"Interesting stuff" indeed in the council report, thank you for publishing it here, Mr Admin. To me, it shows the town has truly spoken with one voice on the issue - and the overwhelming verdict of residents is that we don't want a supermarket on the college site. Just look at the figures quoted in the report: just 73 letters of support, compared to almost 800 letters of objection sent to the council ... more than 8,000 signatories on the protest petition ... a further 297 objectors signed a newspaper petition against the plans. No petition received in support of the plan from the "yes campaign". It seems from the council report the only support petition was one carried out by Asda themselves at their local stores at Hazel Grove and Stockport. They managed to get just 284 signatures (and how many of those were Asda staff?) So let's show councillors and planning officials the depth of feeling in the town by attending the Wednesday February 6 area committee at Bowden Lane cricket club when they will be making their recommendations on the plan.