I have watched this with interest. I walk my dog down the Middlewood way almost daily, although she is off the lead a lot of the time, if I see or hear a cyclist (or indeed a horse) I will hold onto her because I know she is fairly stupid, and also because I am concerned that she would be injured if hit by a bike, and also I don't want to be responsible for causing injury to a cyclist. Most cyclists thank me as they pass, but some are incredibly arrogant and rude, one in particular delights in sneaking up on me from behind in wet weather when I have my hood up and riding past so close that I nearly die of fright.
I do consider myself a considerate driver (and have been a cyclist in the past) but the arrogance of some is astounding. 2 weeks ago I was coming up dan bank when an ambulance came up behind, all the cars tried to pull in to the side to let it pass, the cyclist behind me banged on my car tailgate and when I wound my window down, shouted abuse at me for pulling in and blocking his path (he could have been on the cycle path but chose to be on the road). lets hope the ambulance isn't for him next time.