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Author Topic: Local election results  (Read 42490 times)

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Duke Fame

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Re: Local election results
« Reply #115 on: June 07, 2012, 02:21:23 PM »
But it not a little pressure group its a serious research based organisation. You sound as if you know nothing about the organisation other then its name and you think that you disagree with the premise of the organisatoion

I wish Stockport were a member as a CT payer this is exactly what I want my money being spent on.We all have to live as tax payers with expenditure we don't like.

I think we are over policed and would like to see cut to police pay and numbers but I live with my dislike of my money being spent that way as the price I pay for being a member of society

I'm sure you are right, police do seem to be very well paid for what was a job you fell into if you failed your exams & weren't able to meet the grade as a squadie. I'm sure there are efficeincies can be improved but it's a bit of a closed shop when it comes to a BPR exercise.

Now, onto nukes, one of the arguments for state intervention is that it removes duplication and indeed that argument against marketisation is that competition requires surplus supply. So, why  have this Nuke research group being paid for out of our pocket when we have the most advanced atomic weapons reasearch establishment in the world based at Aldermaston?

It's unlikely that a chap wearing itchy clothing in Manchester will know any more than the guys down at Aldermaston.

Victor M

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Re: Local election results
« Reply #114 on: June 07, 2012, 01:54:12 PM »
are you implying that privatising the BBC will mean a poorer service? This isn't what happened with BT, BA, Roadline, Thomas Cook, British Gas
Duke, I think you have just shot yourself in the foot if you think British Gas, BT, Thomas Cook & BA are now more customer focused than when they were nationalised industries. They are now just more profit orientated.

Duke Fame

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Re: Local election results
« Reply #113 on: June 07, 2012, 01:39:35 PM »
Why not just move to America, Duke, and then you can watch trash TV all day to your heart's content? 

I understand your other arguments Dave, they may be a little selfish but ubderstandable. I don't get this one, are you implying that privatiing the BBC will mean a poorer service? This isn't what happened with BT, BA, Roadline, Thomas Cook, British Gas etc. When VW took over Rolls Royce , they didn't trash the brand & make hatchbacks, they built on the brand to be more efficient, create better demand & sell more. Surely, a private, independant enterprising BBC will enhance the brand.

Another little point, the US sells it's media in far greater numbers and creates far more revenue than the BBC. It's not all trash, the BBC buys in some american trash, shows like the voice, apprentice etc are American. American TV comedy dwarfs the BBC and that's where the BBC is fairly strong. Look at sport, the BBC is staid in comparison to others.

Duke Fame

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Re: Local election results
« Reply #112 on: June 07, 2012, 01:24:23 PM »
No governement has had the guts to take on the power of the BBC.....There isn't the political will as it would be political suicide

.... the middle classes see it as good value.
I'd like to see any evidence suggesting that other classes don't.  

The BBC is a very strong brand but it is not being used to make money and an income for the country which is crazy.
Really?  Then how come BBC Worldwide had earnings of over £1 billion in 2011?

I'm glad you agree that the BBC has too much power. It seems strange tht we're wasting so much money on Leverson when the BBC has far greater influence than Sky.

I've already illustrated as to why it's an unfair tax that hurts the poorest.

Yes, BBC worldwide pulled in revenues but it could do far better. All the other makjor media groups pull in far greater revenues.  THe BBC is very inefficient too (in comparison), it's spends far more money to pull in that revenue.


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Re: Local election results
« Reply #111 on: June 07, 2012, 01:00:33 PM »
No governement has had the guts to take on the power of the BBC.....There isn't the political will as it would be political suicide

.... the middle classes see it as good value.
I'd like to see any evidence suggesting that other classes don't. 

The BBC is a very strong brand but it is not being used to make money and an income for the country which is crazy.
Really?  Then how come BBC Worldwide had earnings of over £1 billion in 2011?

