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Author Topic: Visiting Chadkirk  (Read 4894 times)

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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2013, 07:09:49 PM »

Who can people contact to object to the 'kissing gate/barrier', or is it too late?

anybody any pictures of this so called kissing gate .

Unsure whether these are the ones being debated, but it shows a couple of kissing gates at Chadkirk.


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2013, 06:34:11 PM »

Who can people contact to object to the 'kissing gate/barrier', or is it too late?

anybody any pictures of this so called kissing gate .


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2013, 06:21:31 PM »
As I understand it, if the subject were to be brought up at the area Committee then someone from the public would have to table a question. Once the question has been put it is up to the Committee to discuss the issue, but the questioner has no opportunity to then question the committee's deliberations and possible decision. It would require another member of the public to have prepared and submitted a further question. It all seems well organised to prevent members of the public airing their views freely which is why it seems logical to try to get the discussion within the WebSite and hopefully come to some majority conclusion that could be put to the Council with the knowledge it is a majority wish of the community and not just a reaction by the committee to one person's own agenda without consultation of the rest of the community.


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2013, 06:05:07 PM »

Who can people contact to object to the 'kissing gate/barrier', or is it too late?


I don't know how these things work, but could discussion of it take place within Marple Area Committee meeting?  A non-supermarket item on the agenda, shocker.  :o


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2013, 11:42:41 AM »
Hello Lily

I suggest your local Councillors, their email addresses will be on the MBC website, and I suggest all relevant Councillors as this problem may require a conflict of interest declaration if one or more live in the area under discussion.  Also Stockport's Rights of Way Officer at stockportdirect@stockport.gov.uk


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2013, 11:12:50 AM »

Who can people contact to object to the 'kissing gate/barrier', or is it too late?



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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2013, 09:37:08 AM »
Hello Mark

Presumably because of my interest in Connect2 and the wider issues of cycling I was approached on how I would react to a kissing gate or something similar on the access point to Connect 2 at the junction of Marina Drive and Marple Hall Drive. The purpose of the kissing gate is to prevent use by cyclists and horse-riders, there was no mention of motor-bikes.  My initial reaction was that this was no great problem to people travelling between Chadkirk and Marple and the Middlewood Way. However when I looked at the A-Z I realised this could be of considerable inconvenience to those living in the neighbouring estate. Of course the passage of cyclists through this access point may be causing great distress to all those living in the vicinity, but there had been objection to Connect2 from this area which was obviously over-ruled. So if it is only one person's anti-social attitude that is trying to bring about this change then I think it is up to the residents of the area and the cyclists and horse-riders already using the route to put their point of view to those making the decisions.

This brings up a wider issue of public information. I have asked Councillors before if they read the Marple Web Site. The reaction is No, partly because they say the Council supplied computers won't let them access this or similar sites, and partly because they are inundated with complaints to take on further issues. Unfortunately this often results in things happening before the majority of people whom it affects ever get to know of them, and then of course it is too late. If there is any formal way issues such as the one above can be brought to the general attention and be discussed democratically before the Council takes its own decision instead of having to really on hearsay this would be of great help to the community.


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 12:45:17 PM »
I (mis)interpreted(?) from your first post CTREP that this had been done already but your second post seems to suggest that it is a proposal. Can you clarify the current situation please?
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 12:10:04 PM »
My information was that it was going to be proposed to introduce a kissing gate or similar in order to stop cyclists and horse riders using that access point. If this were to go ahead then people with prams etc could also be affected. It is unfortunate that Councillors do not regularly use this forum to keep everyone informed on what is proposed for Marple, then everyone in the area could have their say on any problems that may arise, instead of the Councillors only hearing from those who often object to everything.


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 11:08:30 AM »
Are you sure the intention is not to try and stop motorbikes?

My understanding that your correct on that. I use the bridge a lot and the barriers are no problem at all. They might be for a trike/recumbent or tandam mind you.


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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 08:35:54 AM »
Are you sure the intention is not to try and stop motorbikes?
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

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Re: Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 08:23:34 AM »
The Council have been persuaded, presumably by people who were opposed to the Connect2 scheme, to place some form of barrier to cyclists to prevent them from accessing the route from the junction of Marina Drive and  Marple Hall Drive.  Whilst this will be no great disadvantage to the majority of cyclists, I do wonder what the local residents of that area will think when they will have to cycle, or drive a motorbility scooter up to Claremont Avenue and then return down Hilltop Drive in order to follow the route down to Chadkirk, and hopefully eventually into Stockport.

I've never known such a fuss about a cycle path, what's the objection?


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Visiting Chadkirk
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 06:53:24 PM »
The Council have been persuaded, presumably by people who were opposed to the Connect2 scheme, to place some form of barrier to cyclists to prevent them from accessing the route from the junction of Marina Drive and  Marple Hall Drive.  Whilst this will be no great disadvantage to the majority of cyclists, I do wonder what the local residents of that area will think when they will have to cycle, or drive a motorbility scooter up to Claremont Avenue and then return down Hilltop Drive in order to follow the route down to Chadkirk, and hopefully eventually into Stockport.