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Author Topic: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school  (Read 18852 times)

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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2011, 11:21:51 PM »
I have started this new thread re camsfc/rose hill  to put a few points across about the new build what is happening at Rose Hill and hopefully at Buxton Lane.
There is method to my madness so please bear with me.

When Peacefield/Rose Hill and the Dale merged into 1 school 2 years ago there was uproar.
But 2 years on... the new building is coming on nicely and is being built as 2 floors. The children's education has not really been disrupted and have all coped with it well... my son has just left and had great sats results, his class room was demolished earlier this year and was being taught in the mobile classrooms. If a 11yr old can cope with change then I'm sure the 16+ can cope just as well. Rose Hill is going to be modern and will last for a very long time. will not be a drain on school budgets etc.... Now at the moment there is talk that IF the Hibbert Lane site is sold the money will go towards rebuilding the Buxton Lane site. This can only be a good thing I'm sure? The college will therefore go on for many more years teaching our future generations. If it doesn't go ahead then both sites will keep draining the colleges budget and therefore no money left to keep the building up to date and will in the end close. I would prefer the college get the highest bid for it and have a modern college, rather than it crumble away.
Also the building at present on Buxton Lane is 5 floors but a MIA member has stated a new building would be intrusive to the residents and that parking would become a problem. The site is still the same as when I went to high school. the parking spaces was intended for staff. I'm sure once a new college is built a car park would be in place to accommodate the students (the tennis courts what are a eyesore at present could also be used?)

I know people don't like change its well documented on this very site. But we have to move with the times and think of our future generations. I would like my sons to be able to go to a local college what is modern and up to date and not my old crumbling down high school. I would like their children in time to also benefit from it too!

Now can we keep this topic on topic and put your views across as adults without shouting or insulting anyone and no mention of a supermarket as this is not about that its about what would be good for the college and the community.

Tina some comments on your post:-

1. I am sure the residents near the new Rose Hill School are not that impressed with the view of the new 2 storey building going up.

2. My child also left Rose Hill last year, yes also had good STATS  results, but I'm sure she could have achieved the same results at Peacefield the same as her sibling did without the additional 1 mile walk !!

3. What will the traffic be like at Rose Hill School when it is finished ? It was bad enough last year, what's it going to be like when all the Kids that at are the Dale at present move there in 12 months ?

4. When we moved to Marple 16 years ago we had a choice of schools all easily accessible to various areas of Marple depending on where we chose to buy. Now anybody who lives close to the Hawk Green area has got a horrendous walk to Rose Hill!
Basically the choice as been removed.

5. Also I am sure that the most of the people around the Buxton Lane area are not that impressed about the thought of another High rise building on the site and all the associated traffic,Parking problems etc.
So your theory is that all the cars that are presently on the Hibbert Lane Car Park will fit in the space where the Tennis courts are? I doubt it, & the New Building will be on the Green Field between the 2 sets of houses between Buxton Lane & Carver Rd Area ? Nice view outlook for all the residents that will be!

People have moved to or stay in this area they like the area as it is, why is change and new always deemed to be better "moving with the times".

And once our children in the future have finished their education at the brand new all singing all dancing college, where are they going to be able to afford to live in Marple?
Maybe they'll come back to visit us now and again & do their shopping at the New Asda!!!

Duke Fame

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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2011, 06:01:16 PM »
well this is where I think many of the opposers to the supermarkets points go out of the window, as they state they dont want it on Hibbert lane, but dont object to a supermarket ,  but if the supermarket was else where, you are still going to get the same amount of traffic  ... so that arguement doesnt make sense to me .

As for the height of the building of Buxton lane, if you look at the houses on the park and patterson site,  there is a lovely one that towers above the others ( think it might be apartments ) .

My worry is where the money for the college is going to go,  I am like yourself, I want better facilities and education  , but 13 million isnt going to get far ( but Ive already said it ) , it would take an extensive rebuild to accomodate all the children in Marple who are due to go to college, either that, or we have a mad system like they have at Aquinas because  its so over subscribed  ... we made over 250 phone calls, and had 8 telephones going to get my son a place at aquinas  .... what happens if the marple college run out of money ?

Im waffling  :)

Not quite the same problem, I want the supermarket to be within the town centre area. & I don't want it to be superstore sized hence the increase traffic is dependanat on the size of the store.

I undersand that the college no longer needs 2 campi in Marple due to the lack of students. If there is going to be more students, then surely the option to take is maintain the 2 current sites adn save the £12m vanity project at Buxton La.


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2011, 05:23:02 PM »
Well said Tina (and others) - thanks for introducing some much-needed commonsense to this topic.

Re the college's likely need for more than 12 million, public sector bodies have always been able to borrow at low rates of interest, and as all interest rates are very low anyway at the moment, they will be able to borrow very cheaply.


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2011, 04:24:11 PM »
The MIA clearly state that they are not against a new supermarket in Marple, just about where it is  .

You have spent many a time in my back garden , can you imagine the look out if a new supermarket was built there, I lie in bed in the morning listening to the sheep and the cows etc  ( sad I know lol ) but it would be horrible to have something like a supermarket instead  .

