I am puzzled by the position of MIA in relation to this proposal. They say “Marple in Action was formed to fight the proposal for a supermarket on Hibbert Lane and as such, does not position for or against a development on Chadwick Street”.
It has previously been stated that “MIA would welcome a new supermarket within the district centre of Marple to provide competition for the Co-op and choice for local residents. This would bring more people into Marple which can only be seen as a good thing for the community and local businesses. The issue with Hibbert Lane is that it is not within the retail zone, as laid down by the council and is just far enough away from the centre to draw shoppers away from other shops"
They would welcome a supermarket within the district centre but, for some reason, cannot bring themselves to welcome a supermarket in Chadwick Street? It can’t be for fear of losing some support from the residents of Chadwick Street, Church Street, etc, etc,, can it?