The Council is producing a plan to help enforce planning policies that guide appropriate, sustainable development.
The Enforcement DPD will set out how the Council should carry out its planning enforcement activities.
A period of consultation on the first stage of preparing this plan will be taking place for 6 weeks from 25th June 2012 to 6th August 2012 during which time all those interested in the plan are encouraged to comment.
The plan (called the ‘Enforcement DPD’) will assist in securing compliance with the Council’s adopted Core Strategy. It will become part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) and will provide the Borough-Wide framework for the Council taking formal Planning Enforcement action.
The Council has set down in a document called ‘The Enforcement DPD: Preferred Options’ its preferred approach to the prioritisation of enforcement cases in the Borough, the expectations of the Enforcement Service and how best to inform the Enforcement Service if you are concerned about development or the condition of a property. Your views are welcomed on the preferred options set out in the document.
How can you get more information and get involved?
All Enforcement DPD related documents are either available on our website (via or by contacting the Planning Policy Team. Comments can be submitted online, emailed or by post. You are strongly encouraged to make representations via the online version of the document, where you can also view comments submitted by other consultees.
The consultation documents include:
Enforcement DPD: Preferred Options
Sustainability Appraisal Report including:
Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environment Assessment
Sustainability Appraisal – Annex 1: Sustainability Wheel Outputs,
Sustainability Appraisal – Annex 2: Equalities Impact Assessment,
Appropriate Assessment / Habitats Regulations Assessment.
These can be seen at local libraries, Stockport Direct Local Centres, or at the Council’s Planning Reception (Fred Perry House, Edward Street, Stockport SK1 3UR).
For more information either visit our website or contact the Planning Policy Team on 0161 474 4395 between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Wood
Planning Policy Manager