Bowden,JMC, Elpram,
Let us consider what is being denounced as rumour here.
Remember if we waited until everything was formally announced then we would have no advance warning about anything at all.
1/ Headteacher at Rosehill has resigned.
This is not a rumour it is an absolute fact. All the staff/ school management/governors are aware of the situation but they have been sworn to secrecy. This is why Loubylou got the hesitant response when she contacted the school. The original plan was to send a letter home with the children when they broke up for the Easter Holiday. That would have meant that;
a/ It was a surprise.
b/ The school would have been closed and would not have had to field questions from parents.
c/When the school re-opened, it would have been common knowledge and the fuss would have died down.
However there has now been some calls to the school asking about the situation which may have precipitated an official communication going out earlier before it does become common knowledge and embarasses the school because they have not informed parents. There is an impromptu meeting taking place later this week to decide which is the best course of action.
2/ MH 6th form. There was a plan to have such a facility, this is not a rumour either but obviously the immediate priority now is to find a new Headteacher. This only means that the plan is postponed not cancelled. Please understand that you don't have be an academy to have a sixth form nor do you need to have a new building nor do you need initially to have an all singing all dancing 400 pupil facility, nor do you need masses of funding from the LA, nor can the LA stop you, nor would they want to, nor do you have to provide the provision from one site.
Let's think a little laterally eh and stop denouncing "intelligence" (just because it hasn't been announced officially and just because you personally are not aware of it ) as rumour !
As for Nuhope - Come September it's dead.