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Author Topic: Where's Asda gone?  (Read 8473 times)

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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2012, 03:59:07 PM »
Im glad its gone,  I was telling someone I work with about the Asda topics on this forum, they came back to me the following morning and said they couldnt read what was fact and what was fiction, and there was too much bickering,  so ended up not reading it at all after so many pages .

P.s  ..... New hours of opening at Asda Hazel Grove,  7am  - 10pm Monday to Saturday .

Could be the same time as the Asda marple store .when will this go to planning .


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2012, 03:56:19 PM »
Common sense prevails!!

Please can we see an end to the tiresome and utterly unproductive forum topic which is/was "Tesco/ASDA" and instead use this forum to publicise community events, promote what resources we DO have and enjoy, celebrate local achievement and support the town in a sensible manner.

I only contribute to the "supermarket" thread to illustrate how daft it is.

If anyone wants to comment upon a planning application - be it for a supermarket, swimming pool, mansion or Ferris wheel, then for goodness' sake go to the Planning Department and leave your comments there.

What a relief to see such a dull and mindless thread finally [hopefully] removed!!

What's the point of having a website if you can't comment on serious issues .


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2012, 03:35:19 PM »
Well I liked it  :P


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2012, 03:29:35 PM »
Im glad its gone,  I was telling someone I work with about the Asda topics on this forum, they came back to me the following morning and said they couldnt read what was fact and what was fiction, and there was too much bickering,  so ended up not reading it at all after so many pages .

P.s  ..... New hours of opening at Asda Hazel Grove,  7am  - 10pm Monday to Saturday .


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2012, 02:39:17 PM »
Common sense prevails!!

Please can we see an end to the tiresome and utterly unproductive forum topic which is/was "Tesco/ASDA" and instead use this forum to publicise community events, promote what resources we DO have and enjoy, celebrate local achievement and support the town in a sensible manner.

I only contribute to the "supermarket" thread to illustrate how daft it is.

If anyone wants to comment upon a planning application - be it for a supermarket, swimming pool, mansion or Ferris wheel, then for goodness' sake go to the Planning Department and leave your comments there.

What a relief to see such a dull and mindless thread finally [hopefully] removed!!


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2012, 12:06:56 PM »
Do you know what Howard I completely agree  I don't think we need the topic ASDA / Tesco anymore the only thing I think we need is the locked topic 'latest news ' which Admin controls.   I have read back through some of my posts and cringe    MIA formed to raise awareness, which I know we have done and done it well.   Although make no mistake ASDA and the college read the threads proof of that is when Admin has been asked to remove items and also this was spoken about by myself with an ASDA rep on Sat who was well aware of the topic.
I say take it off it has run it's time

So how will we know when they have the plans past .why do you want it taken of could it be you think it's a lost cause .for Mia .(bet this is taken off) .

Miss Marple

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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2012, 10:32:23 AM »
Do you know what Howard I completely agree  I don't think we need the topic ASDA / Tesco anymore the only thing I think we need is the locked topic 'latest news ' which Admin controls.   I have read back through some of my posts and cringe    MIA formed to raise awareness, which I know we have done and done it well.   Although make no mistake ASDA and the college read the threads proof of that is when Admin has been asked to remove items and also this was spoken about by myself with an ASDA rep on Sat who was well aware of the topic.
I say take it off it has run it's time


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2012, 09:28:05 AM »
Hear, hear Howard!! :)


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 09:21:26 AM »
I sincerely hope that you will consider this fit to post.            


This website is paid for, run and managed by Mark (rather formally known as "admin" around these parts) on behalf of the people of Marple. As such, it is entirely his decision as to what happens to it and how it is run. With the emergence or the supermarket topic a year or so ago, Mark did not have the time to moderate the board by himself and he asked Lisa and me, as long time users of the forum, to assist with moderation.

Last weekend, with the meeting and the unveiling of the plans at the college , the number of related posts increased vastly. Initially posts were measured but quickly degenerated into point scoring and name calling. I was the only moderator "on duty" this weekend so I locked the thread at the point where the debate got out of hand and moved all subsequent posts, reasonable or not, into a moderators section. Please note, no threads are ever deleted from this board, they are just moved out of the public eye. My intention was to look at all the posts and move those which didn't breach the board's guidelines back to their original threads. I'm fairly certain that yours would be amongst those moved back.

However, before I could get around to that task, Mark took the supermarket thread offline as is his right. Once he decides how the debate should be reopened then I'm sure that he'll post about it on the "systems announcements" section of the board. Until then, there are many other less contentious threads on this board about the lovely town in which we live. It might be nice for all the new users of the forum who have arrived since the supermarket issue arrived to contribute to those.

the rover

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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2012, 08:41:18 AM »
I have also had posts removed. In the past I have expressed my opinion of work that I have had done by a local firm which was totally unacceptable and I thought I was being helpful by warning people but the post was removed as being offensive. I also would like the rules explained as it seems some people can post offensive posts and others cannot.


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2012, 08:24:02 AM »
Good post most of which I agree with Simone.


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2012, 08:13:15 AM »

As far as I am aware I have never used an obscenity or a swear word in any of my postings. I have never called anybody "stupid" or an "idiot" or any other name I can think of. Sometimes my own posts might stray a little from the point, sometimes they may even become incoherent and sometimes they contain, grammatical/punctuation/typo errors. 

Like many other posters on here I use this website(AND I AM GRATEFUL FOR IT BEING SET UP AND MANAGED) so that I can engage in a frank interchange of views with my neighbours. Sometimes these views are expressed with candour and sometimes they are expressed with passion and assertion. There is little point in engaging with people who do not believe in what they are saying and sometimes their human side shows in what they write, sometimes their personal prejudices come to the fore as sometimes mine do.

What does it matter if people do go a little "off topic" ? Where is the harm in it ? Some people are more literate than others, some people are more expressive than others. People have a variety of humour. One man's tragedy ia anothers hilarity What is wrong with a little "sniping" and what does "condescending post mean"...what exactly is wrong with being condescending anyway ? Some people are. The list of human difference is truly endless.

As I said earlier I am eternally grateful for all the work (probably unpaid) that you and your colleagues put into managing this site and I enjoy my interaction on it. Nevertheless, some recent posts were deleted by you, mine amongst them and I cannot understand why other than it seems you personally did not appreciate them. I am becoming increasingly perplexed by the rules in relation to this.  I accept that there cannot be a free for all and there has to be some rules but exactly what are they and who are they for,  would you be so kind as to explain ?   

I sincerely hope that you will consider this fit to post.             


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Re: Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2012, 11:43:55 PM »
Having returned from a weekend camping I've decided to take the supermarket forum off-line for review.

found this in System Announcements! hope it helps a little

Duke Fame

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Where's Asda gone?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 10:22:11 PM »
Ok, has Asda given up the plans now the thread has gone?