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Author Topic: Nuhope at Marple Hall School  (Read 58180 times)

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #64 on: March 12, 2013, 06:33:02 PM »
Once again apologies JMC, yet again another typographical error and I can't even use the excuse of the Chablis, as I haven't had any yet.

I have absolutely no idea as to the gender nor to the identity of the new head. I don't even think he/she knows him/herself yet. If I did know I would say.

As for Nuhope I have never equated it being rescinded with the departure of the Head.  If you read my posts (try it Marplemum, Miss C) properly you will see that I have not said that. Others have attributed this to me but I HAVEN'T actually said it.The two issues are separate. What I have said is that the Head has resigned and Nuhope is dead, both of which are true, none of which is dependent upon the other.

Nuhope is not a long term policy for the school to build on it is an ancilliary pilot scheme implemented out of desperation 6 months ago against the least resistant (11yr olds) element of the school. It has created as many problems as it has solved, for the Children the Teachers and the Governors. Even you Marplemum and you Miss C must surely recognise that it now has to be either rescinded entirely or implemented across the whole school, eventually against young adults whom are approaching arguably the most critical time of their lives. These 15/16 year olds will not be anything like as compliant (an understatement) as to their 11 year old siblings when staff half -heartedly try to impose the same regime. This is now recognised and school managers ( I mean the real managers are in an absolute panic) sorry that they agreed to it and are desperately trying to find a way to drop it and keep face.

Parents were not consulted before it was introduced and they will not be consulted before it is withdrawn.     


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #63 on: March 12, 2013, 04:52:53 PM »
Interesting article.

How do you know the new head will be a 'he' Simone? very quick for them to have decided on a replacement so soon. However it is a relief if they have someone ready to step in.

As for NUHOPE I haven't any real opinion on it as it doesn't affect my children's years as yet. But I have heard good and bad things from friends. I would though be in support of zero tolerance on bullying and bad behaviour though. So many primaries now, including my others children's, have a ridiculous 'no blame' policy where bullies are not told off whatsoever (even in cases of violence/racism etc) and the victim is expected to 'work together' to resolve the issue. This is even though anti bullying charities say this does not work and bullies seem to 'get away with it'.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #62 on: March 12, 2013, 01:26:08 PM »
Quite an interesting article from the TES here on the very


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2013, 01:06:03 PM »
I certainly agree with you Bowden when you say that these issues would not be easy to address. I also agree with you when you say they would not be "unsurmountable".

As I have said the unexpected turn of developments with the HT's resignation will now mean that this is not the school's priority for the moment. The new HT will not be in post until September and will probably not be settled until some time after that. None of us know at this stage what he will bring to the table. What was a burning issue one month ago is now on the back burner so if we are interested in MH and its 6th form we will just have to be patient.     

Bowden Guy

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2013, 12:42:08 PM »
Simone, here are just a few of the issues that Marple Hall will need to address if they are to successfully introduce a new sixth form.

FUNDING: the current funding methodology of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) is extremely complicated and arcane. From September 2013 it is going to be replaced by an entirely new methodology which will present all colleges and sixth forms with huge challenges. Funding in further education is directly linked to student data.

DATA: once a sixth form is established there are onerous, regular and, once again, extremely complicated, data returns to be made to the EFA and, if adults are also recruited, to the Skills Funding Agency (SFA). As I have said, funding for the sixth form will be based upon data returns so it is vital that there are staff with adequate expertise in this area. Unfortunately, hiring such staff in a college environment is currently proving to be a very difficult task for many institutions.

TEACHING: given that there is currently no sixth element at MH there will need to be a huge programme of curriculum and staff development – choosing syllabuses, developing new teaching & learning materials, training teaching and support staff.

ACCOMMODATION: is there really loads of spare space at MH that sixth formers will just slot into? Would this be a very good experience for the students? Surely, the school would want to develop at least some dedicated space for a new sixth form? This needs to be planned, funded and delivered. As we have seen with the experience of Cheadle & Marple SFC this is easier said than done.

None of this is insurmountable but it’s no piece of cake either.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #59 on: March 12, 2013, 12:13:38 PM »
A pretty simple question Simone and not wishing to labour the point.

Why is NUHOPE dead in September?


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #58 on: March 12, 2013, 12:09:11 PM »
Miss C,

Asking you not to ..."labour the point"is not an indication of anything, other than to point out that you are labouring the point.

Miss C

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #57 on: March 12, 2013, 11:56:30 AM »
Simons Im not labouring he point. I'm asking you to explain why the departure of the head equates to the death of NUHOPE. Asking me not to labour the point is simply an indication that you realise that the former does not mean the latter will happen.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #56 on: March 12, 2013, 11:25:14 AM »

Simone, I usually read your posts with interest and generally agree with a lot of the points you make.  However, I do feel that on this occasion you completely wrong in your very wild assumptions if you think NUHOPE will be dead and buried in September just because there is a change of Head.  From all the information I hear, it seems NUHOPE is pretty well supported by the majority of parents.  I have stated before, I wish there had been something similar when my children were there.

