Hello Mark
Presumably because of my interest in Connect2 and the wider issues of cycling I was approached on how I would react to a kissing gate or something similar on the access point to Connect 2 at the junction of Marina Drive and Marple Hall Drive. The purpose of the kissing gate is to prevent use by cyclists and horse-riders, there was no mention of motor-bikes. My initial reaction was that this was no great problem to people travelling between Chadkirk and Marple and the Middlewood Way. However when I looked at the A-Z I realised this could be of considerable inconvenience to those living in the neighbouring estate. Of course the passage of cyclists through this access point may be causing great distress to all those living in the vicinity, but there had been objection to Connect2 from this area which was obviously over-ruled. So if it is only one person's anti-social attitude that is trying to bring about this change then I think it is up to the residents of the area and the cyclists and horse-riders already using the route to put their point of view to those making the decisions.
This brings up a wider issue of public information. I have asked Councillors before if they read the Marple Web Site. The reaction is No, partly because they say the Council supplied computers won't let them access this or similar sites, and partly because they are inundated with complaints to take on further issues. Unfortunately this often results in things happening before the majority of people whom it affects ever get to know of them, and then of course it is too late. If there is any formal way issues such as the one above can be brought to the general attention and be discussed democratically before the Council takes its own decision instead of having to really on hearsay this would be of great help to the community.