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Author Topic: Warning message from MIA  (Read 61906 times)

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #133 on: October 19, 2011, 11:05:06 PM »
I've put a jokey thread on the Miscellaneous section instead, as I'm sure that's where Mark would prefer this kind of thing to be. This was inspired by my paranoia that you're not allowed to say anything bad about our honourable founding father, and that Marple is appearing to be more and like Springfield (of Simpsons fame) every day


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #132 on: October 19, 2011, 11:03:31 PM »
It's a shame, there is surely room for a little humour in the middle of all this serious debate?
On this point I must agree entirely with the honourable member of the YES campaign :-*


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #131 on: October 19, 2011, 10:47:06 PM »
It's a shame, there is surely room for a little humour in the middle of all this serious debate?


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #130 on: October 19, 2011, 10:44:58 PM »
A number of trivial off topic posts have been removed from this thread. Admin
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #129 on: October 19, 2011, 07:57:01 PM »
Rigged petitions, being fearful of any change, the fear of the new...derogatory points of view masquerading as sound reason..I won't be surprised if the next one trotted out is that anyone who has concerns or objections to the proposed supermarket on Hibbert Lane still thinks the world is flat !
it is flat isn't it ! Who's been scare mongering again !

Steptoe and Son

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #128 on: October 19, 2011, 07:41:15 PM »
Rigged petitions, being fearful of any change, the fear of the new...derogatory points of view masquerading as sound reason..I won't be surprised if the next one trotted out is that anyone who has concerns or objections to the proposed supermarket on Hibbert Lane still thinks the world is flat !

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #127 on: October 19, 2011, 07:30:39 PM »
I am sure the person who gifted the land to the people of  for education  may have seen things a little differently. :-\ 

         Did he say no way can this land be sold for a supermarket .what year did this person gift this land .
. I am not sure but I intend to ask the couple  :-*


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #126 on: October 19, 2011, 07:17:40 PM »
How will a new Asda help Marple prosper ? The Asda/Walmart shareholders will prosper still further.

Here are some suggestions:
- the College will gain the advantage/necessity of modern, well-designed, teaching- and energy-efficient buildings so that Marple's students will prosper from good educational facilities;
- there will be a lot of new jobs in Marple; many people will even be able to work closer to home;
- Marple's residents won't have to drive out of Marple to a sensibly-priced supermarket, saving time, money, petrol; due to its proximity, many more will walk to the supermarket, so getting more exercise.

Certainly Walmart is a giant American company. So are Microsoft and Apple - it doesn't seem to stop people buying their software, computers and electronic gadgets. General Motors is a giant American company - it doesn't stop people buying their cars. If you have a pension then you are (indirectly) a shareholder in many companies that MiA wouldn't approve of.
Hollins comments on your statements:-
What guarantee does a new building have ensuring Marple students prosper? The college will still have the same teaching staff & teaching methods.
Re:- Marple Residents driving out of Marple- Not everyone who shops outside Marple makes a special journey to get the weekly shop, I personally get mine on a the way home from work. Anybody who drives say 5 miles to do the weekly shop would save £2 if they chose to shop at a Asda.
Jobs created - How many jobs will be lost in the Existing shops and supermarkets?
If we want more Jobs in Marple why don't we Move Bredbury Industrial Estate to Brabyns Park then everybody who travels there from Marple would save at Least £10 a week in Petrol regain an hour a day of
Leisure time. This is admittedly a tad outrageous suggestion but a new supermarket is something that would be a convenience rather than a necessity along the same sought of lines of my idea about the moving an Industrial Estate to Brabyns Park.
Hibbert Lane is not the right place for a supermarket, it will effect that area of Marple unrecognisably in respect to traffic, noise etc throughot the day,evening and weekend. Nimby yes, but fact.

In a lot of  dictionaries the meaning of " Prosper " is stated as :- "To be successful".  

So what is success having relaxed peaceful area to live in with a old 6th form Colege or the New Supermarket, State of the Art ( possibly high rise ) and it's associated Traffic, Late night opening etc etc ?

PS : I have nothing against American companies, I work for one. I was just stating who would prosper  ;)                    


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #125 on: October 19, 2011, 04:31:39 PM »
I am sure the person who gifted the land to the people of  for education  may have seen things a little differently. :-\ 

         Did he say no way can this land be sold for a supermarket .what year did this person gift this land .


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #124 on: October 19, 2011, 04:24:53 PM »
We should all be thankful that MIA were not in existence when Samuel Oldknow arrived. I'm sure they would have tried to prevent him from building his mill, mines, houses for his workers and new roads. In fact, everything that helped Marple to prosper.

         quite right ther Dave anything that hapens in Marple there allways seems to be objecktions to it SW DB PP .   


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #123 on: October 19, 2011, 03:42:57 PM »
How will a new Asda help Marple prosper ? The Asda/Walmart shareholders will prosper still further.

Even if you are against the proposal it is easy to recognise there are some benefits ;to deny any it just seems like it isn't a reasoned argument but knee jerk;

cheaper shopping for those on a low income, jobs, less people going outside Marple for big shop, people coming into Marple to do shopping, less trucks from online deliveries (very common around here), possibly being able to buy cheap clothes and electricals, money for college,more competition for Co-op etc.

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #122 on: October 19, 2011, 03:11:08 PM »
I am sure the person who gifted the land to the people of  for education  may have seen things a little differently. :-\ 


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #121 on: October 19, 2011, 02:29:33 PM »
How will a new Asda help Marple prosper ? The Asda/Walmart shareholders will prosper still further.

Here are some suggestions:
- the College will gain the advantage/necessity of modern, well-designed, teaching- and energy-efficient buildings so that Marple's students will prosper from good educational facilities;
- there will be a lot of new jobs in Marple; many people will even be able to work closer to home;
- Marple's residents won't have to drive out of Marple to a sensibly-priced supermarket, saving time, money, petrol; due to its proximity, many more will walk to the supermarket, so getting more exercise.

Certainly Walmart is a giant American company. So are Microsoft and Apple - it doesn't seem to stop people buying their software, computers and electronic gadgets. General Motors is a giant American company - it doesn't stop people buying their cars. If you have a pension then you are (indirectly) a shareholder in many companies that MiA wouldn't approve of.

Miss Marple

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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #120 on: October 19, 2011, 01:13:22 PM »
We should all be thankful that MIA were not in existence when Samuel Oldknow arrived. I'm sure they would have tried to prevent him from building his mill, mines, houses for his workers and new roads. In fact, everything that helped Marple to prosper.
How will a new Asda help Marple prosper ? The Asda/Walmart shareholders will prosper still further.
. My point exactly !


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Re: Warning message from MIA
« Reply #119 on: October 19, 2011, 12:45:29 PM »
We should all be thankful that MIA were not in existence when Samuel Oldknow arrived. I'm sure they would have tried to prevent him from building his mill, mines, houses for his workers and new roads. In fact, everything that helped Marple to prosper.
How will a new Asda help Marple prosper ? The Asda/Walmart shareholders will prosper still further.