Maybe we know information because we have been into meetings, spoken to planners, had sight of FOI , had sight of leaked emails, had leaked correspondence etc ect ect. I am getting tired of repeating myself so without sounding rude I would suggest that anyone doubting what's been said brings themselves up to speed with all the information on this site. Then if you require an explanation or require further background information just post and your question will be answered. Because unlike what has been posted about me on the Yes Face Book page I do have a life
and a very demanding and time consuming job as well as family commitments etc etc so I am beginning to tire of constantly reiterating information which is well documented on this site.
For people to lead a YES campaign they must have all the facts about , noise, traffic, increased crime rate, loss of swimming pool, size of the development, loss of independent shops, parking issues, light pollution Because if the supermarket goes ahead and problems arise you will be answerable to a lot of people including myself if it causes me unforeseen problems that I have not been warned about, so word to the
wise Look at all the facts, research other areas around where supermarket giants have moved in so when people come knocking to ask what you are going to do to rectify the problems you have all the answers. MIA are not a bunch of middle class oldies, nor are they all shop owners and looking on the Yes face book page I know most you and more so your parents , well correction the ones who live in and around Marple so you can be sure they know me.