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Author Topic: Warning message from MIA  (Read 61956 times)

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #73 on: October 17, 2011, 01:17:37 PM »
What I don't understand is why MIA is against a supermarket on the college site in particular - yet would be open to one in the "district centre" - There would be the same traffic, same number of customers, and half the college would probably close anyway.

I strongly agree.


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #72 on: October 17, 2011, 01:07:04 PM »
I'm speaking for myself when I say this, and No-one else.
I'd be quite happy to see a new supermarket in the shopping district, which, lets face it, is better suited to having shops than some ("out in the sticks" <- figuratively speaking) Place that has a road that would not be suitable to cope with the increased volume of traffic.


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #71 on: October 17, 2011, 10:43:48 AM »
This is all getting silly now. Direct action? Underground movements? Secret meetings in pubs?  :o

What I don't understand is why MIA is against a supermarket on the college site in particular - yet would be open to one in the "district centre" - There would be the same traffic, same number of customers, and half the college would probably close anyway.

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #70 on: October 17, 2011, 09:42:07 AM »
Yes Dave ! That's in the real world and one would hope that you are right ?  What concerns me is why CAMSFC are ploughing ahead regardless?   Have you read all CAMSFC Min's regarding this?  I have and if you read them you will see just why they have to continue with regard to the consultancy fees already spent and seeking an overdraft of a million.  If you are going to read them go right back to 2006 when the were planning to sell Hibbert lane BEFORE applying to the LSC for funding


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #69 on: October 17, 2011, 09:33:42 AM »
I haven't attended any meetings yet, beacuse as no planning application has been lodged, there is no live scheme for me to consider. I've only lived here for just over 10 years, so Tricky's opinions are worth 4 of mine!

Ultimately the only information that I really need to know at this stage is that SMBC have nailed their colours to the mast and that any application for major food retail on the College site will be refused, regardless of what is in the developer submissions - in which case, the initial planning application almost becomes irrellevant, as the whole thing is going to appeal.

At the resulting public inquiry, the case will be considered by an independent government inspector, who will judge the case solely on its planning merits. Having attended a number of Inquiries, I've no doubt that this will be potentially quite a close run thing, as I'm pretty sure I've a good idea on many of the arguments that the supermarket developers will run. Ultimately at the appeal it won't matter if there are 7 or 7,000 signatures against the scheme, as Inspector's take no notice of campaigns (however well run) but stick solely to planning facts. The Inquiry is where this battle will be won or lost, make no mistake about it. Everything that comes before it will be window dressing.

Quite so.  This underlines the sheer pointlessness of the MIA campaign.  Who is this petition addressed to?

Is it:
1. The college? Pointless, because, as MIA itself acknowledges, the college is constitutionally obliged to sell to the highest bidder.

Is it:
2. The council? Pointless, because the council has already confirmed that it will reject an application for retail use on Hibbert Lane.

Is it:
3. The Planning Inspectorate? Pointless, for the reasons given above by belly.

Which confirms that all this fuss and commotion is, in the immortal words of the Bard of Avon, 'sound and fury, signifying nothing'.   ::)

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #68 on: October 17, 2011, 12:11:28 AM »
Belly of course your views are important it doesn't matter how long you have lived in Marple.  This is although one of only a very few land deals by a supermarket that has been found out before it has gone into pre planning so we are now watching very carefully planners, elected members and the like.   As Micheal Taylor says in the Marple Leaf  No deals behind closed doors in this case, or words to that effect and I agree 100% because Marple will be watching and will remember !


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #67 on: October 16, 2011, 09:53:43 PM »
Marplexile sums it up very well. Re belly's point about the college'sitting back and letting the supermarket do all the running' I'm not sure they'll be so relaxed. We can assume that any supermarket offer for the site will be conditional on them getting planning consent. The longer an appeals process drags on, the longer the college will have to twiddle its thumbs wondering how much money (if any) it's going to have to spend round the corner at Buxton Lane. 

Very true - I would anticipate that any option would be time limited, putting the onus then on the 'developer' to get a move on.


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #66 on: October 16, 2011, 09:48:23 PM »
I haven't attended any meetings yet, beacuse as no planning application has been lodged, there is no live scheme for me to consider. I've only lived here for just over 10 years, so Tricky's opinions are worth 4 of mine!

