Michelle Reynolds Podiatrist, Marple

Author Topic: Warning message from MIA  (Read 61925 times)

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Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #103 on: October 18, 2011, 08:27:53 PM »
MIA will always be here, there is a real need for the community to have a voice and MIA will continue to enable the community to have that voice on any controversial issue which effects our community   No more deals behind closed doors on any future plans for Marple

It would be a shame if all MIA did was to oppose "controversial" schemes. What would be nice is if the coming together of the community that has happened since the college issue became widely known actually grew into something that was good for Marple. Then MIA can been seen to be a positive influence rather than the negative NIMBY group that some people are trying to paint it as.
MIA is an  organised community group and will continue to act in the best interests of the community   It is and will continue to be the voice of the people !    MIA is the community !


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #102 on: October 18, 2011, 08:21:12 PM »
in the end successful education is about good teachers not super spec hi tech facilities.  Granted these things are to a degree required to educate to current expectations of jobs,career choices etc.. however they already have those facilities.. ie computers, networks etc.   Its amazing whats happening in the world without

I'v just been to visit Aquinas with my son. We've decided to go to Poynton if possible instead.  The college didnt feel able to offer my son the maths courses he required.. and he would have had to waste a year doing nothing, where as Poynton felt their timetabling could easily cope.  Aquinas have amazing facilities, Poynton currently have 3 mobiles stood on top of each other!!  ( though they also are building a new 6th form block next year)

Note we're not applying for Marple. There has been no discussion at all about the potential upheaval of students over the next few years. Where they are going to put them whilst the college is being rebuilt, what the college intend to do with the Buxton lane site ..so many questions... .all we know is they intend to sell it to a supermarket... Where is the consideration for our childrens education there? I consider it too big a risk to send him there
You also have to consider future children's education in Marple.  Hopefully if the scheme goes ahead Marple will end up with a state of the art college which will offer our children everything they need in order to succeed at 16+.  If you have seen Aquinas you will know what I mean - that is what CAMSFC should be aiming for (in my opinion).  I have said before on this forum that I consider the education of our children to be more important than if a supermarket is built on the site and presently it seems that CAMSFC have no other option other than to sell Hibbert Lane to the highest bidder and good luck to them.


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #101 on: October 18, 2011, 07:48:36 PM »


..I didn't know and neither did members of my family who live directly opposite  the college ..

......what?  ;)


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #100 on: October 18, 2011, 07:01:57 PM »
MIA will always be here, there is a real need for the community to have a voice and MIA will continue to enable the community to have that voice on any controversial issue which effects our community   No more deals behind closed doors on any future plans for Marple

It would be a shame if all MIA did was to oppose "controversial" schemes. What would be nice is if the coming together of the community that has happened since the college issue became widely known actually grew into something that was good for Marple. Then MIA can been seen to be a positive influence rather than the negative NIMBY group that some people are trying to paint it as.


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #99 on: October 18, 2011, 06:45:35 PM »
Maybe Dave would like to be involved with MIA international.London,Paris,new york? ;)

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #98 on: October 18, 2011, 04:52:55 PM »
Oh no! You mean, not content with trying to sabotage an important educational development, MIA plans to oppose any other scheme which its self-appointed and unaccountable members deem to be 'controversial'. Spare us, please....
. I knew I could count on your support Dave !  Cheers Mate !    :D


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #97 on: October 18, 2011, 04:48:45 PM »
Oh no! You mean, not content with trying to sabotage an important educational development, MIA plans to oppose any other scheme which its self-appointed and unaccountable members deem to be 'controversial'. Spare us, please....


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #96 on: October 18, 2011, 04:09:53 PM »
The more the better!

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #95 on: October 18, 2011, 03:34:04 PM »
MIA will always be here, there is a real need for the community to have a voice and MIA will continue to enable the community to have that voice on any controversial issue which effects our community   No more deals behind closed doors on any future plans for Marple


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #94 on: October 18, 2011, 02:45:15 PM »
in the end successful education is about good teachers not super spec hi tech facilities.  Granted these things are to a degree required to educate to current expectations of jobs,career choices etc.. however they already have those facilities.. ie computers, networks etc.   Its amazing whats happening in the world without

I'v just been to visit Aquinas with my son. We've decided to go to Poynton if possible instead.  The college didnt feel able to offer my son the maths courses he required.. and he would have had to waste a year doing nothing, where as Poynton felt their timetabling could easily cope.  Aquinas have amazing facilities, Poynton currently have 3 mobiles stood on top of each other!!  ( though they also are building a new 6th form block next year)

Note we're not applying for Marple. There has been no discussion at all about the potential upheaval of students over the next few years. Where they are going to put them whilst the college is being rebuilt, what the college intend to do with the Buxton lane site ..so many questions... .all we know is they intend to sell it to a supermarket... Where is the consideration for our childrens education there? I consider it too big a risk to send him there

If Poynton are building a new 6th form block next year - won't that also be disruptive? 

        No You Work round people . Marple railway station is shortly to be inproved we have been told but it wont stop people using it .


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #93 on: October 18, 2011, 01:19:17 PM »
On points 1 & 2 how can the deal be finalised for Hibbert Lane without the details of the development being finalised for Buxton.
Surely the college would have to have the plans drawn up and planning consent tied up for Buxton Lane.

