Just last week, I came down church lane on my bike and being a but busy jumped the kerb and was getting a bit of speed going (I like to get back on the road at the bus stop) ready to slot into the traffic so I need to get up to around 25-30. I check who's turning into the garage as i go and all is clear yet some ignorant person pulls right into my path out of the garage and I miss him by centimetres. You lot are in a world of your own driving in your tin boxes whilst slowly getting more & more obese through lack of exercise. "I'm big boned" I hear you say and before blaming the tory govt for not prescribing pies on the NHS. pfft!
Duke, if you were going down Church Lane on your bike you were going the wrong way along a one way street or you were riding on the pavement, both of which are illegal. Also you seem to have been travelling at a fair speed, 25-30 mph?
If this is really the case then you can hardly blame the driver for not expecting something to be coming from that direction. If you'd been hurt then I suggest that you only have yourself to blame and that, in fact, it was you who was in the wrong.
Or am I just feeding the troll?