How litle you understand. The offerton seat up in 2014 is held by John Smith for the Tories so could never ever be a loss for the Lib Dems. And if Labour could not take Manor this year with all the nastyness they through at Sue Derbyshire and the mass resources they pumped in there I would not hold your breath. Lol Lib Dems will lose Offerton in 2014 a seat they dont even hold. Oh dear what sharpe analysis.
Apologies for my lack of understanding.
I'm fully aware that John Smith is a Conservative at least he is now. He won't even stand. So that bit is irrelevant. You are not reading this thread properly, Wheels. Pedantry aside the LibDems will not regain it.
What was the "nastiness" the Labour Party threw at Sue Derbyshire ? I don't recall hearing about any, please tell, help inform my opinion. The thing is they won't be up against SD will they, they'll be up against young Danny, won't they! To look at your argument from another angle if all the LibDems could do was hang on by their fingernails to a seat that the Deputy Leader of the Council (now the Leader)had held for 8 years, a seat that they chucked everything at, then what happens when the Deputy Leader doesn't stand? and they don't chuck everything at it... EXACTLY!...i'll leave you to work it out. The fact is the numbers are working against the LibDems. Not just in Stockport but across the region/country. The talk in Manchester and Oldham is that they reckon after 2015 election there won't be a single one left on either Council.