouted at or even ridiculed.


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #118 on: September 25, 2011, 08:25:13 AM »
Interesting link on the 'Latest News' thread.  To save you searching for it, here it is again.

It's about Oakham in Rutland, a town I happen to know.  The population is about 10,000 (i.e. less than half of our population in Marple).  At first glance, the headline clearly takes an anti-supermarket stance.  But read on........

'Oakham's high street has one of the highest proportion of independent shops in the Midlands....... The small number of empty premises are soon snapped up by new retailers......  There are no boarded up shop windows. There's no need.'

And guess what?  They've had a Tesco for the past ten years!     :o    Hasn't done them much harm has it?   

As I've said before, in a few years time we could well find that having a decent supermarket turns out to be one of the best things that has happened to Marple, and could revitalise the town as  a retail centre. 

Miss Marple

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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #117 on: September 25, 2011, 01:18:31 AM »
Lots of people come to  shop in Marple as we still have a thriving town centre.

Do they? Really? From where? 
Yes where ?


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #116 on: September 24, 2011, 11:03:19 PM »
Todays photo shoot was to show there are people out there who are in favour of a supermarket. It was short notice to get people on board as the Stockport Express are busy people and could only come this morning, believe it or not some people have work on a Saturday and family commitments. People sent their support via personal inbox messages as they feel they get verbally attacked for having a different opinion to MIA. Either that or our friends get 101 questions as to who we are, where we live and who we are related to.