I want a new supermarket, I hate the CO OP , but I wouldnt want to look at one out of my back window, and thats exactly what is going to happen to other residents if this goes ahead .

I agree about the development at Rose Hill School , and am glad to say that " My little darling " has not been effected by the work going on their either.

Aquinas college  cost 42 million pounds ,  I honestly dont think 13 million pounds will go a very long way to bringing the  Marple college up to scratch , it sounds alot, but if you look at Aquinas, you can clearly see it isnt going to go a long way . ... but thats just my own thoughts, Im not a builder

I think I would be more at ease if If peoople knew exactly where the money is going to be spent on the redevelopment of the college , what exactly the college is going to do with the money ?  will it be enough to revamp it, and if its not, what happens then ?  The supermarket still  get the land, and the children of Marple  going up to college potentially get nothing ?  ( Im speculating )

I know you are going to say it    .... Ive changed my tune a bit :)

I agree, we need to move with the times,  not many families have the luxury of being " stay at home mums " families are having to work more hours, I know in my house that has applied and I now have a second job , my husband is not on a bad income, but the cost of living is horrendous and wage increases do not reflect the soaring cost of living , and I find myself travelling to get the same goods at the cheapest price and that means going out of the area to do it  ..... sadly .

So yes to a new supermarket, but no to it being on Hibbert lane , I would change my poll vote, but I dont think I can

so much for not mentioning the S word! lol

I take all your points thank you.(but going a little off topic and I didn't want to!) the main argument of a S on Hibbert Lane is traffic, pollution and loss of local business in Marple. They would still protest/campaign against it if it was built closer to the center

In the town centre where traffic etc already exists would be far more beneficial than in the middle of a housing estate.  The size of the land on Hibbert lane is also a concern as the store if built would no doubt be much bigger than that which could be accommodated in the town centre.  I think a decent sized store could be accommodated to provide enough choice for us all-bigger stores are close by if more than a standard shop is required.

Pink Panthers concern re what will the college do if they run out of money is also my concern-will they sell another site as has been mentioned? Only time will tell. 


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2011, 04:10:40 PM »
Is anyone else old enough, or been around Marple long enough, to remember the uproar around the closure of Marple Ridge school and replacement with the sixth form college? There is always huge resistance to any change.

Yes I was a student at the time, and like everything else it went ahead and no harm was done to the community. School children just moved down to Marple Hall and no ones education suffered


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2011, 04:08:33 PM »
Is anyone else old enough, or been around Marple long enough, to remember the uproar around the closure of Marple Ridge school and replacement with the sixth form college? There is always huge resistance to any change.


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2011, 02:55:16 PM »
We fell into the bottom catagory when it comes to priority of students ,  they open approx  400 places for bottom  catagory students to phone up and apply  on a saturday morning,  and its on a first come first served basis, as to if and when you can get through,  it was extreemely stressfull , and many of my sons friends didnt stand a chance because they may only have one or two people phoning to try and get through .


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2011, 02:40:36 PM »
we made over 250 phone calls, and had 8 telephones going to get my son a place at aquinas

my son wants to go there next year......this has made me very nervous  :-[


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2011, 02:37:02 PM »
well this is where I think many of the opposers to the supermarkets points go out of the window, as they state they dont want it on Hibbert lane, but dont object to a supermarket ,  but if the supermarket was else where, you are still going to get the same amount of traffic  ... so that arguement doesnt make sense to me .

As for the height of the building of Buxton lane, if you look at the houses on the park and patterson site,  there is a lovely one that towers above the others ( think it might be apartments ) .

My worry is where the money for the college is going to go,  I am like yourself, I want better facilities and education  , but 13 million isnt going to get far ( but Ive already said it ) , it would take an extensive rebuild to accomodate all the children in Marple who are due to go to college, either that, or we have a mad system like they have at Aquinas because  its so over subscribed  ... we made over 250 phone calls, and had 8 telephones going to get my son a place at aquinas  .... what happens if the marple college run out of money ?

Im waffling  :)


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2011, 02:27:28 PM »
The MIA clearly state that they are not against a new supermarket in Marple, just about where it is  .

You have spent many a time in my back garden , can you imagine the look out if a new supermarket was built there, I lie in bed in the morning listening to the sheep and the cows etc  ( sad I know lol ) but it would be horrible to have something like a supermarket instead  .

I want a new supermarket, I hate the CO OP , but I wouldnt want to look at one out of my back window, and thats exactly what is going to happen to other residents if this goes ahead .

I agree about the development at Rose Hill School , and am glad to say that " My little darling " has not been effected by the work going on their either.

Aquinas college  cost 42 million pounds ,  I honestly dont think 13 million pounds will go a very long way to bringing the  Marple college up to scratch , it sounds alot, but if you look at Aquinas, you can clearly see it isnt going to go a long way . ... but thats just my own thoughts, Im not a builder

I think I would be more at ease if If peoople knew exactly where the money is going to be spent on the redevelopment of the college , what exactly the college is going to do with the money ?  will it be enough to revamp it, and if its not, what happens then ?  The supermarket still  get the land, and the children of Marple  going up to college potentially get nothing ?  ( Im speculating )

I know you are going to say it    .... Ive changed my tune a bit :)

I agree, we need to move with the times,  not many families have the luxury of being " stay at home mums " families are having to work more hours, I know in my house that has applied and I now have a second job , my husband is not on a bad income, but the cost of living is horrendous and wage increases do not reflect the soaring cost of living , and I find myself travelling to get the same goods at the cheapest price and that means going out of the area to do it  ..... sadly .

