If I were to apply for planning permission for a building that would fundamentally change the area then I would expect to have to face neighbours and interested parties in my daily life. Please remember everybody that before June we were all getting on with life in our own way. By what right does a group of anonymous individuals have to reach a decision that would not only affect the area,as and when the supermarket is built, but blights the area for years to come through the planning process. This process of blight is not merely the un saleability of domestic properties on Hibbert Lane but also business decisions by existing enterprises in Marple as to the long term viability of the centre.
There will be owners who, right now, will be holding back on investment should the sale go ahead. Empty shops will remain and rents will reduce to attract yet another charity shop and so the cycle continues.
The Governors, currently, are hiding behind the facade of the college. If it were a LTD company then Company's House would furnish the information. And in order to ensure complete clarity should we not be able to find out if any of the vast amount of money involved somehow enhances someones lifestyle at some stage in the future. Threatening and inappropriate, I doubt that. But since June I certainly feel threatened.