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Author Topic: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?  (Read 36207 times)

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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #35 on: March 10, 2013, 08:23:01 AM »
I disagree Duke, the car parks in Marple are the opposite of "scarcely populated" perhaps you've been visiting them in the wee small hours, does the duchess know about this?

A couple of weeks ago (it was Friday about 1pm) I couldn't get a space in the co-op so I parked in Chadwick Street and it was three-quarters full. My point is that when the supermarket arrives the effect will be that traffic that normally disperses from Marple will now converge upon it. I don't know anything about traffic design schemes and I don't think that you do either but Belly seems to be knowledgeable and he appears to be worried. So I'm going to have to side with him in the hope that he's wrong and you're right.   


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2013, 07:19:26 PM »
The car parks for the shops are scarcely populated and the one at Derby Lane could easily be re-designed to doulbe it's capacity.

The entrance from the main road will, I assume, be restricted to deliveries and the whole shopping area will be opened up.

1. Scarcely populated? Really? Have you been into Marple on a Saturday morning recently. They are mainly full apart from Chadwick Street, with the Coop in particular (now it is temporarily free) copping it massively.

2. Can we see you design for doubling Derby Way car park? I'm sure that the Council will be fascinated.

3. Why not look at the approved plans, if you want to understand what the scheme would look like.

Duke Fame

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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2013, 03:10:32 PM »
They do have land banks of course. What about the small matter of developing the College Dave - why would they do that ? 

In order to make Hibbert Lane part of any Asda 'land bank', they would obviously have to buy it, for the 12 million which, we are told, has been agreed.  In doing so, they would be funding the college's Buxton Lane scheme.  It's as simple as that! 

They are not going to pay 12m for the land without planning permission. The only likely development allowed on that land without a fight is housing and maybe a gym complex, Nobeody will pay £12m for that.

Duke Fame

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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2013, 03:06:46 PM »
Furthermore, I don't really mind where they put the ASDA or whatever it turns out to be.

To me both those sights are problematic. In my opinion if they put it on Trinity Street it has the potential to be an absolute traffic disaster. If they put it on Hibbert Lane it has the potential to damage the Town Centre and in 3/4 years time I can see it being joined by a group of other retailers. So in effect we will have an out of town shopping centre just like the one they have at the Fort in Cheetham Hill or Ashton or LLandudno or a thousand other places. Only it won't really be an "out of town" one because it'll be 300 metres from the town centre. The only good thing is we get the College out of it. But I don't really want to live in Cheetham Hill, I mean I'm sure the people are lovely and they've got some nice pubs and restaurants but I prefer Marple.        

I go to Cheetham hill quite often, they have some pretty authentic Chinese & Indian Sub-continental eating places but not much else.

I don't see a traffic disaster Simon(e). The car parks for the shops are scarcely populated and the one at Derby Lane could easily be re-designed to doulbe it's capacity.

The entrance from the main road will, I assume, be restricted to deliveries and the whole shopping area will be opened up.


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2013, 06:59:34 AM »
Think you need to update the picture of Stalybridge, We have new shops open and a farmers market every month.

Duke Fame

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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2013, 10:44:20 PM »
I can't see objections from any area.

I am pretty sure segments of MIA would object purely because it is an Asda/'cheap end' store. They are always going on about the ethics of Walmart etc (simelar to what they did about Tesco when they though it was Tesco after HL). Although of course they have already shot themselves in the foot by saying they do not object to a supermarket JUST one on HL. I have a feeling if HL was turned down at appeal and Asda did go for Kirkland then they would object then on grounds of traffic, threat to other small stores etc. Pretty sure Co-op would also object. Although admittedly none of these potential objecters carry much weight.

It was always obvious that Asda would have to go to appeal. They could still win, it has happened in many towns with simelar scenarios. Let's hope they do win.

Do you think if I were marks and spencer or waitrose or even booths .that wanted to build on the ridge .they would have been any objections .have MIA just this obsession with ASDA .

I've not seen MIA object to anything other than a supermarket of any colour on the site. As Simone says, MIA are irrelevant but the concerns they raise are relevant. It's a bit silly to turn this into some inverted snobbery.


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2013, 10:30:02 AM »
Sorry, I evidently didn't make my point clearly enough!  I was just trying to point out out that if (and it's a very big 'if'!) Asda decide to buy Hibbert Lane even without planning consent, in order to stop any other supermarket taking Chadwick Street, the 12 million which they would have to pay for it would fund the college's Buxton Lane development.  That's all.

But hey, this is all just speculation - as ever.......   ;D


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2013, 09:21:20 AM »
They do have land banks of course. What about the small matter of developing the College Dave - why would they do that ? 

