My point is that having somebody register provides no protection whatsoever.
Anybody can sign-up for as many free email addresses as they like. There is no limit. Mark could limit log entry to registered users, but he cannot check who wants to register with this forum / site. All he can do is cancel their registration if and when he sees fit. The person can then just re-register with a different name/email address.
Also, rarely can users be traced via their IP address. Many have an IP address allocated on connection, some connect via proxy servers, some connect at internet cafes or wireless hotspots. Usually all the IP address would give is the name of the ISP.
Start a log by all means. This can be presented to the powers that be as evidence that there is a problem and something needs to be done. Far better than people just saying 'we have a problem on the streets' without being able to quantify it. But with a viewable log it would be very difficult to give anonymity, its not just the userid, its the location which could be in the entry, i.e. my house on the corner of abc street was vandalised.
I will reserve judgement on the idea of a support group. I don't know what they would be expected to do or achieve. Images of Charles Bronson walking round Central Park doing his bit against crime in Death Wish spring to mind.
Don't get paranoid about this. Its a very, very small minority, probably just a handful, causing a problem. All we really need is a police presence. I read that there is one police officer for approx. every 400 people in this area (figures may be slightly out but not far). Marple has a population of about 23000. So, being simplistic we should have about 57 police dedicated to Marple. Obviously it doesn't work like that. Some are needed on Motorways, in city centres, in the stations, etc. Â But we should definately have more than we do have.
Wilmslow businesses are now paying to have a small number of extra officers on duty on weekend evenings. Perhaps thats the answer.