If you’re passionate about pies, then why not enter the Festival Pie Competition on the Food &?Drink Day on 17th September. Four categories: Savoury (vegetables, meat, fish); Fruit; ‘A Pie for One’; and Professional savoury or fruit (local businesses or pubs).
To enter, please email or phone for details and an application form, or just bring your pie to Market Street at midday. They will be judged at 1 pm, then the winners announced. Judging is based on appearance, flavour, filling, pastry and topping.
Prizes from Marple Wine Club. Open to over 18 years but entrants under 18 are eligible to win a ‘Special Prize’.
Download details of Pie Competition
http://www.marplefestival.org.uk/Festival_Pie_Competition_2011.pdfContact Tel: 07748 542672 or email andrealjenkins2003@yahoo.co.uk
PS If you don’t want to enter the pie competition then please let us have your pie recipes. Bring them to the pie stand on Market Street on the day. We plan to produce a booklet!