Duke Fame

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Re: Local election results
« Reply #110 on: June 07, 2012, 12:29:19 PM »
... a free democratic nation doesn’t really need a state broadcasting propaganda machine, especially when it crowds out private investment..... Far better to have adverts where the consumer on the basis of time they spend watching, for those who really don’t want shake & vac but prefer to see the gap filled in with blokes doing wheelies in wheelchairs or feature film length trailers for upcoming episodes of strictly dancing, the voice  etc

Why not just move to America, Duke, and then you can watch trash TV all day to your heart's content? 

Fortunately, most people realise that the Beeb is a precious national asset, and one of the few things left in Great Britain that is still great.  It retains huge public support, and is respected around the world as an honest and reliable source of news.   That's why no government - not even the present lot, even though they don't like it very much - would dare to sell it off or close it down.   

No governement has had the guts to take on the power of the BBC. The BBC employees will defend their cushy number and rubbish anyone who attempts to upset their pleasent applecart. There isn't the political will as it would be political suicide and the middle classes don't really opbject to paying for hte BBC as it is as the middle classes see it as good value.

The BBC is a very strong brand but it is not being used to make money and an income for the country which is crazy.

As I say, those who are confortably off get good value so they will defend the BBC. It's a fairly selfish view but not an easy one to shift.


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Re: Local election results
« Reply #109 on: June 07, 2012, 11:01:57 AM »
... a free democratic nation doesn’t really need a state broadcasting propaganda machine, especially when it crowds out private investment..... Far better to have adverts where the consumer on the basis of time they spend watching, for those who really don’t want shake & vac but prefer to see the gap filled in with blokes doing wheelies in wheelchairs or feature film length trailers for upcoming episodes of strictly dancing, the voice  etc

Why not just move to America, Duke, and then you can watch trash TV all day to your heart's content? 

Fortunately, most people realise that the Beeb is a precious national asset, and one of the few things left in Great Britain that is still great.  It retains huge public support, and is respected around the world as an honest and reliable source of news.   That's why no government - not even the present lot, even though they don't like it very much - would dare to sell it off or close it down.   


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Re: Local election results
« Reply #108 on: June 07, 2012, 10:25:09 AM »
WoW Duke. Those are certainly strange views.

I don't mean to be rude its the the way the sentence is coming out so don't take offence. I have struggled to find other words.

I thought we had all out grown this sort of view and had left them in the 1980s where they did so much damage or to the stange fringe organisation like the Taxpayers Alliance.

More of a response later have to dash work to do.

Duke Fame

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Re: Local election results
« Reply #107 on: June 07, 2012, 10:03:48 AM »
Well I think I would disagree there on moreor less every point you make. I thinkit is very much the roleof a local authority to champion those issues which without there support would not find an outlet. Even those which whom I disagree. SO if a few pounds of my council tax is going each year to support unfashonable causes well done Local AUthority I say. HG Ratepayers or at lease there Leader Peter Burns  are good people but make no mistake they have an organisation several thousands strong and operate effectivley as the leading political party of the area. Independents might sound attractive buy they often no philosphy or underlying principles. All there interested in is not paying their fair share and NIMBYism and usually disappear very quickly.

I would love to see a local income taxand indeed site value rating but do remember that we locally contribute very little to our councils budget over 70% of it coming directly from Westminster.

As for the BBC the frezzing of the TV licence is a disgrace the board of govenors were shocking the way they rolled over. We pay a tiny amount for an outstanding service (Royal simmpering apart) It could be doubled and still be good value.

I can’t agree with you there Wheels. The State (be that local or National) should only get involved where the market fails to allocate resources in a manner that is good for society. To that end, yes it should provide education, defence, a legal framework, streetlighting etc but it shouldn’t be running a road haulage company, a travel agent or telly company – a free democratic nation doesn’t really need a state broadcasting propaganda machine, especially when it crowds out private investment.

I’m aware that the majority of funding comes from the treasury but I think this is wrong too. Where is the accountability, why should a taxpayer in a good responsible local authority area pay for some hey nonny nonny project dreamed up by a Labour councillor. I say that all taxation should be raised locally to meet local demands through a local income tax. That way, the next time Dickie Leese’ mob spend £3m on a brochure for an unworkable transport scheme, only those who voted the dafty in should pay for his indulgences, moreover, they will know for next time that the reason why their local Library etc is closing is because the people voted in had made a mistake.

