Believe me Sky Guy, the only person discrediting any group of late, is yourself. I work for one of the said Supermarkets, along with my other employment working within Marple, in a community based employment , it is not in my interest to join the M.I.A group for various reasons ( that does not mean I agree or disagree with their cause) .
Having said that, it is very very clear the hard work and dedication that the M.I.A take upon themselves , you say so yourself, so do M.I.A a favour, stop the cheap snipes at the Yes group, stop winding them up, and stop posting remarks to incite an argument , that then Mark ( admin ) has to spend time removing , do you not think he has better things to do, its not fair .. show some respect for the people you supposively support , you may enjoy winding people up, but dont do it at the expense of other people, people will stop reading the boards because they have been simply "trolled " .. which means the cause looses valuble supporters because people like you discredit the No group .
I speak as I see, so only my own opinion, but Im sure I cant be the only person who feels like this .