So yes to a new supermarket, but no to it being on Hibbert lane , I would change my poll vote, but I dont think I can

so much for not mentioning the S word! lol

I take all your points thank you.(but going a little off topic and I didn't want to!) the main argument of a S on Hibbert Lane is traffic, pollution and loss of local business in Marple. They would still protest/campaign against it if it was built closer to the center


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2011, 02:06:08 PM »
The MIA clearly state that they are not against a new supermarket in Marple, just about where it is  .

You have spent many a time in my back garden , can you imagine the look out if a new supermarket was built there, I lie in bed in the morning listening to the sheep and the cows etc  ( sad I know lol ) but it would be horrible to have something like a supermarket instead  .

I want a new supermarket, I hate the CO OP , but I wouldnt want to look at one out of my back window, and thats exactly what is going to happen to other residents if this goes ahead .

I agree about the development at Rose Hill School , and am glad to say that " My little darling " has not been effected by the work going on their either.

Aquinas college  cost 42 million pounds ,  I honestly dont think 13 million pounds will go a very long way to bringing the  Marple college up to scratch , it sounds alot, but if you look at Aquinas, you can clearly see it isnt going to go a long way . ... but thats just my own thoughts, Im not a builder

I think I would be more at ease if If peoople knew exactly where the money is going to be spent on the redevelopment of the college , what exactly the college is going to do with the money ?  will it be enough to revamp it, and if its not, what happens then ?  The supermarket still  get the land, and the children of Marple  going up to college potentially get nothing ?  ( Im speculating )

I know you are going to say it    .... Ive changed my tune a bit :)

I agree, we need to move with the times,  not many families have the luxury of being " stay at home mums " families are having to work more hours, I know in my house that has applied and I now have a second job , my husband is not on a bad income, but the cost of living is horrendous and wage increases do not reflect the soaring cost of living , and I find myself travelling to get the same goods at the cheapest price and that means going out of the area to do it  ..... sadly .

So yes to a new supermarket, but no to it being on Hibbert lane , I would change my poll vote, but I dont think I can


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2011, 01:38:13 PM »
Thank you Daniel your points are noted. )The reference to shouting/insults is a way of saying please leave a comment but dont shout down to people or insult as its happening too much on this site as late)


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Re: Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 01:35:05 PM »
Great, and well thought out post.
However, The primary school rebuild was paid for almost entirely by a govt grant, as it was set to become one of the new flagship "superschools". However, the college doesn't have the luxury of this grant, as its not there anymore, which means that, Even with the 12mill from the sale of the HBT site they are still going to have to pull something out the bag in order to fineance the project.
As a student however, I must agree that It would be nice to have new facilites, as although the HBT lane site is currently doing its job the building is starting to show its age, and the interior isn't exactly the most friendly of places to navigate (especially if theres a fire/fire drill)
No-one is shouting or insulting anyone (atleast i'm not)


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Rebuild of CAMSFC/Rose Hill school
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 01:28:42 PM »
I have started this new thread re camsfc/rose hill  to put a few points across about the new build what is happening at Rose Hill and hopefully at Buxton Lane.
There is method to my madness so please bear with me.

When Peacefield/Rose Hill and the Dale merged into 1 school 2 years ago there was uproar.
But 2 years on... the new building is coming on nicely and is being built as 2 floors. The children's education has not really been disrupted and have all coped with it well... my son has just left and had great sats results, his class room was demolished earlier this year and was being taught in the mobile classrooms. If a 11yr old can cope with change then I'm sure the 16+ can cope just as well. Rose Hill is going to be modern and will last for a very long time. will not be a drain on school budgets etc.... Now at the moment there is talk that IF the Hibbert Lane site is sold the money will go towards rebuilding the Buxton Lane site. This can only be a good thing I'm sure? The college will therefore go on for many more years teaching our future generations. If it doesn't go ahead then both sites will keep draining the colleges budget and therefore no money left to keep the building up to date and will in the end close. I would prefer the college get the highest bid for it and have a modern college, rather than it crumble away.
Also the building at present on Buxton Lane is 5 floors but a MIA member has stated a new building would be intrusive to the residents and that parking would become a problem. The site is still the same as when I went to high school. the parking spaces was intended for staff. I'm sure once a new college is built a car park would be in place to accommodate the students (the tennis courts what are a eyesore at present could also be used?)

I know people don't like change its well documented on this very site. But we have to move with the times and think of our future generations. I would like my sons to be able to go to a local college what is modern and up to date and not my old crumbling down high school. I would like their children in time to also benefit from it too!

Now can we keep this topic on topic and put your views across as adults without shouting or insulting anyone and no mention of a supermarket as this is not about that its about what would be good for the college and the community.