Why would anyone want to do that when they can order from Amazon at a fraction of the price and get it quicker than the bookshop can.
Why would anyone buy anything in a shop when you can sit at home and do it.
Suffer from agoraphobia, anthropophobia or does you wife just not let you out of the house?
Amazon won't let you browse the book to decide whether you want it or not or discuss the author with you, or suggest other things you might like, because you are a regular customer so they know. The "look inside" feature is useless as it only shows a fraction of the content and the reviews from other people aren't always useful. I do use Amazon occasionally but only when I want a book which is long out of print.
Why would anyone buy anything at home when you can get out in the fresh air, meet friends, chat to strangers, hear local gossip and news, get specialist advice on what you're buying and support your local shopkeepers.