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Author Topic: Pets Graveyard in Brabyns  (Read 8700 times)

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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2002, 11:20:56 AM »
Update to let you know that I have driven past the graveyard and noticed that all the shrubs have been cleared and the grass has been cut.  Not had chance to stop and have a look yet but thanks to Adrian on the MCC and the councillor I also raised it with for getting the council to act promptly.


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2002, 10:12:10 AM »
I've made it!  I am now a 'concerned resident'.  Article in the Stockport Times about the Graveyard.  Well done, whoever it was, for getting the article in the newspaper.  Also a nice bit about the history of the graveyard.  Lets hope some eejits don't take it into their heads to vandalise it now they know about it.


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2002, 10:08:42 AM »
Hi Mark

I spoke to Philip Harrison.  The path has two slabs missing from it, one at the bottom on those steep steps and the other half way up.  The reason I mentioned it to the councillor is because there is a woman with a guide dog who uses the steps everyday to take her daughter to school.  He said that they already knew about the lower step but didn't know about the other which I think is a recent problem.  They are also going to repaint the white lines on the edges of the steps.  I also mentioned it to Adrian on the MCC and he has written a letter to the council requesting action.  I like to complain widely!  I mentioned the disgraceful state of the bank which borders Hogarth which at one time was a grassy bank and then the council dug it all up and planted ivy which promptly died because we had a long hot summer.  It is now a weedy mess and needs something sorting.   Next!


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2002, 10:10:39 AM »
What's the problem with the path from Lower Fold to Hogarth Denise, is that worthy of a topic on its own?

Which Councillor was it you spoke to?
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2002, 10:06:35 AM »
Update - mentioned the graveyard and the state of the path up from Lower Fold to Hogarth to the councillor in the Library on Saturday.  We'll see what happens.


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2002, 12:23:14 PM »
Well done Denise, both for overcoming your dislike for the new format and also for getting the MCC to spring into action.

It will be interesting to see if the letter has the desired effect, or if it takes more than this to stir SMBC on a relatively minor request.

If you pass the cemetery regularly, could you please give us a progress report now and again.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2002, 02:21:51 PM »
Me again - twice in one week - blimey!

Anyway - the MCC have sent a letter to the council which I would put as an attachment but haven't the foggiest how to do it so I have copied into this posting.

Director of Community Services Division,
Stopford House,
Date: 19th. March 2002.

Dear Sir,
Re: Site of dogs grave at the entrance to Brabyns Park.

I am writing to please request that the area of dog’s graves on the left of the entrance into Brabyns Park is tidied from grass and weed encroachment.

The area itself, although small and not necessarily easily found, is of interest to many residents and visitors alike and could be made a feature at this point in Brabyns Park.

It is relatively unique within Stockport, certainly Marple, belonging to an age past and is of note both historical and social interest, the site may well be listed as a monument?

No doubt you have a time table of ground maintenance within Brabyns Park, but I would suggest that this area is worthy of some special treatment, as is of course the pond area, another popular visitor stop.  

We hope that you are able to comply with this simple request, as it has been brought to our attention by a resident, and on inspection ourselves we must agree with their own assessment.

Yours Sincerely,

Adrian Taylor- Chair of Marple Community Council.


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2002, 05:08:30 PM »
Atta girl Denise,
Now you've braved it once then there is no reason why you shouldn't return to your full flow!
Good point about the pets graveyard (I did know it was there), I'm 100% behind you in your quest. Often wondered whatever happened to Miss Hudsons dog 'Densy' who is to be seen on many of the photos when it was a military hospital, I have never found his grave amongst the others.


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2002, 04:37:07 PM »
Well firstly am shocked I didnt know about that graveyard am glad you have brought it to my attention!

Secondly what is wrong with the new Discussion board and is there anything the webmaster can do about it?


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Pets Graveyard in Brabyns
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2002, 01:01:06 PM »
Finally having a go at posting a message on this noticeboard (which I HATE! - the design that is - not the idea of it)  

Had a look at the pets graveyard in Brabyns on Sunday and it is looking very neglected.  Some of the graves are being obscured by grass growing over them.  It would be a shame for this graveyard to be lost for ever.  I have e-mailed the contact name for the MCC to try and get them to get the council to clear the gravestones and I will mention it to the councillor in the Library next time I am in.  Just thought I would bring it to the attention of the forum in case anyone who doesn't know it exists would like to visit it.  It is on the corner of Brabyns Park and Station Road just about where the garden centre put their sign.  Look behing the stone column that is on the grass and you should find the graves.  I particularly like the one for the Seagull called Ben Lomond.