Simone, here are just a few of the issues that Marple Hall will need to address if they are to successfully introduce a new sixth form.
FUNDING: the current funding methodology of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) is extremely complicated and arcane. From September 2013 it is going to be replaced by an entirely new methodology which will present all colleges and sixth forms with huge challenges. Funding in further education is directly linked to student data.
DATA: once a sixth form is established there are onerous, regular and, once again, extremely complicated, data returns to be made to the EFA and, if adults are also recruited, to the Skills Funding Agency (SFA). As I have said, funding for the sixth form will be based upon data returns so it is vital that there are staff with adequate expertise in this area. Unfortunately, hiring such staff in a college environment is currently proving to be a very difficult task for many institutions.
TEACHING: given that there is currently no sixth element at MH there will need to be a huge programme of curriculum and staff development – choosing syllabuses, developing new teaching & learning materials, training teaching and support staff.
ACCOMMODATION: is there really loads of spare space at MH that sixth formers will just slot into? Would this be a very good experience for the students? Surely, the school would want to develop at least some dedicated space for a new sixth form? This needs to be planned, funded and delivered. As we have seen with the experience of Cheadle & Marple SFC this is easier said than done.
None of this is insurmountable but it’s no piece of cake either.