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Author Topic: Nuhope at Marple Hall School  (Read 58139 times)

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Miss C

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #49 on: March 12, 2013, 06:55:47 AM »
What is the link between the possible, unconfirmed exit of the Headteacher and the death of NUHOPE, Simone? That"s a bit of a leap!! Will everything else the ht introduced also die a death? Are there not other staff in the school driving forward changes? Will they not build on the success of the school? A friend of mine went to a coffee morning there last week where NUHOPE was the topic of discussion and she said it is clear that whilst a minority of students are struggling with it and a few parents too; the majority are of the opinion that it is raising standards and preparing youngsters for the real world where people don't bail you out everytime you need it. Obviously this is second hand but I believe her. Stop making irrational links. My guess would be that if teachers are behind it and can prove its helping kids, it will stay. No new boss is going to arrive in September and dismiss policies and procedures - I can't imagine that's the way to get your workforce on your side from the start.

chicken lady

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #48 on: March 12, 2013, 06:32:16 AM »
Perhaps they are both going - I feel another rumour coming on!


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #47 on: March 12, 2013, 06:04:38 AM »
1/ Headteacher at Rosehill has resigned.      

I thought it was the head teacher at Marple Hall School you were advising us about, not Rosehill?
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2013, 12:26:41 AM »
Bowden,JMC, Elpram,

Let us consider what is being denounced as rumour here.

Remember if we waited until everything was formally announced then we would have no advance warning about anything at all.

1/ Headteacher at Rosehill has resigned.
This is not a rumour it is an absolute fact. All the staff/ school management/governors are aware of the situation but they have been sworn to secrecy. This is why Loubylou got the hesitant response when she contacted the school. The original plan was to send a letter home with the children when they broke up for the Easter Holiday. That would have meant that;

a/ It was a surprise.
b/ The school would have been closed and would not have had to field questions from parents.
c/When the school re-opened, it would have been common knowledge and the fuss would have died down.

However there has now been some calls to the school asking about the situation which may have precipitated an official communication going out earlier before it does become common knowledge and embarasses the school because they have not informed parents. There is an impromptu meeting taking place later this week to decide which is the best course of action.

2/ MH 6th form. There was a plan to have such a facility, this is not a rumour either but obviously the immediate priority now is to find a new Headteacher. This only means that the plan is postponed not cancelled.  Please understand that you don't have be an academy to have a sixth form nor do you need to have a new building nor do you need initially to have an all singing all dancing 400 pupil facility, nor do you need masses of funding from the LA, nor can the LA stop you, nor would they want to, nor do you have to provide the provision from one site.

Let's think a little laterally eh and stop denouncing "intelligence" (just because it hasn't been announced officially and just because you personally are not aware of it ) as rumour !

As for Nuhope - Come September it's dead.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #45 on: March 11, 2013, 03:14:51 PM »
I too had heard a rumour that the head was leaving so I phoned the school. The receptionist said she had been told to reply to any enquiries on this subject that she wasn't free to discuss the matter but that a letter would be sent home with the pupils in the very near future. From our conversation I deduced that the rumour was true.

Bowden Guy

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #44 on: March 11, 2013, 10:50:06 AM »
You're ansolutely correct, JMC - it was a decision not to go for Academy status. However, you don't need to be an Academy to have a sixth form. Wouldn't it be interesting if the proceeds of the sale of Chadwick Street were (eventually) used to fund a new sixth form annex at Marple Hall (Chair of Governors, Cllr Shan Alexander) in direct competition with C&MSFC?


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #43 on: March 11, 2013, 10:22:15 AM »
We already know, from this Forum, that Cllr Alexander (who is on the School Governing Body) has confirmed that the school has been running an official consultation on Marple Hall creating a new sixth form. Strangely, I have seen nothing in the media about this......? Have parents been informed? The school does not publish the minutes of its Governor meeting on its website.

I seem to recall a note on the website that after consultation they decided against it. However that was a while back and may have been academy related.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #42 on: March 11, 2013, 10:16:00 AM »
This is the post that Bowden Guy refers to.
I took up the idea of emailing Shan Alexander and she has confirmed that the Local Authority has commenced a period of statutory consultation to, potentially, move to a system whereby indvidual schools could have their own sixth forms. I specifically asked whether this "consultation" was informal or statutory - she confirmed that it was statutory (whilst also emphasising the quality of our existing sixth form colleges in Stockport).    Has anyone seen any official notice of the consultation? An advert in the local press? A letter to Marple Hall parents?

As you see, it confirms what BG recalls, although the consultation is being conducted not by MHS but by the council on behalf of all its secondary schools, it seems.  But like BG, I have searched in vain for information about this, and find myself wondering whether it's happening at all, or whether it was Cllr Alexander just flying a kite.  Basically it seems far fetched, because it would need the council to find significant capital funds to build the necessary accommodation at MHS or any other maintained school wishing to open a sixth form, and I suspect the council isn't exactly awash with spare capital.  Of course, they should be getting something for the Chadwick Street supermarket site - but I don't think that will go very far!  So I think we should take these rumours about a 6th form at MHS with a big pinch of salt.  Unless the governors vote to become an Academy, I can't see it happening. 

Bowden Guy

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #41 on: March 11, 2013, 08:29:59 AM »
We already know, from this Forum, that Cllr Alexander (who is on the School Governing Body) has confirmed that the school has been running an official consultation on Marple Hall creating a new sixth form. Strangely, I have seen nothing in the media about this......? Have parents been informed? The school does not publish the minutes of its Governor meeting on its website.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #40 on: March 11, 2013, 07:25:45 AM »
I wouldn't ring the school just to confirm a rumour (which as said above it is unless it has been announced). Same with MHS becoming a 6th form. Until these things are announced they could just be rumours.

None of these are rumours both are facts. It is just that one will be announced much earlier than the other.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2013, 10:33:12 PM »
I wouldn't ring the school just to confirm a rumour (which as said above it is unless it has been announced). Same with MHS becoming a 6th form. Until these things are announced they could just be rumours.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #38 on: March 10, 2013, 07:57:53 PM »
If it's not common knowledge and the "source" is covert then I'd say it's gossip / rumour  :-X

We'll see if the students are informed tomorrow and if not, I'll call them up and ask if the rumour is true  ;)

My daughter will be hoping it is, as she doesn't like the fact that Nuhope is being extended to Y9, though I doubt a change in Head would alter that now...


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2013, 05:41:16 PM »
So, who told you then?

We've just done that one Bowden.

Bowden Guy

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2013, 05:22:42 PM »
So, who told you then?


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2013, 02:13:25 PM »
If you're that interested ( which I'm not by the way) I was just passing the information on.  I can assure you that it isn't gossip but it really doesn't matter to me whether you take my word or not. With respect , perhaps I just know a bit more about what's going on at the school than you or your kids do.

With two kids at the school I fully understand why it might be important to you - so why don't you contact the school and ask them ? Actually, what I would be interested in is their response. 

It is easy enough to do.

Anyway, in the scheme of things, Headteachers come and go, don't they ? You can't do anything about it so why worry ?