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Support for Kirkland’s town centre store plans
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 07:23:04 AM »
The following press release has been made by Kirkland Developments today:

Support for Kirkland’s town centre store plans

Stockport-based developer Kirkland Developments has today announced the results of the feedback gathered at its two-day public exhibition of its proposals for a foodstore in Marple town centre.

The public exhibitions displayed Kirkland’s proposals for a 25,000 net sq ft foodstore with an additional retail unit and 154 parking spaces in Marple town centre. The store, which is located on the site of the current Chadwick Street car park and Royal Mail depot, will be built into the ground with a rooftop car park at approximately the same level as the current car park.

Also on display at the exhibition was information highlighting that Kirkland strongly believes that Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College’s Marple campus at Buxton Lane can be redeveloped without the need for a new out of town Asda supermarket on the College’s Hibbert Lane site. Kirkland believes there is potential here for a new housing scheme as a viable alternative to an out of town store.

The consultation events, which took place on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 October, were attended by an estimated 550 people. Feedback forms were available for people to record their comments and of the 278 completed forms received over the two days, over 90% of respondents registered their support for the plans.

Rod Hogarth, Kirkland Developments’ Managing Director, said:
“We’re delighted with the results of the consultation so far. We’re extremely encouraged by the vast majority of people attending our exhibition supporting the proposals. This is a strong endorsement of our carefully designed store and sends a clear message to councillors. I would like to thank those who came along to the events and told us their views on our proposals. We made it clear at the exhibition that we are confident a redevelopment of the College can come forward without an out of town supermarket.

“We will now take away the comments that the community has made regarding our plans, particularly on highways matters, and assess where changes can be made to our application before it is submitted to Stockport Council. For those who were unable to attend the events, we will ensure that the information displayed at the exhibition is uploaded to our website as soon as possible.”

Further to the positive feedback received from feedback forms available at the exhibition, the invitation leaflets which were delivered to over 6,000 homes and businesses across Marple prior to the exhibition and which included a comment card have also revealed very strong support for the plans. To date, just under 600 cards have been returned and 85% of those respondents have registered their support for Kirkland’s proposals.

Rod Hogarth, Kirkland Developments’ Managing Director, added:
“This is further evidence of the high level of support that our proposals have gained from the Marple community. This makes for a compelling argument in the spirit of Localism in favour of our in-town store as opposed to Asda’s proposed out of town store.”

For more information, residents can visit or contact the dedicated community information line on 0161 247 8417.

Some figures accompanying the press release:

Answering the question ‘Are you in favour of a new foodstore in Marple town centre?’, those who completed a feedback form at the exhibition answered as follows:

Are you in favour of a new foodstore in Marple town centre?
Yes  155 (56%)
Yes, in part  98 (35%)
No 25 (9%)
Total  278

Answering the question ‘Are you in favour of a new foodstore in Marple town centre?’, those who completed a comment card attached to the leaflet inviting residents to the events answered as follows:

Are you in favour of a new foodstore in Marple town centre?

Yes  360 (62%)
Yes, in part  132 (23%)
No  85 (15%)
Total  577

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Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website