Of course, "the British Labour government isnt taking hold across Europe." What I mean is that austerity is being rejected by the people of Europe when they get the chance to speak. Its called democracy I'm afraid. The emphasis is now turning towards growth which is the only way back from the brink. This Coalition has stopped the economy in its tracks. (When Labour was ousted we actually had growth back in the economy). Why you hate Balls so much Duke I dont know. At least he understands economics unlike Osborne and his mates.
The reason why I distrust Ed Balls is simple, he was up to his ears in the blame for the mess we’re in, he & Milliband were Brown’s boys from way before 1997 and they both have their the dirtiest of hands when it comes to taking the blame for the economic disaster. Furthermore, I think he either simply does not understand economics or he’s a liar. Take his response to the increase of VAT from 17.5% to 20% - he said it would cost the average man in the street £500 per year! Any O’level maths student can work out that that seems very wrong. He backtracked a little but that’s not a chap who understands simple sums nevermind high level economics.
The democracy you talk of across Europe is in reality a backlash in Greece which is hamstrung by the Euro and France who in Sarkozy had a rather unpleasant human being who was disliked on a personal level over that of politics (nevertheless, the French have never needed much of an excuse to vote in a socialist). There isn’t the same appetite for socialism in the UK be that the BNP, Greens, Respect or Labour.
It’s not as easy as “growth not austerity” , even Hollande is agreeing with cutting spending, he just talks of spending for growth as if it’s a magic wand. The sort of public spending that is good and effective is infrastructure, not making up public services to spend money on. Government doesn’t create real jobs, it creates the economy for business to expand and create jobs. It can try but to do so, it has to take money out of the private sector and it’s not very efficient at doing that and tends not to create a positive outcome. You can’t put off a hangover by simply remaining drunk.