We shop at CostCo a few times a year for items like toilet paper; tin, most basic shopping that will last comes from CostCo. Then most weeks we have a Tesco delivery – we found that the cost of our food shopping went down when we started a weakly delivery as we plan meals better.
We make our own “everyday” bread in a bread maker; milk etc lasts for a week.
Our “top up” shopping tends to be salad if we have run out and nice bread with drips for lunch at the weekend.
I have found that Aldi tends to only sell “plastic” bread and is also limited on nice dips. I do like some of their wines and cold meats. Also it never seems to be very pleasant with lots of children running about and long queue, but I may have just picked bad times.
So if we are passing a Tesco we will do the “top up” there, or if we are passing a Waitrose we will shop there, otherwise we use the CoOp in Marple. Waitrose always seems expensive, but we don’t need to buy much when we go there.
Whenever I have an Amazon order to pickup from the CoOp I land up buying something from the CoOp.
Some people have little money so are forced to shop at the cheaper supermarket there are also forced to live in the cheaper housing. Along with most people in Marple we have the option to choose where we shop.
Before we started to use CostCo we used to buy a lot from Tesco when it was on offer, stocking up enough to last until the next offer, with CostCo we do not have to play these games.