Yes, it's 'chicken and egg', of course, which is quite common in this sort of situation.  On the one hand the college won't want to spend six-figure sums on architects, consultant engineers etc doing detailed designs, before they know for certain that the Hibbert Lane deal is in the bag.  But on the other hand, if they sign away Hibbert Lane and then discover they can't build at Buxton Lane after all, then they really are in a mess.

The usual answer would be to enter into preliminary discussions with planning officers at a much earlier stage (indeed, we can safely assume that they have already taken place).  The planners would normally give general advice as to whether, in principle, building on Buxton Lane would be permitted, and what type/size of building might be approved.  Maybe they might get outline planning permission at this stage.  That would probably be enough to give the college reasonable comfort that they will be able to proceed.

Belle Star

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #92 on: October 18, 2011, 01:10:00 PM »
There has been no discussion at all about the potential upheaval of students over the next few years. Where they are going to put them whilst the college is being rebuilt,

Things will probably happen in something like this order:

1.  The college will agree a sale to a supermarket, conditional on planning consent being granted.
2.  If planning consent is granted, the deal will be finalised.  The college will then, for the first time, know what it can afford to do at Buxton Lane.
3.  The college will now commission architects' plans for a new development at Buxton Lane, and (following pre-planning discussions with planning officers) it will apply for planning consent for that.
4.  If/when planning consent for Buxton Lane is secured, the new development on that site will be constructed.
5.  When that is finished, all activity from Hibbert Lane will be moved across to Buxton Lane, and Hibbert Lane will be handed over to its new owner.
6.  Asda/Tesco (or whoever it is) will then build at Hibbert lane, and a suitable celeb (Craig Cash? Andrew Stunnell? Miss Marple  ;)) will cut the ribbon and declare it open.

In short, nothing will happen at Hibbert Lane until the college has moved into its redeveloped premises at Buxton Lane. Assuming at least one of the planning applications goes to appeal, my guess is that it will be 2015 at the earliest before we see a supermarket on Hibbert lane.  So I think MIA should settle in for the long haul - this is a marathon, not a sprint! 
On points 1 & 2 how can the deal be finalised for Hibbert Lane without the details of the development being finalised for Buxton.
Surely the college would have to have the plans drawn up and planning consent tied up for Buxton Lane.

You're right. Ms Cassidy told us in her one and only meeting with MIA a few months ago that the sale was conditional on planning permission for both sites. My guess is they have plans ready to submit re Buxton Lane utilising the 12m that they already know they will get as they had already decided, even back then, who they were selling to. She knew that she needed 12m 'to carry out their plans' for Buxton Lane so the plans must be well advanced.


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #91 on: October 18, 2011, 12:41:39 PM »
There has been no discussion at all about the potential upheaval of students over the next few years. Where they are going to put them whilst the college is being rebuilt,

Things will probably happen in something like this order:

1.  The college will agree a sale to a supermarket, conditional on planning consent being granted.
2.  If planning consent is granted, the deal will be finalised.  The college will then, for the first time, know what it can afford to do at Buxton Lane.
3.  The college will now commission architects' plans for a new development at Buxton Lane, and (following pre-planning discussions with planning officers) it will apply for planning consent for that.
4.  If/when planning consent for Buxton Lane is secured, the new development on that site will be constructed.
5.  When that is finished, all activity from Hibbert Lane will be moved across to Buxton Lane, and Hibbert Lane will be handed over to its new owner.
6.  Asda/Tesco (or whoever it is) will then build at Hibbert lane, and a suitable celeb (Craig Cash? Andrew Stunnell? Miss Marple  ;)) will cut the ribbon and declare it open.

In short, nothing will happen at Hibbert Lane until the college has moved into its redeveloped premises at Buxton Lane. Assuming at least one of the planning applications goes to appeal, my guess is that it will be 2015 at the earliest before we see a supermarket on Hibbert lane.  So I think MIA should settle in for the long haul - this is a marathon, not a sprint! 
On points 1 & 2 how can the deal be finalised for Hibbert Lane without the details of the development being finalised for Buxton.
Surely the college would have to have the plans drawn up and planning consent tied up for Buxton Lane.


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #90 on: October 18, 2011, 11:41:30 AM »
in the end successful education is about good teachers not super spec hi tech facilities.  Granted these things are to a degree required to educate to current expectations of jobs,career choices etc.. however they already have those facilities.. ie computers, networks etc.   Its amazing whats happening in the world without

I'v just been to visit Aquinas with my son. We've decided to go to Poynton if possible instead.  The college didnt feel able to offer my son the maths courses he required.. and he would have had to waste a year doing nothing, where as Poynton felt their timetabling could easily cope.  Aquinas have amazing facilities, Poynton currently have 3 mobiles stood on top of each other!!  ( though they also are building a new 6th form block next year)

Note we're not applying for Marple. There has been no discussion at all about the potential upheaval of students over the next few years. Where they are going to put them whilst the college is being rebuilt, what the college intend to do with the Buxton lane site ..so many questions... .all we know is they intend to sell it to a supermarket... Where is the consideration for our childrens education there? I consider it too big a risk to send him there

If Poynton are building a new 6th form block next year - won't that also be disruptive? 


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #89 on: October 18, 2011, 11:35:47 AM »
I think it was very helpful of Dave to write it down. It does highlight the fact that this is a very long haul for MIA and they would be better conserving their energies and wait for the planning application - otherwise they are very likely to run out of steam (although I will wait for them to disagree ;)