if CAMSFC closed then Marple Hall school (MHS) would probably open up a 6th Form. They would probably need to go for Academy status as that is the only way you can get funding for expansion these days. 6th Forms have already been established at New Mills & Poynton and very soon at Hazel Grove.
Well, New Mills and Poynton are in Derbyshire and East Cheshire respectively, where school sixth forms are the system, as opposed to 6th form colleges as in Stockport. So at those schools, the sixth forms have always been there. Hazel Grove High School has recently converted to an Academy, so they could develop a sixth form if they wanted to, and if they can get the capital funding. And the same would apply to Marple Hall, if they decided to convert - which as yet they have not.
I used to be pessimistic about the prospects for MHS to raise sufficient capital to accommodate enough sixth formers to replace camsfc, but it occurs to me that it might just be possible after all, if (and it's a big if) agreement could be reached between the EFA, camsfc governors, and the governors/trustees of a new MHS Academy. Crucial to this is the fact that the EFA is the funding body for both sixth-form colleges and Academies. I can see two possible scenarios (but others may see more):
1. Camsfc would sell off both the Hibbert Lane and Buxton Lane sites, and consolidate all of its operation at Cheadle. Some or all of the receipts for the disposal of the two Marple sites would revert to the EFA, who would use them to fund (or part-fund) a newly built sixth form facility at MHS Academy. Or....
2. MHS Academy would take over camsfc's Marple operation as it stands, and then gradually develop it, perhaps by selling off one or both of the college's Marple sites, and using the receipts to build a sixth-form facility on the current MHS campus.
Simple isn't it....... But it would have to be brokered by the EFA, and it would depend on the willingness of the camsfc governors to give up some assets, so don't hold your breath!