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Author Topic: Best resturants and pubs in marple  (Read 17862 times)

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Best resturants and pubs in marple
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2004, 11:53:11 PM »
Ah, but if you're halfway through a mouth-scalding vindaloo which is so hot your eyes are watering and you're sweating your nads off, ANY beer will taste like a good pint.

I agree though - I'd consider the Railway, the Hatters or the Ringers to pull the best pint. Any other offers?

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Best resturants and pubs in marple
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2004, 11:38:19 PM »
Pubs & Restaurants:- I must mention that the coment mentioned by LOOKING IN, re; the Kineray on Stockport Road, pull a good pint does not no what a good pint is. These restaurants in Marple,other than public houses only sell Keg beer, which is actualy just a big bottle
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Best resturants and pubs in marple
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2004, 03:14:52 PM »
The Edge is good for celebration meals (quite pricey).  Murillos - hmmmm - nice food, shame about the appalling service - at least it was on the sunny Saturday a couple of weeks ago.

I like Dolce Vita - good service, been going there for years.  

Brambles, when I last went in was unbearable due to people smoking, can't say much about it since it changed hands as pushchairs are banned.

Coffee Med - nice for snacks.  

That cafe on Derby Way opposite the chippy - not sure about the hygiene standards in there as the display never looks very clean and I saw something covered in mould once.

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Best resturants and pubs in marple
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2004, 12:55:05 PM »
The other Sunday lunchtime, I went into the Railway at Rose Hill.I had a most enjoyable snack lunch consisting of a cheeseburger accompanied by side salad. It was really delicious, soft fresh barm cake, fresh cheese and well cooked meat. The pub was immaculately clean, the air was clear and the customers all seemed jolly decent types.

The was an extensive lunchtime menu and I shall certainly go again.

Some landlords are missing out.

Yes I have also enjoyed a meal in the Kinnery Indian, but I would not say it is fantastic and it has been rather late when I have been in PM ish, and I had to put up with bad language, smoke and sick on the floor of the gents.

So by choice I will have a meal delivered by the Exotic Balti

Murillo's the Spanish was very nice as was "the edge" both quite expensive but the price was commensurate with quality.

Romantica is my preferred Italian.

Brambles tries hard, its a pity it is not more supported.

The Chinese restaurant is very nice, but that early evening menu keeps creeping up in price.


I cant honestly say that I enjoy the Marple fish and chips

I had chips from opposite Texaco they were not enjoyably hot

I will not go into the Chinese at the lights until they clean up that awful mess that shows through the frosted glass in what seems a storeroom, it looks awful.

The Derby chippy does not open in the evening apart from tea time on Friday.

I have not been to the one in the Hollins ever, as a result of something that was once said to me.

The Magic Wok is pretty good


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Best resturants and pubs in marple
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2004, 09:16:19 AM »
I'd second the comments about the Kinnary Indaian - also I find the Italian "La Romantica" (I think) on Derby Way excellent - better food than the much bigger Dolce Vita opposite the cinema.

Food in the "Ring O'Bells" isn't bad, but it was better a year or so ago - new chef? And Midlers on Brabyns Brow is very good indeed but also very pricey.

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Best resturants and pubs in marple
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2004, 09:05:46 PM »
I would strongly recommend the KINARAY on Stockport Road for eating in or home delivery.

They always produce top quality food, top service and pull a great pint.


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Best resturants and pubs in marple
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2004, 05:06:23 PM »
I'm moving to Marple and was wondering.....

Whats peoples opinion on which are the best restaurants to go to in Marple.

Plus which are the better boozers and the ones to avoid!

I know different people like different things but lets have your opinions