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Author Topic: Barclays Bank  (Read 3645 times)

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  • Guest
Barclays Bank
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2003, 03:07:12 PM »
I think we have to persuade the police to make some efforts
to carry through prosecutions. I got assaulted last Autumn
outside Marple station and the police refused to pursue the
case because the owner of the car - registration number
recorded by three witnesses - refused to identify who was
in the vehicle that night. Unbelievable! Aiding and abetting
or what?

Come on, Stockport Constabulary, get your act together and put
some effort into policing.


  • Guest
Barclays Bank
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2003, 12:32:28 PM »
'Saddened' called for 'More police foot patrols' (amongst other things)

You mean we already do have foot patrols ?

I've only lived in Marple for 18 years. In that time I've only ever seen a police officer on foot once. I presumed he was lost.

  • Guest
Barclays Bank
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2003, 10:08:51 PM »
I am very concerned about the way the foyer at Barclays has been vandalised. On a number of occasions I have seen youths congregating in the  enclosed foyer during the night time hours. They have caused alarm and distress to potential cash machine users, who having seen these "yobos", tearing up  bank documents and littering the floor with bottles and rubbish, have decided to allow themselves to be deprived of basic  services, rather than run the risk of abuse and possible assault by these miscreants.

All this is in view of the  CCTV ON Market St and yet nothing seems to be done about it.

I have complained to the bank but to no  avail, perhaps it would be better if the facility was closed altogether.

  • Guest
Barclays Bank
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2003, 11:18:42 PM »
The fact that "people" use Barclays bank cash machine area as a "club room" was discussed with local police some several meetings ago.
The police are well aware of the situation, and have cleared the foyer on many occasions.
Please note that Barclays bank is the only bank to have such an arrangement in Marple, and this has been pointed out to them on several occasions, consider how the staff must feel as they arrive for a hard day in the bank !!
The answer is in Barclay's own hands it would appear.

  • Guest
Barclays Bank
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2003, 12:09:37 PM »
So the louts have won and the foyer is now closed. How much longer are we to tolerate, the lager swilling, spitting and vile mannered juveniles in out town. I wonder what state the new benches are now in at the Hollins. They are getting away with dictating how we should enjoy our community and putting fear into our old folk. Lets us see More police foot patrols, supported with dogs, more special constables and community wardens. Let us see our elected representatives going out with the police and speaking to these people. Magistrates, you volunteered to serve the community, lets have some action thats hits their liberty and their pockets and after that, consider "community service" but not until