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Author Topic: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park  (Read 31879 times)

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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2011, 02:28:37 PM »
what the Principal says about having to sell for Best Value is a play on words.  I have to undertake Best Value working  everyday in my employment  and it certainly doesn't mean getting the most for your money, it means getting the best possible outcome using a holistic approach that includes the wider picture, in this case the  community to achieve a workable outcome.  I feel Ms Cassidy and the corporation have mis interpreted 'Best Value ' to their own gain regardless of the wider picture.  

This question is at the heart of the issue.   I wasn't at yesterday's rally, so I don't know what was said about 'best value'.  However, as Miss M rightly says, it's vital that this issue is clarified.

The legal position of colleges stems from Article 3c of the Articles of Government, which states:  'the Corporation [i.e. the governors] shall be responsible for the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the institution and the Corporation and safeguarding their assets'.

The last three words there are the key ones: they are generally taken to mean that if assets are disposed of, it must be at the maximum available valuation.  It's important to distinguish between this legal obligation on colleges, which stems from their own constitutions, and the Best Value regimes which local authorities have to work with - the two issues are very different.

But this is legal territory, and I am not a lawyer.  The college will undoubtedly have taken legal advice before proceeding in the way they are, and I think it would be sensible for MIA to do the same - it could save an awful lot of time, argument and general confusion!   But don't go to a local high street lawyer - you need one of the big firms that specialise in education. 

Miss Marple

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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #51 on: September 11, 2011, 11:41:28 AM »
A big thank you to all who attended the Rally yesterday I know its not everyones cup of tea listening to politicians and political parties but to be fair they pledged their support and Marple will remember that ?   There is a fantastic blog on The Marple Leaf Web Page that SGK has put a link to, which really sums it all up, far better than I could ever do.  
Every time I attend a MIA gathering and see how well we are supported by people of all ages and the determination shown by the community to see this through to the end is what gives me and  MIA the strength to carry on.
I have always maintained if this is right what the college is doing it must be wrong and what the Principal says about having to sell for Best Value is a play on words.  I have to undertake Best Value working  everyday in my employment  and it certainly doesn't mean getting the most for your money, it means getting the best possible outcome using a holistic approach that includes the wider picture, in this case the  community to achieve a workable outcome.  I feel Ms Cassidy and the corporation have mis interpreted 'Best Value ' to their own gain regardless of the wider picture.  So CAMSFC need to re look at what 'Best Value ' actually means and listen to the YPLA who have a completely different view of best value and should be challenging Ms Cassidy on her continual play on words.


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #50 on: September 11, 2011, 08:15:11 AM »
Blog entry from Marple Leaf on yesterday's rally : Desperately want to say YES to something in Marple


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #49 on: September 10, 2011, 11:01:23 PM »
It's all little one sided.
Yes it is at the moment but there is nothing to stop the" Yes " people doing the same as MIA.It takes a lot of dedication to the cause.It has been said that the NO group have too much time on their hands.When the truth is they find the time,after work ,family commitments and all manner of things that life throws at them.If I was a Yes supporter I would have got something up and running by now.You cannot sit back and hope someone else will fight for you! ::) You cannot help people who won't help their selves :P


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #48 on: September 10, 2011, 09:55:50 PM »
It's all little one sided.


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2011, 08:10:41 PM »
Only two days to go to the rally in the park.  Please inform as many people as you can as this is our chance to ask questions.   The Rally on Sat is  only the third time we have come together as a group but more high profile things are being  planned  :o.  All MIA ask is for your continued support ,  its going to be a long journey and to once again thank you all for supporting your community.   SEE YOU ALL SAT 2pm IN THE MEMORIAL PARK

LETS HOPE THE SUN SHINES  ;) and that I win the Euro Millions on Friday and purchase the college Sat  ;D Then it can be a PARTY IN THE PARK !!! ALL DRINKS ON ME  :-*

Seeeing as we are not getting a decent response from anyone on here....is EVERYONE welcome? including the YES campaigners....seeing as you say its an open microphone....we wondered how open it would be?

Maybe its me who just thinks this,  but I think that if you  or any others in the yes campaign want to step up and speak on behalf of the people who DO want a supermarket on Hibbert lane, then I think you should organise  your own  rally on behalf of your own  group.

I would say no to it being an open mic to the yes group,  you have strong feelings, but , the tireless work done by M.I.A, why should you have a say at an event that has taken many hours of organisation, leaflet dropping, meetings etc etc by them ,  why should they do all the hard work ( hours of hard work ) , and you just turn up and have your say ?

You say many people are for the supermarket, and if you are correct, you should have no problem organising such an event yourselves.