Business rates are wrong too, we pay regardless of making a profit. If the busienss fails, the owner of the premises still has to pa .There is no incentive for the local authority to provide an environment for business to do well as it gets paid in any case. Considering that onlybusiness can provide real sustainable employment, it's crazy that local authorities have no incentive to assist business. A local corporation tax  would ensure that local authorities need business to make as much money as possible to maximise their own tax revenues.

I know a lot of people defend that BBC as good value, of course it is if you are well off, have a number of HD TV’s in your large band F house. Also if you have multi- platform multimedia products, you will find the flat tax as good value. It’s not such good value for the low paid chap who struggles to buy a £30 TV and then finds he has to earn £220 to pay for the right to sit that £30 TV in the corner of his front room – Far better to have adverts where the consumer on the basis of time they spend watching, for those who really don’t want shake & vac but prefer to see the gap filled in with blokes doing wheelies in wheelchairs or feature film length trailers for upcoming episodes of strictly dancing, the voice  etc then digital TV would allow those folks to pay for  subscription. In any case, the TV tax also will become uncollectable, my brother lives in Hong Kong and receives all the BBC content for free. Furthermore, a proper independent BBC would make a fortune competing across the world and create corporation tax revenue rather than being a tax on the most vulnerable.  If the govt acts quickly, the revenues raised in the sale of the BBC could help ease the deficit and help correct the work of the Scottish PM.  


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Re: Local election results
« Reply #106 on: June 06, 2012, 11:38:45 PM »
But it not a little pressure group its a serious research based organisation. You sound as if you know nothing about the organisation other then its name and you think that you disagree with the premise of the organisatoion

I wish Stockport were a member as a CT payer this is exactly what I want my money being spent on.We all have to live as tax payers with expenditure we don't like.

I think we are over policed and would like to see cut to police pay and numbers but I live with my dislike of my money being spent that way as the price I pay for being a member of society

Duke Fame

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Re: Local election results
« Reply #105 on: June 06, 2012, 11:28:26 PM »
I don't believe the council tax payer in Manchester should be funding the likes of a Nuclear Free Local Secretariat & Policy and Research Officer whilst the council is claiming to be hard done to.

We have heard this tired old accusation so many times from Duke, and maybe it's time we had a few hard facts. There is an organisation called Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA).  This is their website:

As it happens, they rent a room in Manchester Town Hall.  Manchester City Council therefore makes a few quid in rent from this organisation. Sometimes jobs come up in NFLA. These jobs may appear at first glance to be city council jobs, but it ain't necessarily so! Get over it!  ;

And who finances those local authorities? The taxpayer! Why should the taxpayer finance a stupid little pressure group?


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Re: Local election results
« Reply #104 on: June 06, 2012, 11:10:17 PM »
Why give facts when the myth tells a better story. I suspect your wasting your time with the facts.


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Re: Local election results
« Reply #103 on: June 06, 2012, 11:01:14 PM »
I don't believe the council tax payer in Manchester should be funding the likes of a Nuclear Free Local Secretariat & Policy and Research Officer whilst the council is claiming to be hard done to.

We have heard this tired old accusation so many times from Duke, and maybe it's time we had a few hard facts. There is an organisation called Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA).  This is their website:

As it happens, they rent a room in Manchester Town Hall.  Manchester City Council therefore makes a few quid in rent from this organisation. Sometimes jobs come up in NFLA. These jobs may appear at first glance to be city council jobs, but it ain't necessarily so! Get over it!  ;)


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Re: Local election results
« Reply #102 on: June 06, 2012, 08:00:03 PM »
Where do Westminster get the money from?

Well from general taxation and borrowing. wahts your point?


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Re: Local election results
« Reply #101 on: June 06, 2012, 07:41:55 PM »
 Where do Westminster get the money from?