The latest guidance (September 2012) on the DES website for
maintained schools who wish to change their age-range by adding a sixth form states that there are five
statutory stages that the institution must follow:
1. consultation with stakeholders
2. publication of a statutory notice by the proposer
3. representation period, normally 4 weeks, but 6 weeks in specified circumstances
4. decision by the LA in most cases, otherwise by the schools adjudicator; and
5. implementation, if approved
I don’t know about the rest of you but I have not heard anything from the school or local authority about any consultation. I suppose there would still be time to do this for a September 2013 start if a “decision” has already been taken. However, I have been unable to find any minutes of Governor meetings on the school’s website – unlike the very clear section on the C&MSFC website. Ironic, given that the College has been lambasted and criticised for being “secretive” during the course of the past two years.
Here is the link to the DFE website….