Michelle Reynolds Podiatrist, Marple

Author Topic: Smoking  (Read 9472 times)

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« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2004, 04:39:01 PM »
Hi I have been off line for a few months so I am playing catch up, this is one I need to reply too.

First off I am a smoker and yes I do agree that it is a bad habbit, but some of us can't get off it.

What I want to say is, Just how many cafe's are there in Marple? six that I know of and if there is only one that still has a thought for us smokers then I say good for them at least we still have somewhere to go for a cup of tea, and all the none smokers can take a pick of all the others, just because you don't smoke does not give you the right to dictate to us that do smoke.

As for killing people, many things in our air kills us, Drunks can, druggies can, car fumes can just to name a few of lifes portential killers but are you going to ban all of these NO just us smokers.

We smokers don't go out and rob, mug, batter or kill just to get money for cigs, but some druggies do.

We don't walk arround and shout abuse at people, But some drunks do and also some kill and it can be in many ways, just because they feel like it or because they are drink driving etc.

Car's well they also cause air pollution that can kill.
Will you ban these No because you need your car, just like I need my cigs, I don't smoke because I want to and the only way I will be able to stop is if the goverment bans cigs altogether, but they wont do that because they will loose to much money.

Just to let you know, if I ever go any place and someone ask's me not to smoke, then I don't, I respect there wish, and that to me is right, and in my way of thinking is the way it should be done.

Most places now have a no smoking policy ans we smokers on the whole do as requested, why not just leave it at that then we all can have some peace.


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« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2004, 03:03:05 PM »
Anyone remember the 'stir' in the Seventies when the then-landlord of the Royal Oak, Mellor decided to have a non-smoking ROOM! As I recall, it quickly became the most popular room in the pub!

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« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2004, 02:32:23 PM »
I would have thought that the policing of  such a law or bylaw,should it come into effect would become the responsibility of the environmental health department and not the police.

I am very pleased that the landlord of the Navigation has provided a smoke free area for those who wish to use it.


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« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2004, 02:25:25 PM »
There's some confusion around this issue.

The police don't need to check up on buses and trains etc, because smoking on them isn't actually illegal.  This is the way that bars and restaurants need to go, surely - a regulation imposed voluntarily by the proprietors, and if you don't comply with it then you get thrown off the bus or out of the pub.  If we all carry on voting with our feet and avoiding smoky pubs, the owners should get the message.

I don't smoke, but some of my friends do, and it saddens me that they are increasingly being made to feel like outcasts. We need to be tolerant of the bad habits of others, if we want them to tolerate ours  (end of sermon!'<img'>.


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« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2004, 11:11:00 AM »
I'm with Harry on this one.  There is already a cafe in Marple that I refuse to go into because of the smoking.  We opened the door to go in and the amount of smoke coming out made it look like it was on fire.  Its a filthy habit, it makes my clothes stink and kills........there you've got me all wound up now.


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« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2004, 08:34:52 AM »
Agreed Harry.

(I suspect this could become a long topic)

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« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2004, 08:28:13 AM »
Never mind the 'freedom of the individual'.

What about the right of the majority to breath smoke free air ?

The police would not be policing the pubs and restaurants, any more than they need to police the buses, trains, hospitals, libraries, etc.  

Accept it. Smoking is no longer socially acceptable.


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« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2004, 08:24:22 PM »
According to this week's Stockport papers, the Council wants to ban smoking in pubs and restaurants.  When you read the article, it becomes clear that the Council hasn't actually considered this issue yet - but our Director of Public Health and the Council Leader have both told the press that they would support a ban.

So there is still time for those of us who believe in the freedom of the individual to write to our councillors and tell them that we think the police have got more important things to do than go round the pubs of Marple trying to catch someone having an illegal smoke.