In order to make Hibbert Lane part of any Asda 'land bank', they would obviously have to buy it, for the 12 million which, we are told, has been agreed.  In doing so, they would be funding the college's Buxton Lane scheme.  It's as simple as that! 

That's it then, as you say Dave ..."simple as that".

Neither CAMSFC nor ASDA have got any problems whatsoever and we can all expect to see both of them open and trading by summer 2016.   

I can't wait.


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2013, 09:33:22 PM »
They do have land banks of course. What about the small matter of developing the College Dave - why would they do that ? 

In order to make Hibbert Lane part of any Asda 'land bank', they would obviously have to buy it, for the 12 million which, we are told, has been agreed.  In doing so, they would be funding the college's Buxton Lane scheme.  It's as simple as that! 


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2013, 08:37:24 PM »
I can't see objections from any area.

I am pretty sure segments of MIA would object purely because it is an Sada/'cheap end' store. They are always going on about the ethics of Walmart etc (simelar to what they did about Tesco when they though it was Tesco after HL). Although of course they have already shot themselves in the foot by saying they do not object to a supermarket JUST one on HL. I have a feeling if HL was turned down at appeal and Asda did go for Kirkland then they would object then on grounds of traffic, threat to other small stores etc. Pretty sure Co-op would also object. Although admittedly none of these potential objecters carry much weight.

It was always obvious that Asda would have to go to appeal. They could still win, it has happened in many towns with simelar scenarios. Let's hope they do win.

Do you think if I were marks and spencer or waitrose or even booths .that wanted to build on the ridge .they would have been any objections .have MIA just this obsession with ASDA .
You ask have MIA an obsession with Asda? I ask have you an obsession with MIA?

Non whatever . If I ask them they don't reply .
Ask them what?


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2013, 08:09:14 PM »
I can't see objections from any area.

I am pretty sure segments of MIA would object purely because it is an Sada/'cheap end' store. They are always going on about the ethics of Walmart etc (simelar to what they did about Tesco when they though it was Tesco after HL). Although of course they have already shot themselves in the foot by saying they do not object to a supermarket JUST one on HL. I have a feeling if HL was turned down at appeal and Asda did go for Kirkland then they would object then on grounds of traffic, threat to other small stores etc. Pretty sure Co-op would also object. Although admittedly none of these potential objecters carry much weight.

It was always obvious that Asda would have to go to appeal. They could still win, it has happened in many towns with simelar scenarios. Let's hope they do win.

Do you think if I were marks and spencer or waitrose or even booths .that wanted to build on the ridge .they would have been any objections .have MIA just this obsession with ASDA .
You ask have MIA an obsession with Asda? I ask have you an obsession with MIA?

Non whatever . If I ask them they don't reply .

the rover

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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2013, 06:34:39 PM »
It's not altruism, Simone, and neither is it philanthropy.   Supermarkets are well known for hoarding land - they call them 'land banks'.  They do it for all sorts of reasons, but especially for keeping the competition out.  If they decide that by buying the land and sitting tight they could end up getting planning consent after all, I wouldn't put it past them. 

A prime example of a supermarket/company keeping the competition out is the Co-Op, they own what used to be the supermarket building, part of which is now Costco. How many years has that building been kept empty by the Co-Op?


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2013, 06:23:38 PM »
If they put it on Hibbert Lane it has the potential to damage the Town Centre

On the other hand it could save/help the town centre? If it keeps people doing their shopping local. The more businesses coming here the better?

That didn't work too well in Stalybridge when Tesco arrived.


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2013, 06:13:04 PM »
I can't see objections from any area.

I am pretty sure segments of MIA would object purely because it is an Asda/'cheap end' store. They are always going on about the ethics of Walmart etc (simelar to what they did about Tesco when they though it was Tesco after HL). Although of course they have already shot themselves in the foot by saying they do not object to a supermarket JUST one on HL. I have a feeling if HL was turned down at appeal and Asda did go for Kirkland then they would object then on grounds of traffic, threat to other small stores etc. Pretty sure Co-op would also object. Although admittedly none of these potential objecters carry much weight.

It was always obvious that Asda would have to go to appeal. They could still win, it has happened in many towns with simelar scenarios. Let's hope they do win.

Do you think if I were marks and spencer or waitrose or even booths .that wanted to build on the ridge .they would have been any objections .have MIA just this obsession with ASDA .
You ask have MIA an obsession with Asda? I ask have you an obsession with MIA?


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Re: ASDA to snap up the Chadwick Street site ?
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2013, 06:06:40 PM »
If they put it on Hibbert Lane it has the potential to damage the Town Centre

On the other hand it could save/help the town centre? If it keeps people doing their shopping local. The more businesses coming here the better?