I can not put it on the web because of legal reasons or the person has not given consent Or like the emails that were posted on this site there were no disclaimers attached so CAMSFC contacted Admin to have them removed, Admin sought legal advice and had to remove them. I have copy of a governors resignation letter but can not publish it, I have had a conversation with another governour who has since resigned as she felt the plans of the college distasteful and had warned the principal of the community reaction if it ever leaked out.
Information as you can imagine comes to MIA via different sources mainly from inside the college, people contacting the Action Line, emails sent anonymously. A prime example was when we were leafleting outside the college yesterday, a school teacher who was enrolling her son spoke to a member of MIA in great detail about science labs and how in her school they are relocating them and that the school was struggling due to the cost. I was not really involved in the conversation but I am sure if the MIA member involved reads this they will give you figures all I do know was it was a considerable amount of money, which Cllr Bispham had
explained on Wed.
What you must remember is that since June all MIA members have worked daily on this, gathering
information, speaking to YPLA, speaking to planners, solicitors, speaking to staff, teachers, unions you name them and we have spoken to them We have a really dedicated team of members in MIA and hopefully if you live that near the college you maybe interested to know that the information about building higher came from a governor who had seen the plans. I have no reason to lie to you, what would that gain? All I try to do is keep the community informed, some members of MIA I think would prefer me to stop posting on the forum because of the criticism I get, but I believe that the community have the right to know what I know, or have been told. SO please bear that in mind before people continually try to belittle me, because, hey you may thank me one day Well here's hoping