Bowden, don't be so sensitive. Did I get upset when you said that I was; "below the belt", " pathetic", "infantile" of course I didn't. I knew that you were only expressing yourself in your own way. By the way if you were in Nuhope you'd be in detention for saying those things and if you were in 1960's Nuhope which they are planning on bringing back at MH next year you would have had to take a beating.
As we are on the subject of inference, does the perception of it belong to the donor or the recipient ?
It would be most helpful if people would respond to what they should have actually read instead of what they think they have read. I didn't call anybody a "fascist" nor was I ..."throwing the word about". What I actually said was quite deliberately about the phrase "on task" and that it has its origins in fascism - which it does, I looked it up in an "origin of word book" - sad I know. Just because somebody used a phrase that has etymological origins in fascism doesn't mean I think that they are one.
If you used a word that had etymological origins in say latin (which is virtually every other one in the English language) I wouldn't conclude from that, that you were the Pope.
Anyway, I've run out of Chablis so I'm off out. Apparently, according to Dave & Tricky there is an Iron Maiden buying everybody drink in Stockport so I'm off to find her.