Ultimately the only information that I really need to know at this stage is that SMBC have nailed their colours to the mast and that any application for major food retail on the College site will be refused, regardless of what is in the developer submissions - in which case, the initial planning application almost becomes irrellevant, as the whole thing is going to appeal.

At the resulting public inquiry, the case will be considered by an independent government inspector, who will judge the case solely on its planning merits. Having attended a number of Inquiries, I've no doubt that this will be potentially quite a close run thing, as I'm pretty sure I've a good idea on many of the arguments that the supermarket developers will run. Ultimately at the appeal it won't matter if there are 7 or 7,000 signatures against the scheme, as Inspector's take no notice of campaigns (however well run) but stick solely to planning facts. The Inquiry is where this battle will be won or lost, make no mistake about it. Everything that comes before it will be window dressing.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #65 on: October 16, 2011, 09:44:14 PM »


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Plans for Buxton Lane
« Reply #64 on: October 16, 2011, 09:06:23 PM »
Although the college isn't obliged to discuss its plans to sell Hibbert Lane (although it would seem to be a courtesy to the people of Marple to do so), surely they could reveal their plans for Buxton Lane.  I fail to see how they could locate all the resources currently at Hibbert to Buxton without a considerably larger building or cutting some courses.  After all we are talking about a gym, dance studio, theatre space, library, laboratories, canteen, numerous classrooms and offices.  Is Buxton Lane some sort of tardis??

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #63 on: October 16, 2011, 08:55:32 PM »
I can not put it on the web because of legal reasons or the person has not given consent Or like the emails that were posted on this site there were no disclaimers attached so CAMSFC contacted Admin to have them removed, Admin sought legal advice and had to remove them.   I have copy of a governors resignation letter but can not publish it, I have had a conversation with another governour who has since resigned as she felt the plans of the college distasteful and had warned the principal of the community reaction if it ever leaked out.  
Information as you can imagine comes to MIA via different sources mainly from inside the college, people contacting the Action Line, emails sent anonymously.  A prime example was when we were leafleting outside the college yesterday, a school teacher who was enrolling her son spoke to a member of MIA in great detail about science labs and how in her school they are relocating them and that the school was struggling due to the cost. I was not really involved in the conversation but I am sure if the MIA member involved reads this they will give you figures all I do know was it was a considerable amount of money, which Cllr Bispham had
explained on Wed.
What you must remember is that since June all MIA members have worked daily on this, gathering
information, speaking to YPLA, speaking to planners, solicitors, speaking to staff, teachers, unions you name them and we have spoken to them   We have a really dedicated team of members in MIA and hopefully if you live that near the college you maybe interested to know that the information about building higher came from a governor who had seen the plans.  I have no reason to lie to you, what would that gain? All I try to do is keep the community informed, some members of MIA I think would prefer me to stop posting on the forum because of the criticism I get, but I believe that the community have the right to know what I know, or have been told. SO please bear that in mind before people continually try to belittle me, because, hey   you may thank me one day   Well here's hoping  ;)


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #62 on: October 16, 2011, 08:24:54 PM »
I'll answer that, if it was aimed at me MM

I have lived in Marple for 42 of my 43 years. I live within 1/4 mile of the Hibbert Lane site and even closer to the Buxton Lane site.

I went to both as a youngster. So I trust this meets your criteria of being local and having the right to question?

I haven't attended any meetings yet. For lots of reasons.

I would expect that any news that may occur would be posted on a forum about Marple.

YOU personally have stated many times that you are privy to certain information BUT when asked to share you simply won't (or can't) provide it.. why is that?

PLEASE tell us who told you how much it would cost to move the school science labs?


Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #61 on: October 16, 2011, 08:10:10 PM »
I think that we all could have a more constructed debate if people who contributed on this matter took time out to do their own research instead of gaining it via the forum.   I am concerned  that people who debate argue, and nit pick are the very people who do not attend meetings, preferring to sit back and gain information off this site and then twist and contort it to suit there views.   Forums are strange places because you don't really know who you are communicating with, but I am getting the feeling that some people are not local but are just joining in for the hell of it, because if you were local wouldn't you attend the meetings and gain information first hand   ???


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #60 on: October 16, 2011, 07:59:11 PM »
which was sort of the point I was making Belly


I guessed so - but it had seemed to have passed others by.   ;D


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #59 on: October 16, 2011, 07:54:46 PM »
which was sort of the point I was making Belly
