Hello Lisa/Duke,
I've forgotten what this debate is about now but I have to side with Duke about Dickie. Sir Richard Leese, elected member for Crumpsall. "knighted for services to local government". Last year he was paid £53,153,27. When you are a Council Leader you are automatically elected to other bodies (all paid) E.G Police Authority, Fire Authority, TfGM, GMWDA .... THERE'S PLENTY OF THEM TO GO AROUND FOR THE SELECTED FEW. In Dickie's case this probably nets him another £53 GRAND.
MCC Councillors basic annual attendence allowance is £16,095,81 almost double what Stockport Councilors receive - why is that?
Only the half - truth though Duke about the assault. It was Dickie's teen-age stepdaughter and it was an "altercation" about her conduct. Those of us that have had teen-age stepdaughters understand what that is about. Anyway, do our Councillors have to pure as the driven snow or are they allowed to have family problems that sometimes get a little out of hand?
I don't think anybody begrudges paying a good Councillor a fair allowance but 54Grand x2 ! ... that's just a gravy train when Social Workers and Lollipop Ladies are being sacked!