Just my opinion, and No, Im not involved with M.I.A, and have no plans to be in the future  ... just an opinion .
I know what you are saying PP regarding The Yes people speaking at the rally.But MIA are Damned if they do and Damned if they don't include everyone.


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #46 on: September 10, 2011, 06:36:56 PM »
Shame that this issue has divided the community into "yes" and "no" camps when, in truth, we are ALL residents of Marple and should be working together to find a solution.

Actually we understand each other a lot better after today, and are a little closer together (although obviously not in absolute agreement) so it was a positive experience.


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #45 on: September 10, 2011, 05:30:21 PM »
Shame that this issue has divided the community into "yes" and "no" camps when, in truth, we are ALL residents of Marple and should be working together to find a solution.


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2011, 05:09:10 PM »
OK, I can see the points of view on those last two posts. And the 'Yes' campaign did ask if they would be welcomed and were told yes. We did appreciate that it was not our rally.

I hope it was useful that everyone heard at least a couple of questions from us, as most people are not on these forums or on facebook etc. At very least it will have been the first time for many that they've heard an alternative point of view, and will have allowed MIA to go away and think about whether they can be more inclusive. For what it's worth I appreciated very much that we weren't shouted down, and overall the tone of the event was very civil and friendly.


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2011, 03:02:29 PM »
I agree with you Pink panther,
Everyone has the right to a view, However, I feel that if a ralley has been organised by MIA, for the purpose of getting MIA's name out there then MIA should have the mic, and no-one else. After all, Its almost like your gate-crashing the ralley! Now, I wouldn't mind the "yes" campaigners being in attendance, provided they sat down and behaved themselves (which the majority of them do), But I do object to them being given a "open mic" at a event that's main purpose is to educate those in MIA about the college's plans, and to enable those in MIA to ask there questions to various persons.
However, I don't call the shots, so how MIA handle there Ralleys is up to them, I have no say what-so-ever.


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2011, 01:00:59 PM »
Only two days to go to the rally in the park.  Please inform as many people as you can as this is our chance to ask questions.   The Rally on Sat is  only the third time we have come together as a group but more high profile things are being  planned  :o.  All MIA ask is for your continued support ,  its going to be a long journey and to once again thank you all for supporting your community.   SEE YOU ALL SAT 2pm IN THE MEMORIAL PARK

LETS HOPE THE SUN SHINES  ;) and that I win the Euro Millions on Friday and purchase the college Sat  ;D Then it can be a PARTY IN THE PARK !!! ALL DRINKS ON ME  :-*

Seeeing as we are not getting a decent response from anyone on here....is EVERYONE welcome? including the YES campaigners....seeing as you say its an open microphone....we wondered how open it would be?

Maybe its me who just thinks this,  but I think that if you  or any others in the yes campaign want to step up and speak on behalf of the people who DO want a supermarket on Hibbert lane, then I think you should organise  your own  rally on behalf of your own  group.

I would say no to it being an open mic to the yes group,  you have strong feelings, but , the tireless work done by M.I.A, why should you have a say at an event that has taken many hours of organisation, leaflet dropping, meetings etc etc by them ,  why should they do all the hard work ( hours of hard work ) , and you just turn up and have your say ?

You say many people are for the supermarket, and if you are correct, you should have no problem organising such an event yourselves.

Just my opinion, and No, Im not involved with M.I.A, and have no plans to be in the future  ... just an opinion .


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2011, 12:33:53 PM »
I hope to be there. Will be wearing Green for Yes. Can all the No campaigners wear red then we all know who is who?  ;)
How about No campaigners were "TescNO" shirts insted?

Yes, those mysterious T shirts. With the strapline 'No Supermarket on Hibbert Lane' underneath the 'TescNo' logo. Where did they come from???


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2011, 12:31:16 PM »
I hope to be there. Will be wearing Green for Yes. Can all the No campaigners wear red then we all know who is who?  ;)

Was that one of those 'yes' T-shirts Manchester council printed for their congestion charge and gave out to Labour activists whom they shipped in from all over the country to give the impression their was support fr their scheme? Shame!

We don't have 'Yes' T shirts yet Dukey and I would not be happy at all being aligned with that lot ;)

Duke Fame

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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2011, 09:52:08 AM »
I hope to be there. Will be wearing Green for Yes. Can all the No campaigners wear red then we all know who is who?  ;)

Was that one of those 'yes' T-shirts Manchester council printed for their congestion charge and gave out to Labour activists whom they shipped in from all over the country to give the impression their was support fr their scheme? Shame!


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Re: Marple in Action RALLY 10th Sept 2pm Memorial Park
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2011, 10:36:13 PM »
I hope to be there. Will be wearing Green for Yes. Can all the No campaigners wear red then we all know who is who?  ;)
How about No campaigners were "TescNO" shirts insted?