So these local shops manage to survive and thrive in the face of the existing competition from the Co-op and Iceland - because they offer better quality than supermarkets, and often at a lower price (certainly in fruit and veg). So no doubt they will continue to do so when Asda come along. And as it is generally accepted that more people will shop in Marple when we have a proper supermarket, then the increase in 'footfall' will mean more shoppers using the local shops too.
Meanwhile I think we must remain sceptical about the extent to which Asda will provide serious competition to Harmony Decor, Pads Paws and Claws, Edel carpets, Alan's Paints, Harrod's Car Spares, the jewellers etc etc. Duke writes:
If I have to do a big shop it is Morrisons who do everything but the Optitians and clothing
I shop regularly in Morrison's. You could get a tin of white gloss there, and a can of WD40, but if I were Alan or Mr Harrod, or the Hollins people, I wouldn't be losing any sleep over this.