You admitted it yourself.......too much chablis!


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #55 on: March 12, 2013, 11:22:41 AM »
Miss C,

Let us not labour the points now, I believe that I have made mine most emphatically.   

Miss C

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #54 on: March 12, 2013, 10:46:40 AM »
Simone, maybe the head is leaving, I wasn't particularly commenting on that. There is generally no smoke without fire in these situations. However, the leap Im talking about is you saying that NUHOPE is dead from September if the head goes. This is certainly a leap and I don't believe for a single second you have anything to back this leap up with. If a head leaves any school, a new head wouldn't get rid of ways of working that have been embraced by the school. That is a ridiculous assumption. Especially given my evidence that staff and many parents are behind it.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #53 on: March 12, 2013, 09:59:12 AM »
Simone, you say that there has been a "plan" to have a sixth form at Marple Hall School. If so, do you know if the plan has been discussed and approved by the Governing Body, of which Cllr Alexander is the Chair? You are obviously aware that no such plan can come to fruition without a statutory period of consultation which would allow formal objections to be made, not least from Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College. Cllr Alexander has made it clear that the Authority is in the process of conducting this consultation but where is the evidence that people are being given the opportunity to provide feedback? It strikes me that, if they decide to go ahead, they will have not followed due process.

I also think you are seriously underestimating the issues surrounding tyhe opening of a new sixth form but no doubt you are an expert at this.

Bowden, as I have previously said the school's priority will now transfer to finding a new Headteacher. As this is something that was unexpected and unplanned for I expect it to divert the school managers'  attention from the 6th form issue. Inasmuch that all will be postponed for the time being until this appointment is resolved,ratified and settled. Nothing I have said contradicts what the Chair of Governors has said and also in my experience I have seen many things happen without due adherence to consultation as I expect you have. Consultation is often; do it, pretend you haven't done it, then ask if you can do it knowing that you've done it anyway. I am not saying that this is the case here but I wouldn't put my faith in local authority consultation - statutory or otherwise.

Why do you suggest that I am,  ...."seriously underestimating the issues"...

What do YOU think that they are ?         


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #52 on: March 12, 2013, 09:29:07 AM »
What is the link between the possible, unconfirmed exit of the Headteacher and the death of NUHOPE, Simone? That"s a bit of a leap!! Will everything else the ht introduced also die a death? Are there not other staff in the school driving forward changes? Will they not build on the success of the school? A friend of mine went to a coffee morning there last week where NUHOPE was the topic of discussion and she said it is clear that whilst a minority of students are struggling with it and a few parents too; the majority are of the opinion that it is raising standards and preparing youngsters for the real world where people don't bail you out everytime you need it. Obviously this is second hand but I believe her. Stop making irrational links. My guess would be that if teachers are behind it and can prove its helping kids, it will stay. No new boss is going to arrive in September and dismiss policies and procedures - I can't imagine that's the way to get your workforce on your side from the start.

It's not really any kind of "leap" at all. There are no "irrational links" Miss C, they are all based on some knowledge. Nevertheless, your "guess" and your coffee morning friend's perception is interesting and both would be respected if it wasn't for the fundamental fact that neither of you appear (even now) to know that your own Headteacher has resigned.  This suggests to me that you don't really know what's going on and you are in fact widly guessing. Furthermore I am sure you will agree that this oblivion of yours does little to give us any confidence in your assertions and theories. 

Anyway, I have done my best to inform, I will now allow events to unfold and speak for themselves.   

Bowden Guy

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #51 on: March 12, 2013, 08:47:01 AM »
Simone, you say that there has been a "plan" to have a sixth form at Marple Hall School. If so, do you know if the plan has been discussed and approved by the Governing Body, of which Cllr Alexander is the Chair? You are obviously aware that no such plan can come to fruition without a statutory period of consultation which would allow formal objections to be made, not least from Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College. Cllr Alexander has made it clear that the Authority is in the process of conducting this consultation but where is the evidence that people are being given the opportunity to provide feedback? It strikes me that, if they decide to go ahead, they will have not followed due process.

I also think you are seriously underestimating the issues surrounding tyhe opening of a new sixth form but no doubt you are an expert at this.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2013, 08:07:18 AM »
1/ Headteacher at Rosehill has resigned.       

I thought it was the head teacher at Marple Hall School you were advising us about, not Rosehill?

Apologies to all, typographical error, late at night and too much Chablis. I have no knowledge of Rosehill whatsoever. I meant Marple Hall.